Areas of Study

MSS 196

Schowe, Ben M. Jr., 1920-1996

The Ben M. Schowe Jr. Papers, 1926-1986

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary
Repository: Gallaudet University Archives
Call No.: MSS 196
Creator: Schowe, Ben M. Jr., 1920-1996
Title: The Ben M. Schowe Jr. Papers, 1926-1996
Quantity: 12 linear feet (24 boxes)
Abstract: Papers of deaf librarian and educator Ben M. Schowe Jr., formerly of the Ohio School for the Deaf and the Model Secondary School for the Deaf in Washington, DC. Includes papers and articles, personal and professional correspondence, notes, memoranda, and more.
Administrative Information
Acquisition Information: Collection donated to Gallaudet University by Dr. Schowe, 1986.
Processed By: Christopher Shea, April 2014.
Processing Note:
Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.
Related Material in the Archives:
· Papers of Benjamin M. Schowe, Sr., 1912-1977. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: MSS 43

· Ben M. Schowe Jr. [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: Portraits

Vertical Files
· Schowe, Ben M., Jr. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: Deaf Biographical

Biographical Sketch

Born in 1920 to deaf parents, Benjamin M. Schowe Jr. attended Gallaudet College, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in 1942. He taught elementary school at the Virginia School for the Deaf for a year before moving on to the Ohio School for the Deaf in 1943, where he served as a teacher, librarian, and audiovisual director for the next twenty-eight years.

At this time, audiovisual education was rapidly becoming a more important means of instruction in classrooms and libraries, and Schowe became an expert in the field. He was particularly known for his work in evaluating material intended for hearing students and adapting it for the deaf. In 1955, he received a master’s degree in primary and audiovisual education from Ohio State University, and went on to take a Ph.D. in communication, curriculum, and sociology from OSU in 1970.

Soon after the Model Secondary School for the Deaf was established in 1969, Dr. Schowe was recruited to join the staff there, and he moved to Maryland in 1971. He was originally hired as a resource teacher to work in the Learning Resources Center (LRC), but later joined MSSD’s English department while still overseeing the library. He took an active hand in shaping MSSD’s educational philosophy and library policies while employed there.

In 1984, Dr. Schowe was transferred to the Gallaudet archive as the college’s records manager. After two years, the position was terminated. Dr. Schowe attempted to rejoin the MSSD faculty but ended up taking retirement in 1986. He moved to Roanoke, Virginia, where he was active in American Sign Language (ASL) education and the local deaf community, including establishing ASL and interpreter training courses at Virginia Western Community College. He passed away in 1996.

Scope and Content

Dr. Schowe was a prolific correspondent, and the bulk of the material in this collection consists of letters and memoranda he wrote while at OSD and MSSD. This includes raw notes and drafts and finished products, as well as some memoranda that were written but never sent. The main topics of his writing are library services (especially services related to audiovisual items), deaf education, and school policies. Since Dr. Schowe was at MSSD almost from its opening, his writings offer some interesting insights on MSSD education and student life during the early years of the institution.

This collection also includes a number of papers Dr. Schowe wrote while studying for his advanced degrees at OSU, including term papers for courses in education, psychology, communication, and related subjects. Also present are a draft of his master’s thesis and a clean copy of his Ph.D. dissertation.
Dr. Schowe had a close relationship with his father, the labor economist Benjamin Schowe Sr., and this collection includes an extensive correspondence between the two of them. It also includes the full texts of two books by Schowe Sr., Identity Crisis in Deafness and The Art of Being Deaf (the latter unpublished).

Series Descriptions

Series 1. Correspondence and writings from education, 1949-1970
Boxes 1-2
This series consists of writings that Dr. Schowe produced during his studies at Ohio State University for his master’s degree and doctorate. Included is a fair copy of Dr. Schowe’s dissertation, Education of the Deaf in the Sixties: A Description and Critique, as well as a draft copy of his master’s thesis, Sign Language Development, and typed answers to questions for his Ph.D. examination. The remainder of the series is term papers on various aspects of education and psychology, as well as some correspondence with professors, class notes, and drafts.

