Areas of Study

With the recent transition to Transact, your eBill will be different from Nelnet. An eBill is the only representation of your Gallaudet University Account bill, which uses a web-based portal from Transact to provide access to student financial records. The following guidelines will assist you when reviewing your eBill:

Statement Summary

The Statement Summary section of your eBill will include the following:

  • Statement Date – This is the date the eBill was generated
  • Due Date – The date that the total amount is due for the associated charges
  • Student ID – the student’s 7 digit ID number
  • Total Due – The total of the previous unpaid balance and includes the current due.


Statement Details

You can view details of upcoming charges and their due dates in the Charges section under Statement Details.

This section specifies:

  • Custom text messages
  • The date the charges were posted to your account
  • The term the charge or credit is for
  • The description of the charge or credit
  • The amount of the charge or credit

*Please note that the total amount due may differ from the Statement Summary. This amount due in the Statement Details is for the current charges of the specified Academic Period.


Payments, Credits, and Disbursements

The Payments, Credits, and Disbursement section displays any transaction that reduces the overall amount of the Academic Period. Within this section, you will be able to view:

  • When the payment, credit, and disbursement was applied to the account
  • For which term the payment is applied to the account
  • What type of transaction
  • The total amount that was applied to the account



The Refunds section will display and show the amount of refund that was refunded from the student’s account. This section will display the date of the refund, the academic period for the refund, the student’s name, and the total amount refunded, as well as any outstanding balance for that academic period.


Anticipated Aid

The Anticipated Aid section, under Statement Details, displays authorized aid for the current term that is not yet applied to the account. The anticipated aid reduces the overall amount due.

Payment Plan Information

The Payment Plan Information section will display if the student has elected to a payment plan.

The section specifies:

  • The term associated with the payment plan
  • The payment plan election and number of payments within the payment plan
  • The due date for the individual payments associated with the payment plan
  • The remaining installment amount associated with the payment plan
  • The payment plan amount due

Please note that this total may be different from the Statement Summary section. This amount due will be reduced each time a payment is made toward the specific payment plan.


Enrollment Information

The Enrollment information section displays the currently registered courses for the student for the specific Academic Period.

This section specifies:

  • Course – The course subject code and the course number
  • Section – The unique section number of that course for the Academic Period
  • Title – The title of the course section
  • Hours – The number of hours/credits offered for the course section the student has registered


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Contact Us

Student Financial Services

Sorenson Language and Communication Center(SLCC) 1240

(202) 250-2453

8:30 am-4:30 pm
8:30 am-4:30 pm
8:30 am-4:30 pm
8:30 am-4:30 pm
8:30 am-4:30 pm

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