Areas of Study

MSS 191

Kannapell, Barbara M., 1937-

The Barbara M. Kannapell Papers, 1964-1991

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives

Call No.: MSS 191

Creator: Kannapell, Barbara M.

Title: The Barbara M. Kannapell Papers, 1964-1991

Quantity: 20 linear feet (18 document cases, 1 flat storage box)

Abstract: Papers created by deaf linguist and educator Dr. Barbara M. Kannapell while at Gallaudet University. Includes correspondence, dissertation, papers and articles, surveys, course materials, notes, manuscripts, and more.


Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: Papers donated to Gallaudet University by Dr. Kannapell in 1995.

Processed By: Christopher Shea, July 2013

Processing Note:

Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions.

Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives:


  • Signs for instructional purposes [by] Barbara M. Kannapell, Lillian B. Hamilton [and] Harry Bornstein.

    Illustrated by Betty G. Miller. Gallaudet University Archives, call number Autograph


    Festival of American folklife [videorecording] : [no.] 4, Thurs. afternoon, 6/25/81. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: Deaf Video 9

    • Lighting and exposure test [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: Deaf Film 215-4


    • Kannapell, Barbara M. [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, call number Portraits
    • Barbara Kannapell, photographs, 1918-1923. Gallaudet University Archives, call number PH0093


    • Papers of Barbara M. Kannapell, 1995-1997. Gallaudet University Archives, call number SMSS

    Vertical Files

    • Kannapell, Barbara M. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: Deaf Biography

    Biographical Sketch

    Born in 1937 to deaf parents, Barbara Kannapell attended Indiana School for the Deaf, graduating in 1956. She went on to attend Gallaudet College, where she received a bachelor’s degree in Deaf Education in 1961.
    The next year, Kannapell began work at Gallaudet’s Office of Institutional Research as a research assistant under Dr. Harry Bornstein, the creator of Signed English. She collaborated with Dr. Bornstein on several books and papers and was responsible for co-writing several Signed English books for children, as well as teaching Signed English and statistics courses at Gallaudet.

    Kannapell took her master’s degree in Educational Technology at the Catholic University of America in 1970, and in 1973 she transferred to Gallaudet’s Office of Educational Technology, where she worked as a research assistant specializing in the use of media and technology in deaf instruction. During this period, she also taught signed English and American Sign Language (ASL) courses at Gallaudet and the University of Maryland.

    In 1972, Kannapell co-founded Deafpride, Inc, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the rights of deaf children and adults, especially minorities, as well as promoting bilingual education for the deaf. She served as its president until 1985.

    Kannapell took a new position as a linguistics specialist at Gallaudet’s Instructional Development and Evaluation Center (IDEC) in 1979. IDEC, a newly founded division of Gallaudet’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), consulted with educators at all levels and providing new instructional technologies and techniques. As a linguistics specialist at IDEC and a member of the Deafness-Related Concerns Council (DRCC), Kannapell played a leading role in developing a revised orientation curriculum for Gallaudet faculty and staff.

    In 1985, Dr. Kannapell received her Ph.D. in Sociolinguistics at Georgetown University. However, in early 1986, federal budget cuts led the Gallaudet administration to close IDEC, eliminating Dr. Kannapell’s position. She took a fellowship with Dr. I. King Jordan while continuing to teach classes in deafness and deaf culture at Gallaudet, and then worked as a freelance researcher and teacher for the remainder of the time period covered by these papers.
    Today, Dr. Kannapell teaches at the Community College of Baltimore County.

    Scope and Content

    These papers cover Dr. Kannapell’s activity during her first term of employment at Gallaudet University, as well as some material created after her departure from full-time employment at Gallaudet in 1986. The bulk of the material ranges from the late 1970s to the mid-1980s. The papers are devoted to professional, rather than personal, subjects.

    Two of the largest series cover Dr. Kannapell’s Ph.D. dissertation and her work on a revised orientation curriculum for Gallaudet University. In the case of her dissertation, the records present include an unbound copy of the dissertation as well as articles, papers, and other material that Dr. Kannapell drew on while writing the dissertation.

    The orientation curriculum material is focused mostly on the handbook Orientation to Deafness, written by Dr. Kannapell, including early drafts of the book, evaluations of the drafts, and final copies, as well as some material on the push to revise the orientation curriculum and on videotapes produced to support the new orientation procedure.