On a related note, series 5 has a collection of correspondence with Dr. Edgar Dale, who was an important influence on Dr. Schowe’s studies at OSU.

Series 2. Correspondence and papers from Ohio School for the Deaf, 1952-1971
Boxes 3-4
A small collection of materials related to Dr. Schowe’s tenure at the Ohio School for the Deaf. Of particular interest is a collection of correspondence between Dr. Schowe and his students, as well as a piece of wall paneling from OSD signed by his class on the occasion of his leaving OSD to join the MSSD faculty. Also included are some other correspondence and some papers he wrote while at OSD.

Series 3. Correspondence and reports from MSSD, 1971-1986
Boxes 4-10
The bulk of this series is correspondence written by Dr. Schowe to his colleagues and administrators at MSSD, covering various aspects of MSSD’s policies, including evaluation, planning, and student goals. It also includes some notes and reports by Dr. Schowe on student coursework, Much of the latter has to do with Dr. Schowe’s attempts to implement the educational philosophy of James Moffett at MSSD, and the series also includes extensive notes from a course titled “Adventures in Communication,” based on Moffett’s principles.
Series 8 also has a great deal of material related to Dr. Schowe’s work at MSSD.

Series 4. Correspondence with family, 1926-1979
Boxes 10-11
Almost all of this series is made up of correspondence between Dr. Schowe and his father, Ben Schowe Sr. There is a great deal of discussion between the two Schowes on deaf education and the cultural and sociological aspects of deafness, and some discussion of personal and family matters is also included. Of particular interest is a manuscript copy of the elder Schowe’s unpublished book The Art of Being Deaf. Another of his books is included in series 7.
Also included is some correspondence between Dr. Schowe and his mother and siblings, some of the elder Dr. Schowe’s family correspondence, and programs from the memorial services for Dr. Schowe’s parents.

Series 5. Correspondence with persons, 1954-1977
Boxes 11-13
Correspondence between Dr. Schowe and specific persons. Most correspondence is on professional topics, particularly library work and deaf education, and this series includes correspondence with Irving S. Fusfeld, Helmer Myklebust, Harry Bornstein, Mervin Garretson, and other important figures in the deaf education field. Some deaf-related groups are also present. There is a large amount of correspondence with Dr. Edgar Dale, who was Dr. Schowe’s inspiration and mentor during his time at OSU, as well as a collection of papers he wrote for Dr. Dale.

Series 6. Other correspondence, 1962-1985
Boxes 13-15
A collection of correspondence by Dr. Schowe that is not associated with other series in this group. Most is related to professional subjects, but there is also some correspondence with family and friends on personal matters, as well as a collection of sent and received thank-you letters.

Series 7. Other writings, 1950-1984
Boxes 15-17
This series collects notes, papers, articles, and other writings by Dr. Schowe on topics related to deafness and education.
Includes a set of galleys from Ben Schowe Sr.’s 1979 book Identity Crisis in Deafness.

Series 8. Subject files, 1960-1981
Boxes 17-22
A collection of files on specific subjects, arranged by Dr. Schowe. Most of the material in this series consists of notes, articles, correspondence, and papers. Much is from the 1970s, during his time at MSSD, and deals with various aspects of MSSD policy and culture. See series 3 for more on Dr. Schowe’s tenure at MSSD.

Series 9. Correspondence and proposals from records manager position, 1978-1985
Boxes 22-23
Material related to Dr. Schowe’s work at the Gallaudet College archives and records center after his transfer in 1982. Includes some correspondence and coursework and reference material that Dr. Schowe used to learn records management. Also includes draft copies and a final proposal for a grant from the American Film Institute to preserve some historic George Veditz films in the archive, a project Dr. Schowe worked on with then-college archive director David DeLorenzo.

