Areas of Study


This overview provides guidance on navigating Workday when using assistive technologies, including screen readers and keyboards, and tips on how to interact with Workday.

This section also covers accessibility tips for global elements in the page structure, components and controls used across Workday, and specific pages and tasks.

To view this content within Workday, access the Accessibility Interaction Overview task. You can navigate to this task via the Search box. If using a screen reader, the Accessibility Overview button is the second tab stop on every page.

Screenshot of Workday Search with the Accessibility Interaction Overview task

Page Structure 

Action Bars

  • Action bars display at the end or bottom of some business process tasks or dialog boxes. Use buttons on the action bar to navigate to the next step
  • Alt+4 (Option+4 on Mac) navigates to the action bar from anywhere on the page


  • Most of Workday tasks begin with a heading (one level) that identifies the purpose of or business process associated with the task.
  • Workday can also display other heading levels, providing a task with an additional hierarchical structure beneath one heading.

User Interface Regions 

If searching for specific regions with a screen reader, you can expect the following on most Workday pages:

  • Banner
  • Search
  • Main

Additional Regions 

  • Action toolbar
  • Error and Alerts
  • Navigation contining a list of items
  • Reading pane with details about navigation items 

Components & Controls

Date & Time Input

Date and time inputs allow you to input a date or time to a task. To navigate date and time inputs (including the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond) use:

  • Left arrow to move to previous field
  • Right arrow to move to next field
  • Up arrow to increase value
  • Down arrow to decrease value

Errors & Alerts

Errors prevent a user from submitting a form or completing a task. Alerts provide a recommendation but will not prevent a user from completing a task. Workday displays an error or alert when you:

  • Enter information outside of an allowed range
  • Do not complete requried field 

WDAlertImage WDErrorImage


Each issue with a specific input field in the View All Pop-up Errors and Alerts panel has a link you can select to:

  • Close the pop up
  • Move your focus to specific field

To interact with error pop-ups using a screen reader:

  • After form submission, keyboard focus automatically sets on the error and alerts at the end of the form
  • If lost, we recommend that you use the Alt + 4 keystroke (Option + 4 on Mac) to focus on the action bar along the bottom of the page
  • Alternatively, you can go to the bottom of the page by selecting Control + End (Command + Down Arrow on Mac)

Input Prompts

Prompts are a control that allows single-option or multiple-option selection.

  • To filter the list of options, type a Search term and press enter/return.
  • To display all available options leave the prompt empty and press enter/return.
  • To navigate when options are displayed, use:
  • Down arrow to navigate to the next item.
  • Up arrow to navigate to the previous item.
  • Right arrow to open a sub menu
  • Left arrow to close a sub menu
  • Enter/Return or space to select an option.
  • Esc to close the prompt.
  • To navigate to selected options, first ensure that your focus is in the prompt input. Then use:
  • Up or down arrow to navigate to a selected option.
  • Delete to remove an option from the prompt selection.
  • If a Related Actions button is present on an option, use Alt+R on PC or Option-R on Mac.
  • Select a single option. Workday closes the menu once you’ve made a selection.

WD Single Select

  • For multi-option prompts, select one or more options. Select Esc to close the prompt.

WD Multi Select

Related Actions

The Related Actions button enables you to see all actions related to a specific item:

  • Enter/Return or spacebar to select/open
  • Up arrow to navigate to previous item
  • Down arrow to navigate to the next item

Rich Text Editor 

The rich text editor provides formatting for text fields. Use:

Key Description 
Alt + 0 Opens the Accessibility Instructions dialog window
Alt + F10 Enters the toolbar or tab list of the currently oepn dialog window
Alt + F11 Enters the element’s path
Right Arrow Moves to the next toolbar button within the group, context menu suboption, dialog window element, or dialog window tab while in the tab list.
Down Arrow Move to the next pull-down list or contect menu option 
Left Arrow Moves to the previous toolbar button wihtin the group, context menu parent option, element’s path element, dialog window element, or dialog window tab while in the tab list
Up Arrow Moves to the previous pull-down menu list or contect menu option 
Space or Enter Activates a toolbar button, a context menu option, a pull down list option, an element’s path element, or a dialog windo tab, once selected. Also, enters a context menu submenu if avaliable


WD Rich Text Editor


Search, Popup Menus and Listboxes

To interact with search, pop up menus and listboxes use the following suggestions:

  • Down arrow to move to the next option 
  • Up arrow to move to the previous option 
  • Enter/Return key to activate a suggested option 


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