Areas of Study

English Language Institute Application Instructions

English Language Institute Apply to Gallaudet How to apply Our instruction page is your go-to resource for understanding the application process and requirements. From eligibility criteria to application deadlines, we cover it all in clear and simple language. Plus, we've made our content accessible to...

Investing in and Caring for Our Community

Our Work At the very heart of Gallaudet University is a strong, passionate, and committed community like no other: students 0 + employees 0 + faculty 0 + alumni 0 + Gallaudet University could not be prouder of this community. University leadership, from the Board...

English Language Institute

Learn literacy skills through the English Language Institute & get admitted into Gallaudet or another university to succeed in your future.

Campus Contacts

Contact Gallaudet University with your questions, comments, or concerns and we will put you in touch with an expert staff member to assist you.

General Education

Gallaudet's undergraduate general education delivers courses & explorations at the intersection of deaf identity and bilingualism.


Flexible Spending Account

A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is an employee benefit that allows you to set aside money, on a pre-tax basis, for certain kinds of common expenses. With an FSA, you can reduce your taxes while paying for services you'd have to pay for anyway. FSAFEDS...

How to Pay Your Student Account Balance

Please click the link to view options on paying your student account balance.

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