Series 10. Ball State workshop records, 1963-1968
Boxes 23-24
Records from summer workshops in improving instruction for the deaf, held at Indiana’s Ball State Teachers College for several years running. These workshops were sponsored by Captioned Films for the Deaf, and focused on the use of films and other visual aids in the deaf classroom. Dr. Schowe assisted in the planning of these workshops, serving as resource director for some of them. Includes programs, correspondence, forms, agendas, and more.
Series 11. Ohio Postwar Program Commission testimony and correspondence, 1948
Box 24

Records from a commission established by the government of Ohio to review post-World War II conditions in the state and make recommendations regarding education, public spending, and employment. Part of the commission’s mandate was to study blind and deaf education in Ohio, and this series covers records related to that aspect. Includes letters sent to the commission by deaf citizens and the NAD, transcripts of testimony before the commission, issues of Ohio Deaf News discussing the commission, and some of Dr. Schowe’s correspondence related to the commission’s activities.
Series Description and Folder Lists

Box Folder Title Date(s)
1 1 Abstract of dissertation 1970
1 2 Class notes 1963
1 3 Correspondence and notebooks for master’s thesis 1953-1954
1 4 Correspondence and notes for dissertation 1966
1 5 Correspondence and proposal for dissertation 1968-1970
1 6 Dissertation 1970
1 7 Draft of master’s thesis 1955
1 8 Essays for education course Undated
1 9 Examinations for doctorate 1967
2 1 Notes on dissertation Undated
2 2 Paper for education class 1949
2 3 Papers and notes for class on radio and television in education 1965
2 4 Papers and notes to teacher for psychology class 1965
2 5 Papers and teacher responses for journalism class 1965-1967
2 6 Proposals and correspondence from education class 1966
2 7 Term paper and notes on learning observation 1965
2 8 Term paper for psychology of reading class 1951
2 9 Term paper for seminar on audiovisual communication 1965
2 10 Term papers 1953
2 11 Term papers Undated
2 12 Term papers, correspondence, and notes 1966
3 1 Article on oralism 1964
3 2 Correspondence on OSD library survey 1963-1966
3 3 Correspondence with Donald G. Ferguson on workshops 1964-1968
3 4 Correspondence with John A. Gough on captioned films 1961-1964
3 5 Correspondence with OSD students 1944-1958
3 6 Correspondence with OSD students 1952-1958
3 7 Letter and notes on math teaching 1964
3 8 Library plans for OSD 1968
3 9 Notes and correspondence from Workshop for Improving Visual Instruction of the Deaf 1968
3 10 Negatives and photos from OSD Undated
3 11 Notes and draft for grant proposal 1961-1963
4 1 Notes and draft papers on sociological aspects of deafness 1968-1969
4 2 OSD logo designs Undated
4 3 OSD organization bylaws 1960
4 4 Wall paneling from OSD 1971
4 5 Article on MSSD salary scale Undated
4 6 Articles and correspondence on MSSD language development 1972-1977
4 7 Articles on MSSD and Gallaudet Undated
4 8 Certificates 1984
4 9 Correspondence and articles on MSSD 1980
4 10 Correspondence and charts on MSSD budget 1979-1983
4 11 Correspondence and charts on MSSD reorganization 1979
4 12 Correspondence and checklists for lesson planning 1981-1983
4 13 Correspondence and contract for LRC job 1978-1985
4 14 Correspondence and contracts for employment 1979-1986
4 15 Correspondence and forms from student teachers 1976
4 16 Correspondence and notes on graduation requirements 1971-1972
5 1 Correspondence and notes on MSSD orientation 1973-1975
5 2 Correspondence and notes on supervising teacher position 1980-1982
