Academic Policies &
Procedures Manual

Gallaudet University,
Graduate School

Curriculum and Policy Actions
Requiring Council on Graduate
Education (CGE) Approval

Council on Graduate Education

A unanimous vote of support by
the CGE on December 3, 2013
(Revised October 2019)

Policy Code:

December 3, 2013 (Revised
October 2019)

Every 5 years, or as required by
changes to Faculty By-Laws

October 2019
October 2024

Academic Policy: Curriculum and Policy Actions Requiring Council on Graduate Education (CGE)

A. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to give discretionary authority to faculty in graduate departments and
programs to make specified decisions about their curricula, courses, program requirements, faculty
knowledge and skills, and other academic and curricular decisions. The policy also identifies and
empowers the CGE to maintain its authority over a specific and limited number of policy, curricular, and
program decisions.

B. Scope

This policy applies to all current and future graduate programs at Gallaudet University offered via a
traditional (e.g., on campus), hybrid, or online format.

C. Definitions

  • Department/Program Authority. In complex organizations, authority for decision-making is
    pushed to the level of those who have the knowledge, dispositions, and skills to make relevant
    decisions. Gallaudet University is a complex organization. The appropriate decision-making level
    for academic and curricular actions is at the department and program levels. Authority is defined
    here as the ability of department and program faculty to make specific and relevant academic and
    curricular decisions without approval from a higher governance body. Changes under department
    authority need to be reported to CGE through the Curriculum Action Form.
  • CGE Authority: Although departments and programs have the authority to make specific
    academic and curricular decisions that affect their programs, faculty, and students, there are
    specific actions that have an impact on all graduate programs. Those wide-impact actions require
    approval by the CGE, and when necessary by the Faculty Senate. Authority is defined here as
    the ability of members of the CGE to make specific and relevant academic and curricular
    decisions without approval from a higher governance body; and to have the authority to request
    and receive reports from departments and programs about changes made to curricula, courses,
    program requirements, and so on.

D. Policy

Faculty in graduate departments and programs are empowered to make specific and relevant curricular,
course, program, faculty, and student decisions without approval from higher governance bodies when
those decisions satisfy the following decision criteria:

  1. The decisions align with policies and procedures dictated by professional accreditation agencies
    such as CAEP and MSCHE;
  2. The decisions are consistent with the University and the Graduate School’s mission and vision to
    educate deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing students;
  3. The decisions are aligned with the general requirements of the University Faculty By-Laws; and
  4. The decisions do not impact any other graduate program.

Although department and program faculty are empowered to make these decisions without approval they
must report those actions to the CGE using the curriculum or policy proposal forms so the decisions can
be codified and stored in a repository of curricular and policy actions. When necessary, the CGE must
report those changes to the Faculty Senate, and appropriate offices (for example, the Registrar’s Office).

The Faculty Senate and the CGE also have specific and relevant decision-making authority for actions
that affect all graduate education programs.

To implement the above policy a set of guidelines is required. Many years ago, the former Graduate
Council (now, the Council on Graduate Education), created a set of guidelines to implement the above
policy. Those original guidelines were revised and they are found below in the Table of Authorities.

Faculty Senate
(Reviewed by the CGE
and the University
Faculty Senate)

(Reviewed by the CGE
and reported to the
University Faculty

(Reported to the CGE)

From the Faculty By-laws:

  1. New graduate degree and
    certificate programs;
  2. Significant changes,
    including closures to
    existing graduate degree
    and certificate programs

Program-Level Changes

  1. A new degree/certificate
    program or concentration
    area; (new degree
    programs require BoT
  2. Deletion of an existing
    degree/certificate program
    or concentration area (as
    noted above)
  3. Converting delivery format
    of an existing program or
    concentration (e.g.,
    traditional on-campus,
    hybrid, or online) when
    50% or more of the
    program has changed
    delivery format.
  4. Changes related to MSCHE
    accreditation requirements
Program-Level Changes

  1. Specified changes to a
    degree/certificate program or
    concentration area:

    1. Formal name and/or
    2. Numbers of transfer
      credits accepted,
    3. Changes to
      program requirements for
      graduation e.g. minimum
      ASL proficiency-levels,
      comprehensive exam,
      qualifying paper, total
      minimum credits for
      degree, etc.
    4. Changes to program
Program-Level Changes

  1. Program-specific admission
    requirements involving
    previous coursework, work
    experience, tests (i.e., GRE,
    Praxis, ACT, SAT), and
    ASL/English proficiency;
  2. Changes in typical program
    of study involving previously
    approved courses and other
    program requirements, as
    long as the changes do not
    entail changes to
  3. Discipline-specific
    accreditation requirements
    not related to graduation.
Course Changes

  1. A new course (traditional or
  2. Dropping an existing course
    from Catalog;
  3. Dropping an existing course
    from Catalog;

    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Credits
    4. Prerequisites/Corequisites
    5. Cross or dual listing
    6. Changing a required course
      to elective, or vice versa
    7. Course level (e.g. change
      from 70- level to 800-level;
      note that 500- and 600-level
      courses require review by
      both CUE and CGE)
    8. Repeatability (if a course is
      expected to be taken more
      than one time throughout a
Course Changes

  1. Changes in an existing
    course delivery format (e.g.
    online or “hybrid”), assuming
    appropriate review of course
    quality (this assessment is
    not carried out by CGE) and
    availability of instructor with
    certification for distance
    education teaching (note: If
    these changes result in an
    on-campus program being
    more than 50% online or hybrid or an online or hybrid
    program being more than
    50% on campus, then they
    are considered
    program-level changes);
  2. Changes in a course
    number within the same
    level (i.e., 701 to 731);
  3. Updates to terminology or
    other minor wording
    changes in the Catalog
    (CGE need not be informed
    of correction of typological
    errors, which should be
    communicated directly to
    Registrar’s office);
  4. Course-level changes
    related to requirements of
    accrediting body (e.g.
    required instructor

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Council on Graduate Education

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