Areas of Study

September 2015 Service Awards

Five years:  Rebecca Whittington, Staff Residential Assistant; Residence Life; Ashuantay Houston, Senior Grants Specialist; Office of Sponsored Programs; Jonathan Cetrano, Coordinator, Outreach Dissemination; Training Products and Dissemination

Ten years:  Luis Torres, Manager, Student Activities; Student Life; Kara Gagnon, Coordinator, Curriculum, Catalog and Assessment; Registrar; Folami Ford, Interpreter II; Gallaudet Interpreting Service; Hui Cai, Coordinator, Parking and ID Operations; Department of Public Safety

Fifteen years:  Saharita Laster, Driver; Transportation; Carolyn Gates, Manager, Custodial Services; Custodial Services

Twenty years: Francisca Rangel, Teacher; KDES

Twenty-five years: Oluyinka Fakunle, Executive Secretary; Research Support and International Affairs

Thirty years: Leslie Page, Manager, Projects; Planning, Development and Dissemination; Susan Ganz, Program Support Specialist; History, Philosophy, Religion and Sociology; Lynda Carter, Gift Processing and Data Specialist; Development Office

Thirty-five years: John Janschek, Lead Mechanic; Maintenance Services

Forty years: Agnes Muse, Coordinator, Employment Services and Employee Development, Human Resources Services

James King, Jr., Director, Enterprise Information Systems; Gallaudet Technology Services

New employees hired

Daniel Fava, Teaching Fellow; MSSD Teachers; Caleb Hinton, Teacher; MSSD Teachers; Christine Church, Executive Director, Development; Development Office; Desire Husbands, Clinical Office Supervisor; Hearing and Speech Center; Kimberly Winstead, Dispatcher/Customer Service Representative; Department of Public Safety

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