5 3 Correspondence and papers on implementation of Moffett system at MSSD 1974-1975
5 4 Correspondence and papers on implementation of Moffett system at MSSD 1974-1975
5 5 Correspondence and phone transcripts on employment 1976-1985
5 6 Correspondence and planning for MSSD LRC budget 1979-1982
5 7 Correspondence and proposals for mini-school 1973
5 8 Correspondence and reports on LRC 1982-1984
6 1 Correspondence and reports on LRC 1982-1984
6 2 Correspondence on advisor-advisee committee 1972-1973
6 3 Correspondence on evaluation 1978-1980
6 4 Correspondence on grievances 1972-1979
6 5 Correspondence on LRC 1978-1983
6 6 Correspondence on LRC 1978-1983
6 7 Correspondence on LRC 1980-1981
6 8 Correspondence on LRC 1981
6 9 Correspondence on LRC 1981-1982
7 1 Correspondence on LRC planning 1979-1981
7 2 Correspondence on LRC planning 1980-1981
7 3 Correspondence on master plan for pre-college programs 1973
7 4 Correspondence on MSSD 1974-1976
7 5 Correspondence on MSSD 1974-1977
7 6 Correspondence on MSSD resource development 1971-1975
7 7 Correspondence on scheduling 1972
7 8 Correspondence with Lee Murphy on LRC facilities 1980-1981
7 9 Correspondence with Paul Geisert and Edward Merrill 1973-1978
7 10 English department newsletter 1971-1974
7 11 Forms and guidelines for tenure evaluation 1977
7 12 Forms and thank-you letters for evaluation 1978-1981
7 13 Forms for tenure evaluation 1975-1977
7 14 Minutes of instructional division meetings on year-round school 1974
7 15 MSSD Blueprints student writing collection Undated
8 1 MSSD booklet with notes on semester 1972
8 2 “MSSD Diary” 1971
8 3 MSSD student writing from workshops 1975
8 4 Notes and correspondence on evaluation 1980-1981
8 5 Notes and correspondence on evaluation 1980-1986
8 6 Notes and correspondence on LRC objectives 1978-1984
8 7 Notes and forms for force field analysis 1975
8 8 Notes and goals for LRC 1982-1984
8 9 Notes and minutes on field trips 1974-1975
8 10 Notes and reports on Adventures in Communication course 1971
8 11 Notes and reports on Adventures in Communication course 1971-1974
9 1 Notes and reports on Adventures in Communication course 1971-1974
9 2 Notes on course and student goals 1976
9 3 Notes on course and student goals 1976
9 4 Notes on dormitory life 1971
9 5 Notes on ideas for LRC Undated
9 6 Papers on MSSD LRC Undated
9 7 Proposal for “Soul Train” project Undated
9 8 Proposal and analysis for implementation of Moffett system at MSSD 1972-1974
9 9 Reports on Grouptalk Undated
9 10 Reports on MSSD student science work 1975
9 11 Statement of philosophy on MSSD student sexual behavior 1979
9 12 Thank-you letters to LRC staff 1983-1984
9 13 Vocational advisory committee minutes 1972
9 14 The Wall newsletter 1971
9 15 Work logs and correspondence 1971-1975
10 1 Workshop notes and reports 1975
10 2 Work-study program reports and correspondence 1972-1976
10 3 Ben Schowe Sr. clippings and correspondence 1946-1978
10 4 Ben Schowe Sr. correspondence with siblings 1926-1970
10 5 Ben Schowe Sr. manuscript: The Art of Being Deaf Undated
10 6 Ben Schowe Sr. stories and articles Undated
10 7 Clippings and correspondence on Schowe family 1967-1979
10 8 Correspondence and records related to Ben Schowe Sr. home and papers 1979-1982
10 9 Correspondence from Dottie Schowe 1969
10 10 Correspondence with and about Ben Schowe Sr. 1978-1979
10 11 Correspondence with Ben Schowe Sr. 1957-1968
10 12 Correspondence with Ben Schowe Sr. 1958-1968
11 1 Correspondence with Ben Schowe Sr. 1964-1973
11 2 Correspondence with Ben Schowe Sr. 1967-1976
11 3 Correspondence with Ben Schowe Sr. 1971-1977
11 4 Correspondence with Ben Schowe Sr. and family 1963-1974
11 4 Correspondence with Ben Schowe Sr. on The Art of Being Deaf 1975
