Areas of Study

The Library provides the following services for Gallaudet students:

View the library hours here.

Location: JSAC 1221

Research Services: Students have access to the entire library catalog, research guides organized by subject, and many research databases to get the necessary information. You may make an appointment with the librarian for in-depth, uninterrupted help with research. The librarian can recommend search strategies and information sources.

  • A-Z List of Database_all our databases, e-book platforms, and electronic journals listed in alphabetical order
  • Research Guides_ professionally developed guides related to Gallaudet’s major areas of study; research topics; and guides to our Deaf collection resources
  • “How do I” guides_ step-by-step instructions for many of the common services for students through our library such as
    • How do I enter Library loan a book?
    • How do I renew books I already have?
    • How do I request a book from a WRLC partner Library?
    • How do I find things like articles, videos, dissertations, databases and journals?

Study Spaces

We allow walk-in and online reservations. To see the availability of spaces and how to make an online reservation, go here.

Adaptive Equipment:

  • Photocopy machines with enlargement capabilities
  • Captioned videos and DVDs
  • Braille Printer workstation
  • Pearl portable reading camera_brings low vision users instant portable access to printed material 
  • Mobile text-magnification cameras

Contact Us

University Library

SAC 1221

(202) 779-9478

(202) 651-5000

9:00 am - 5:00pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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