
An individual mailbox is provided to each registered full-time or part-time Gallaudet undergraduate or graduate student. Mailboxes are assigned for the academic year. To receive a box and its combination, students must go to the Post Services and show their current Gallaudet identification card.

Mailbox with Keys:The GU Post Office provides boxes with keys for DeafBlind students and other students with specific needs. Please note that the number of boxes with keys are limited.

Students are responsible for notifying correspondents of their box number and mailing address. All mail and packages should be addressed as follows:

Student’s Name
Gallaudet University
800 Florida Avenue N.E. #______ (post office box number ONLY, do not include initials P.O.)
Washington, D.C. 20002-3695

Combination Fee: If an individual loses the combination to their box, they can request for a replacement by paying a $5 cash only fee.

Students with key boxes: If the key is lost or stolen, there is a $25 replacement fee that must be paid for by the student.


Common Questions

No, all Gallaudet Post Office services are currently outsourced. You can contact the current director if you have any questions.

All mail should be addressed in this format:
Student’s Name Gallaudet University 800 Florida Avenue, NE, #(box number) Washington, DC 20002-3695
Do not put the initials P.O. before the box number; the U.S. Postal Service would think the mail is meant for one of its off-campus post office boxes.
The Gallaudet Post Office receives mail from two different D.C. post offices. All mail is sorted by late afternoon. Mail is usually put in student mailboxes by 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. The Gallaudet PO is closed on the weekends. Regular hours are Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Gallaudet Post Office has a change of address card that should be mailed to the U.S. Postal Service with your forwarding address. UPS deliveries will not be forwarded, and international mail will not be forwarded through U.S. mail. However, all mail will still be sorted into the mailboxes through summer.
You should notify the Social Security Administration of your change of address. You may also leave several self-addressed, stamped envelopes with the Gallaudet Post Office, so your checks can be sent to you for a short while.

Services and Support

Yes, all packages properly addressed to students will go to the Post Office (PO). Once the package arrives at the PO, an email will be sent to the student saying that they have a package. If it is a huge package and the address is not clear, it may go to the University’s Central Receiving Office, which will try to track down the owner of the package.
You may leave a UPS package at the PO for pick-up. However, the package will not be scanned into the PO’s mail management system. Tracking information is only provided by UPS. We do not accept FedEx packages. There is a FedEx drop box in front of the Kellogg Conference Hotel. If the package is too large for the box, please contact FedEx via its website to arrange a pickup.
Once a student has registered for classes as a full-time or part-time student, they can be assigned a mailbox for the academic year. To receive a box and its combination, students should go to the Post Office in the Jordan Student Academic Center (JSAC) and show their current Gallaudet ID card.

Contact Us

Post Office

College Hall 314

9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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