11 6 Correspondence with family 1966-1971
11 7 Memorial programs for parents 1973-1979
11 8 Obituaries and condolences for Ben Schowe Sr. 1979
11 9 Article by James Ridgeway 1969
11 10 Correspondence and papers for Edgar Dale 1963-1974
11 11 Correspondence and papers for Edgar Dale 1963-1971
11 12 Correspondence and papers from Egon Guba 1967-1968
11 13 Correspondence and papers from Ken Lane 1965-1970
12 1 Correspondence and papers from Robert La Gow 1972
12 2 Correspondence and press releases from CAID 1966-1970
12 3 Correspondence on A. G. Bell Association 1969
12 4 Correspondence on Barbara Bodner 1972-1973
12 5 Correspondence on Junior NAD 1970-1972
12 6 Correspondence with Alyce Thomas 1961-1963
12 7 Correspondence with Boyce Williams 1962
12 8 Correspondence with Caryl Purdue 1975-1977
12 9 Correspondence with Chris Moening 1973-1974
12 10 Correspondence with Dale Williamson 1975-1976
12 11 Correspondence with Daniel Stufflebeam 1968
12 12 Correspondence with Doin Hicks 1965-1972
12 13 Correspondence with Don Schmelfenig 1969
12 14 Correspondence with Edna S. Levine 1955
12 15 Correspondence with Evelyn Wolstein 1974
12 16 Correspondence with Frederick Schrieber 1974
12 17 Correspondence with Gilbert Delgado 1965-1970
12 18 Correspondence with Harley Wooden 1962-1971
12 19 Correspondence with Harry Bornstein 1967
12 20 Correspondence with Helmer Myklebust 1969
12 21 Correspondence with Howard Quigley 1968-1969
12 22 Correspondence with Hugh Prickett 1975
12 23 Correspondence with Irving S. Fusfeld 1964-1971
12 24 Correspondence with James Flood 1961-1963
12 25 Correspondence with Jerome Schein 1963-1964
12 26 Correspondence with John Kubis 1975
12 27 Correspondence with John Olson 1969
12 28 Correspondence with Lee Meyerson 1958
12 29 Correspondence with Leonard Schumacher Undated
12 30 Correspondence with Marita Danek 1972
12 31 Correspondence with Marshall Hester 1964-1966
12 32 Correspondence with Mary Hockersmith 1972
12 33 Correspondence with Mervin Garretson 1972-1975
12 34 Correspondence with Michael Deninger Undated
13 1 Correspondence with Nancy Schnelbaker 1970-1971
13 2 Correspondence with other deaf schools 1964-1965
13 3 Correspondence with Paul Peterson 1973
13 4 Correspondence with Phi Delta Kappa 1974
13 5 Correspondence with Raymond Wyman 1968-1971
13 6 Correspondence with Reggie Boyd 1973
13 7 Correspondence with Richard Paget 1954
13 8 Correspondence with Robert Loftus 1971
13 9 Correspondence with William Jackson 1968-1970
13 10 Film News magazine with Schowe article 1968
13 11 Leo Club newsletter 1971
13 12 MSSD staff newsletter 1971
13 13 Newsletter and letter from COSD 1969-1971
13 14 Paper from Richard Reed Undated
13 15 Reports from Don Pettingill 1964-1971
13 16 Correspondence 1961-1970
13 17 Correspondence 1972-1973
13 18 Correspondence 1973-1976
13 19 Correspondence 1977-1978
13 20 Correspondence 1977-1978
13 21 Correspondence 1978
14 1 Correspondence 1978
14 2 Correspondence 1979-1980
14 3 Correspondence and articles 1962-1963
14 4 Correspondence and articles on science and sex education for the deaf Undated
14 5 Correspondence and clippings on personal topics 1963-1975
14 6 Correspondence and constitution for School Librarians of the Deaf 1965-1971
14 7 Correspondence and forms for Library of Congress research room 1971
14 8 Correspondence and notes 1980-1985
14 9 Correspondence and photographs on personal topics 1946-1974
14 10 Correspondence and speeches from Fourth International Conference 1972-1973
14 11 Correspondence on C. Joseph Giangreco 1968
14 12 Correspondence on library activities 1984
14 13 Correspondence on media institutes 1967
15 1 Correspondence on personal topics 1980-1985
