Areas of Study

Last Revised: 31 January 2020
Refer Questions to: Human Resources


This policy applies to full-time and part-time (20 hours per week or more or at least half time) regular status faculty, teachers, and staff in all offices and divisions of Gallaudet University and to their dependent children, spouses or registered domestic partners, unless specifically covered by collective bargaining agreements made between Gallaudet University and certified bargaining agents.


Gallaudet University encourages employees and their family members to continue their formal education and provides tuition waiver at Gallaudet for approved coursework, including sign language, provided the applicant meets the admissions requirements and is accepted, and, following admission of tuition-paying students, there is available space within the class. Tuition and mandatory fees (those required of all students at the time of registration) only are waived. All IRS and U.S. Tax Court rulings regarding withholding and reporting requirements for tuition waiver benefits are followed by the University. A dependent child is defined in accordance with IRS regulations.

  1. Eligibility A regular status staff employee must satisfactorily complete the initial probationary period before the employee or eligible family member may enroll in the course for which tuition waiver is being requested. (This requirement does not apply to sign language classes for employees.) A regular status faculty member or teacher may enroll and apply for tuition waiver following the effective date of employment. Part-time employees and their family members are eligible to apply for tuition waiver for one course per semester only. Employees and their eligible family members who have tuition waived are not eligible for University sponsored financial aid programs designed to supplement tuition and lab fees. All applicants must satisfy the admissions requirements and adhere to all registration guidelines. Registration officials within the University determine the availability of space within the class.

  2. Coursework All courses should be related to the pursuit of increased professional or educational skills which includes all degree-related courses, remedial courses, and sign language programs, but normally excludes extra-curricular or non-credit courses of a recreational or leisure activity nature.

  3. Waiver Tuition and mandatory fees (those required of all students at the time of registration) only are waived for employees and their eligible family members.

  4. Courses Taken During Business Hours With the exception of sign language courses for employees, courses should normally be taken outside of the regular working hours. Requests for flextime or staff annual leave may be approved by the supervisor.  Full-time employees may not exceed 6 credit hours in any semester or term per academic year.

  5. Conditions The employee or family member must submit evidence of satisfactory course completion as soon as possible but no later than 30 days from the date of completion. Tuition waiver will not be provided to employees who have outstanding obligations to the University, in terms of both reimbursements and documentation of satisfactory course completion, related to any of Gallaudet’s educational policies. “Satisfactory course completion” is defined as a grade “C” or better for undergraduate students or as a grade “B” or better for graduate students, or “pass” if under a pass or fail grading system. In the event a grade or pass/fail is not assigned to the course, the recipient of tuition waiver must submit a statement from the advisor or school administrator that he/she has successfully completed all course objectives. In the event the student withdraws from the course after the final withdrawal date, the student’s coursework drops below the original request or falls below a full-time course load as defined by Gallaudet, the student does not satisfactorily complete the course or does not submit evidence of satisfactory course completion, or if the employee does not abide by the above conditions or voluntarily leaves the University while the course is in progress, the employee must reimburse the University in the amount of the standard course fee.

An employee who receives tuition waiver on his/her own behalf or on behalf of his/her family member acknowledges the terms and conditions outlined in this policy and on the application form. If the employee or family member does not comply, the University will implement collection procedures if necessary.

Approved by: Gallaudet University Board of Trustees

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