

Eighth & Florida: Being a Good Neighbor

Being a good neighbor has been at the heart of Gallaudet University since Amos Kendall opened his home to local orphaned deaf children in 1856. During the Civil War, the campus housed federal troops and was used as a hospital for Union troops. In 1968, following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., U.S. troops from Pennsylvania bivouacked on campus.

Gallaudet University is located in the Northeast quadrant of Washington, D.C., within walking distance of the NoMa/Gallaudet Metro station, the NoMa area, H Street NE, and the Trinidad neighborhood.

Being less than two miles from the Capitol, as well as being a neighbor to multiple changing and growing areas, Gallaudet is in the heart of government and community activity in the District of Columbia.

Gallaudet has a long positive history of involvement with the local community residents and organizations. We take our role as a good neighborhood and citizen seriously.

Many Gallaudet faculty, staff, and students reside in the local area. Gallaudet supports local events, and we are actively involved in planning and development initiatives such as the small area planning effort for the Capital City Market area and the development at H Street.

Impact on the Local Community

Gallaudet is one of the area’s largest businesses, with more than 1,100 full-time employees, 367 of whom reside in the District. Direct salaries and benefits total more than $103 million annually, and the University spends another $48 million directly on goods and services.

Since 1992, Gallaudet has constructed five buildings, including the new Sorenson Language and Communication Center and the Jordan Student Academic Center, and renovated 21 others.

During the 2006 fiscal year, Gallaudet spent $5.3 million on campus improvements such as the historic Peikoff Alumni House renovation, architectural planning for the Sorenson Language and Communication Center, and various deferred maintenance projects.

Community Involvement

  • Gallaudet Community Relations Council: One of the oldest university community relations organizations in the country, the Council is made up of business and community leaders from the surrounding Northeast D.C. area.
  • Gallaudet Connection: In 2003, Gallaudet established a program that allows residents of the Near Northeast area to register and use the University’s outside sport facilities.
  • Support for local programs: Gallaudet recognizes the important work that local not-for-profit organizations do in the Near Northeast/Trinidad community. Gallaudet often supports these local programs and activities through grants or by offering the use of our facilities or services.
  • Community Service Programs: Our undergraduate students undertake community service as part of their graduation requirement. Student organizations also contribute community service at least once a semester to keep their organization status.
  • Consortium of Universities: Gallaudet is also a member of the Washington, D.C. Consortium of Universities which-among many other benefits-allows students from the D.C. area colleges and universities to take classes at another institution and to use the library facilities.


Gallaudet Connection Program

If you live near Gallaudet University, you can become a member of the Gallaudet Connection program. Membership is free, and it entitles you to use various outdoor recreational facilities (track, walking, or biking the campus) at certain times of the day. It's easy to become...

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