15 2 Correspondence with ALA 1980-1983
15 3 Correspondence with Lee Meyerson on The Art of Being Deaf 1981-1982
15 4 Notes and correspondence 1978-1980
15 5 Preview magazine with notes 1982
15 6 Speech and correspondence for Community Center of the Deaf 1984
15 7 Thank-you letters 1979-1985
15 8 Thank-you letters 1984-1985
15 9 Thank-you letters to others 1984-1985
15 10 Unsent memoranda 1981
15 11 Yearbook and correspondence from Illinois School for the Deaf 1968-1969
15 12 Anecdotes about Gallaudet Undated
15 13 Article: “Helping Jane Read” 1978
15 14 Article on media evaluation Undated
15 15 Article sketches Undated
15 16 Articles and correspondence on captioned TV 1960-1972
15 17 Articles and speeches 1960
15 18 Articles on library standards and goals 1966-1984
16 1 Ben Schowe Sr. galleys for Identity Crisis in Deafness 1978
16 2 Clippings and brochures for deaf studies workshop and course 1974-1978
16 3 COSD research committee list of topics Undated
16 4 Curriculum vitae 1978
16 5 Draft articles 1975-1980
16 6 Draft articles Undated
16 7 Draft articles Undated
16 8 Draft articles and correspondence 1966-1969
16 9 Forms and observations on student evaluation at ISD 1966-1970
16 10 Guide to using overhead projectors for visually impaired Undated
16 11 Note on Barry Adams Undated
16 12 Notes Undated
16 13 Notes and articles on language development 1975-1981
16 14 Notes and presentation on reality therapy Undated
17 1 Notes and questions for supervising teachers 1977-1981
17 2 Notes and reports on language study Undated
17 3 Notes from Pennsylvania Speech and Hearing Association convention 1975
17 4 Notes on ideas 1973-1974
17 5 Notes on individualized instruction 1979
17 6 Paper and bibliography on film classification Undated
17 7 Paper on film guides 1967-1972
17 8 Paper on film loops in education Undated
17 9 Paper on fingerspelling for Air Force 1958
17 10 Paper on hearing aids Undated
17 11 Paper on library service for the deaf 1950
17 12 Paper on library services for the deaf Undated
17 13 Papers and brochures on Captioned Films for the Deaf 1970-1975
17 14 Published articles 1958-1972
17 15 Report on educational media institutes with notes 1966
17 16 Report on use of projector Undated
17 17 School Librarians of the Deaf newsletter 1966-1972
17 18 Article on teaching of language 1964
18 1 Articles and speech on teacher training 1960-1966
18 2 Articles on affluence and patience 1967
18 3 Articles on behavioral objectives 1974
18 4 Articles on bilingualism Undated
18 5 Articles on curriculum development 1960-1971
18 6 Articles on curriculum development Undated
18 7 Correspondence 1975-1976
18 8 Correspondence and articles Undated
18 9 Correspondence and articles on awards 1977
18 10 Correspondence and articles on behavior modification 1971-1974
18 11 Correspondence and articles on total communication 1971-1975
18 12 Correspondence and bibliography for workshop at Sterck School 1975
18 13 Correspondence and forms from Diagnostic Evaluation Program 1973-1977
19 1 Correspondence and guidelines on advisor/advisee relations 1972-1974
19 2 Correspondence and job descriptions for aides 1973-1974
19 3 Correspondence and laws on captioned films 1960-1975
19 4 Correspondence and minutes from Diagnostic Evaluation Program 1976-1977
19 5 Correspondence and minutes from summer school 1972-1974
19 6 Correspondence and notes on consultancy 1967
19 7 Correspondence and notes on consultancy 1967
19 8 Correspondence and outlines for summer workshop planning 1968
19 9 Correspondence and papers on film clips 1966
20 1 Correspondence and proposals from Vice President’s Advisory Task Force 1978
20 2 Correspondence and report from Vice President’s Advisory Task Force 1978
