Areas of Study

Last Revised:20 May 2015

Refer Questions to: Director, Office of Sponsored Programs


This policy applies to faculty, teachers, and staff in all offices and divisions of Gallaudet University and to all institutional applications for externally funded projects sponsored by federal and state entities, professional organizations and associations, and other potential sponsors. These projects for research, instruction, training, and academic services involve performance obligations and must be officially submitted through Gallaudet University.


In order to support the scholarship of the Gallaudet community and to expand the financial resource base for important projects and programs, Gallaudet University actively encourages the development of proposals to obtain external funding for such projects. Since proposals for grants and contracts represent potential financial, legal, and administrative commitments on the part of the University, it is mandatory that the requisite institutional approval be obtained by submitting proposals through the Office of Sponsored Programs.

To provide for high quality and professional standards as well as uniformity of policies and procedures in applications for externally sponsored program support, all faculty, teachers, and staff are required to process grant and contract proposals through the Office of Sponsored Programs. The Director of Sponsored Programs is designated by the President of the University as the certifying representative for Gallaudet University for proposals. The Director of Sponsored Programs is authorized to negotiate with sponsors on behalf of the University. The Office of Sponsored Programs serves as the official liaison between the University and outside sponsors.

Approved by: Gallaudet University Administration


These procedures apply to, but are not limited to: (1) all new applications for grants or contracts; (2) continuation requests on multi-year awards; (3) any budget or project revisions requiring sponsoring agency approval; (4) internal budget revisions not requiring sponsoring agency approval; and (5) requests for time extensions to complete a grant.

  1. Employees intending to submit a proposal must contact the Office of Sponsored Programs to obtain the appropriate forms and guidance on the necessary requirements for securing University approval.
  2. A proposal should reach the Office of Sponsored Programs at least five working days in advance of the deadline date. This lead time is required to: (a) review the proposal for compliance with applicable sponsor guidelines and federal and University policies; (b) secure official University endorsement of the proposal; (c) assist in or arrange for proposal delivery. Should appropriate lead time not be provided, at the discretion of the Office of Sponsored Programs, the proposal may or may not be submitted to the sponsoring agency on behalf of the University.
  3. The Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for establishing guidelines necessary to implement this policy. The guidelines are available from the Office of Sponsored Programs. In general, the Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for:
    1. staying apprised of quid pro quo grant and contract opportunities and for serving as an information clearing house for the campus community;
    2. staying apprised of the changing priorities of external sponsors and their respective proposal submission procedures;
    3. determining what certifications are required by the funding agency, including assurance and compliance forms, and for including these with proposals as appropriate;
    4. ensuring that the budget is accurate and conforms with Gallaudet and sponsoring agency policies;
    5. ensuring that the proposal has been endorsed and approved by the appropriate administrators prior to processing the proposal on behalf of the University;
    6. ensuring that there are not more proposals than may be allowed for certain solicitations;
    7. reviewing each proposal to determine if human subjects are involved and, if so, referring the proposal to the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects;
    8. ensuring that proposals are reviewed, as applicable, by the D.C. Office of Intergovernmental Relations for conformance to D.C. plans and objectives.

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