Areas of Study

Roles and Responsibilities

If you have been identified as a Floor/Building Captain by the President, Provost, and/or Vice President of Administration and Finance, your assistance is of utmost importance during a Level One Emergency.

Crisis Leadership Team

  • Created by authority of the President.
  • Consists of members of senior management and representatives who are in the best position to respond to an emergency.
  • Nine core members include:
    • President Provost (Chair)
    • Vice President, Administration and Finance
    • Executive Director, Services
    • Dean, Student Affairs
    • Dean, Clerc Center
    • Director, Public Relations
    • Director, Mental Health Center
    • Executive Assistant to the President
  • Meets regularly during the year and when a crisis occurs
  • Invites additional members to meetings during a crisis as support members
  • Has jurisdiction for handling Level One and Level Two emergencies, or incidents demanding special attention and meeting the definition of major crisis, emergency or disaster.


Level One Emergency – University Crisis

  • A major emergency, major crisis or disaster that requires an extensive response and commitment of resources from many departments/units and usually requires outside assistance. It is also an event or activity with the potential to negatively affect the reputation or credibility of the University.
  • Crisis Leadership Team is responsible for making decisions to resolve a Level One Emergency.
  • Potential Level One Emergencies
    • Building Damage from Tornado
    • Caller claims several bombs planted throughout the campus
    • Major residence hall fire
    • Hostage situation on campus
    • Civil disturbance
    • Bio-terrorism attack
    • D.C. Evacuation

People always say “I never thought this would happen”. It can happen. If you wait, you will be a couple of steps behind when it does.

Floor/Building Captains

  • An effective and efficient response to an emergency requires the assistance of University personnel at all levels.
  • Those include the CLT, Essential Staff, and Floor/Building Captains.
  • Will be notified in person, by phone, or by Gallaudet Alert (listserv sends announcement to email, pagers, cell phones (with text capability), and PDAs.

Overview of Gallaudet Emergency Response Plan

  • DPS must be contacted immediately in any emergency situation.
  • The Field House is our primary evacuation site; GUKCC is the secondary site.
  • University Notification System
  • Emergency Preparedness Manual and Guide is for reference and guidance purposes. It allows flexibility for field modifications or adoptions during a crisis. All Essential Staff and Floor/Building Captains must familiarize themselves with the contents of the guide.

Your Roles and Responsibilities PRIOR to an Emergency

  • Familiarize yourself with all contents of the Floor/Building Captain Binder
  • Review the Emergency Preparedness Guide information online
  • Become familiar with the locations of every possible exit of your building or floor. Those locations are where you will post the emergency announcement signs.
  • Familiarize yourself with the safe areas (upper and lower).
  • Develop a plan of how to contact persons on your floor or building.
  • Establish a back-up plan and identify someone in your office to serve as Floor/Building Captain in your absence.
  • Make or purchase your own emergency kit.
  • Serve as liaison between CLT and your assigned area.

Your Roles and Responsibilities During an Emergency

  • Initiate communication with the individuals on your building contact list via phone or pager.
  • Post the appropriate emergency signage. Pick up your emergency kit, and inform individuals on your floor of the emergency.
  • Go to the Safe Area. If your Safe Area is only accessible by key, be sure that you are there to unlock the door.
  • Provide on-site assistance.
  • Account for the people in the Safe Area or Primary Evacuation site.
  • Ask that individuals remain in at the site until you get word that everyone can come out.
  • Serve as liaison between the CLT and your assigned area.

Emotional Reactions to Trauma

Common Initial Reactions:
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Feeling numb
  • Disbelief
  • Grief
  • Confusion
  • Anxiety/ Panic
  • Feeling helpless
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Temporary memory loss
  • Reluctance to abandon property
  • Need to contact family members
  • Need for information
  • Risk taking/ Heroic efforts
  • Altruism

Psychological First Aid

  • Stay calm, reassure, provide assistance and information
  • Display confident leadership
  • Assign a support person for those who appear most distressed
  • Give people tasks/responsibilities to help them stay calm/focused
  • Provide for physical needs
  • Be clear and direct when sharing information
  • Reassure, but don’t offer false reassurance
  • Work as a group, emphasize team support
  • Listen to peoples feelings
  • Help others understand and be patient with the variety of individual reactions
  • Help with decision making on issues of property and family

Contact Us

Public Safety

Carlin Hall Basement

(202) 651-5445

(202) 651-5555

12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am

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