20 3 Correspondence and reports on MSSD personal growth strategy team 1976
20 4 Correspondence on curricula 1971
20 5 Correspondence on curriculum ideas 1976-1977
20 6 Correspondence on director interviews 1976
20 7 Correspondence on English department policies 1973-1974
20 8 Correspondence on MSSD staffing policy 1971
20 9 Correspondence on New Student Unit 1975-1976
20 10 Correspondence on research committee 1981
20 11 Correspondence on summer activities 1978
20 12 Correspondence on visual aids 1964-1965
20 13 Correspondence with ad hoc committee Undated
20 14 Draft of MSSD decision-making model 1973
21 1 Evaluation report and correspondence on career education at MSSD 1974-1976
21 2 Exhibits from Diagnostic Evaluation Program 1976
21 3 Forms for case histories 1976
21 4 Instructions for setting up aquariums Undated
21 5 Letter on captioned film evaluation project 1980
21 6 MSSD bylaws Undated
21 7 MSSD goal statement and response 1975
21 8 MSSD minutes 1971-1973
21 9 MSSD newsletters and brochures 1971-1972
21 10 MSSD storyboard Undated
21 11 Newsletter and evaluation from summer school 1972
21 12 Notes and articles on English curriculum development 1968-1971
21 13 Notes and articles on laboratory schools 1970-1972
21 14 Notes and correspondence on SAT preparation 1975-1977
21 15 Notes and correspondence on workshop at Sterck School 1975
21 16 Notes on concept development Undated
21 17 Notes on course proposals Undated
21 18 Notes on curriculum development 1972
21 19 Notes on discussion groups 1971
21 20 OSD brochures and bylaws 1960
21 21 Papers and articles on the sociology of the deaf 1966-1969
21 22 Papers and newsletters on sociology of the deaf 1965-1970
21 23 Papers and panel presentations for CAID 1971
21 24 Papers on sociology 1969
21 25 Plan for videotape story project 1974
22 1 Planning notes for summer school 1972
22 2 Program and notes for workshop 1968
22 3 Program for workshop at Sterck School 1975
22 4 Report and bibliography from workshop at Sterck School 1975
22 5 Statements of MSSD philosophy 1972-1978
22 6 Think-Aloud Notes newsletter 1974
22 7 Varnum Voice newsletter 1972
22 8 Correspondence and reference material on records center 1984
22 9 Correspondence on archive policies 1978-1984
22 10 Correspondence on archive queries 1984
22 11 Correspondence on archive registers Undated
22 12 Correspondence on donation of Ben Schowe Sr.’s papers 1982
22 13 Correspondence with archive donors 1984-1985
22 14 Correspondence with Gil Eastman on Clerc memorial 1985
22 15 Coursework on records management 1982-1984
23 1 Drafts and correspondence for Veditz film preservation grant 1984-1985
23 2 Drafts for Veditz film preservation grant 1984-1985
23 3 Gallaudet records retention policy 1982
23 4 Notes for organization of records Undated
23 5 Notes on deaf subject files Undated
23 6 Proposal for Veditz film preservation grant 1985
23 7 Clippings and reports for Ball State workshop 1964
23 8 Correspondence and recommendations for Ball State workshops Undated
23 9 Film evaluation forms and correspondence for Ball State workshops 1964-1967
23 10 Minutes and evaluations from Ball State workshops 1963-1967
23 11 Orientation materials for Ball State workshops 1965
23 12 Papers for Ball State workshops 1965
23 13 Programs and participant lists for Ball State workshops 1964-1968
24 1 Photographs from Ball State University workshops 1967
24 2 Programs and resource lists for Ball State workshops 1963-1965
24 3 Recommendations from Ball State workshops 1966
24 4 Reports on Ball State workshop 1963
24 5 Ohio Postwar Program Commission testimony and correspondence 1948

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