Areas of Study

In building evacuations, you will receive one of three instructions:

  • Stay in the building and go up to the Safe Area UP or
  • Stay in the building and go down to Safe Area DOWN or
  • Leave the building OUT
BuildingUpper Safe AreaLower Safe AreaSupplies
Alumni House 2nd Fl Closet by bar Kitchen Kitchen
Appleby Building Lounge by Rm 236 Locker Rm Rm 138
Ballard House, #2 Corridor by Rm 301 Basement B03
Ballard North 4th Floor Residence Spaces Corridor by Rm B12 Storage Rm B06
Ballard West 4th Floor Residence Spaces Corridor by Rm B21 Storage Cage by Rm B03
Benson 9th Floor Residence Spaces Basement storage Rm 2 Storage Rm 2
Cafeteria Kitchen area Kitchen area Kitchen
Carlin 7th and 8th Floor Residence Spaces Basement Hall/Laundry Room Storage Rm B10
Central Utilities Building Custodial Mgr’s Suite Lower Store Rm Lower Store Rm
Chapel Hall Corridor by Rm 102 Tunnels between CO & CH CH G15
Clerc 8th Floor Residence Spaces Corridor by Rms B02-B06 Rm B03
College Hall Corridor from Rm 400-408 Tunnels between CO & CH CH G15
Building 103 Rm 302 Corridor by Rm B01-B05 Rm B01
Denison House, #4 Corridor by Rm 303 Corridor by Rm B01 Basement
Elstad Corridor by Rm 203 Corridor in basement Rm B5
Ely Center Third floor corridors Basement corridor/commuter lounge Commuter lounge
EMG Rm 215 (inside office) Corridor from Rm B11-B02B B10 Mech Rm
Fay House, #3 Corridor by Rm 303 Rm B01 Rm B01
Fowler Hall Corridor from Rm 409-412 Corridor by B02 Elec. Rm by B04
Field House Corridor by back door Rock Gym Court 2 Rm 29A Closet
HMB South: Provost’s Office and GS and PP Suites North Corridor Corridor from Rm E020 to Rm E023 Corridor from Rm N112 to Rm E160 Custodial Closet Rm N163
Kellogg Center Hotel 5th Floor Lounge Basement Basement
Kendall Hall Conf. Rm by faculty offices Basement corridor Storage Rm
Library To SAC Career Ctr Library; MLC, LN53 LN53
Peet 4th Floor Residence Spaces Corridor by Rms B01-B07 Rm B04
Student Academic Center Career Ctr. Library Corridor by Rm L173-MLC LN entrance Rm L273
Student Health Services Inner Rooms Inner Rooms Inner Rooms
Student Union Building To SAC Career Ctr Library SUB Rathskellar Rathskellar
Thornberry Corridor from Rm 201-213 Corridor from Rm B3-B9 Rm M3
Washburn Studio 209B Corridor from Rm 106 – lobby Custodial Closet, Rm 106

Clerc Center

BuildingUpper Safe AreaLower Safe AreaSupplies
KDES, Early Childhood Education (ECE) Dance Studio; Rm 3903 Rms 1221, 1219 & 1204 Rm 1408
Child Development Center (CDC) Classrooms A & D in CDC & CDC Kitchen/Lounge Rm 1214 Rm 1408
KDES Teams 1,2,3 KDES Library Rms 1311 & 1309 Rm 1408
KDES Teams 4, 5 KDES Library Stay in Classrooms 1201, 1202, 1206 Rm 1408
KDES Teams 6, 7,8 Rm 3600 area Stay in Classrooms 1314, 1312, 1306 Rm 1408
MSSD Rm 222 Tunnel Rm G21
MSSD Residence Halls Highest floor Basements Basements

Contact Us

Public Safety

Carlin Hall Basement

(202) 651-5445

(202) 651-5555

12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am

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