    Another large part of these papers is devoted to Dr. Kannapell’s correspondence on various professional subjects. The remainder of the papers covers various surveys, publications, and other projects from Dr. Kannapell’s career, including educational videotapes, course materials, and records from task forces and committees she served on.

    Series Descriptions

    Series 1: Correspondence, 1970-1991

    Boxes 1-4

    Dr. Kannapell’s professional correspondence. Includes several files of general correspondence, then correspondence on specific topics.

    Material of special interest in this series includes correspondence and reports from the Deafness-Related Concerns Council (DRCC), an organization formed to represent deaf faculty and staff at Gallaudet and which later became the President’s Council on Deafness. The DRCC’s work was a major impetus in the revision of Gallaudet’s faculty and staff orientation curriculum, as represented in series 3.

    This series also includes correspondence from other groups that provided a deaf perspective on Gallaudet’s functions and practices. These include the Gallaudet Deaf Caucus and Committee Z, the latter a group that worked on reforming deaf education at Kendall Demonstration Elementary School (KDES).

    Correspondence on the closing of the IDEC office is also included, as well as correspondence on workshops, symposia, and other events that Dr. Kannapell attended after leaving Gallaudet.

    Series 2: Dissertation, 1972-1985

    Boxes 4-6

    This series centers around Dr. Kannapell’s Ph.D. dissertation, “Language Choice Reflects Identity Choice: A Sociolinguistic Study of Deaf College Students,” presented at Georgetown University in 1985. A typed text of the dissertation is included, as well as Dr. Kannapell’s outline and initial notes for the dissertation. The remainder of the series consists mostly of articles and papers that she used in writing the dissertation, occasionally including a few pieces of notes or correspondence written by Dr. Kannapell.

    The research material is concerned with sign language, culture, and the deaf community. Several papers by Dr. William C. Stokoe and Dr. James C. Woodward are included. Of particular interest is a copy of an early paper by Dr. Kannapell, “The Deaf Person as a Teacher of American Sign Language” (1977, box 4/folder 7).

    Series 3: Orientation Curriculum, 1980-1986

    Boxes 7-12, 19

    During the early 1980s, Gallaudet’s deaf faculty and staff became dissatisfied with the orientation program used teach new employees how to understand and interact with the deaf. In 1982, the Deafness-Related Concerns Council (DRCC), later known as the President’s Council on Deafness, sent a report to the university president, Dr. Edward C. Merrill. In this report, they laid out their criticisms of the orientation and their ideas for improvement. A new orientation curriculum was devised, including videos on deafness and a handbook titled Introduction to Deafness, written by Dr. Kannapell.

    This bulk of this series consists of several early drafts of Introduction to Deafness, as well as final published copies. The book was released in both short and long forms, with the short form intended for staff who had only limited involvement with the deaf community and the long form intended for faculty and staff who were expected to interact extensively with the deaf. Evaluation forms for early copies of the text are also included.

    This series also includes a copy of the initial DRCC report to President Merrill; transcripts, waiver forms, and other material related to the videotapes produced to support the orientation curriculum; and a collection of articles and other material used for research purposes by Dr. Kannapell.

    For other material from the DRCC, see series 1.

    Series 4: Professional Documentation, 1972-1987

    Box 12

    This series includes materials created by Dr. Kannapell to track and document her professional career, including resumes/CVs, goal lists, activity reports, job descriptions, and some related correspondence. It also includes a file of research and notes created by Dr. Kannapell while preparing to interview for the chair of Gallaudet’s Sign Communication department in 1987.

    Series 5: Course Materials, 1972-1990

    Boxes 12-14

    This series covers material created by Dr. Kannapell for courses, workshops, and symposia she taught. This includes syllabi, class lists and evaluation forms, reading and resource lists, and similar records. The bulk of the records are related to classes in deaf culture and deaf studies that Dr. Kannapell taught in the mid-1980s.

    Series 6: Bilingual ASL Videotape Materials, 1975-1983

    Box 14

    Records related to a pair of videotapes for bilingual English education developed by Dr. Kannapell in collaboration with Astrid Goodstein. These tapes, titled Building Vocabulary Through ASL and Building Idioms Through ASL, were intended to help ASL users improve their English skills. They were used as instructional aids in Gallaudet’s English language program. . At the time Dr. Kannapell created these tapes, she also collaborated with Bernard Bragg on a TV production, Be Bilingual, but it is not represented in this series. Included are transcripts of the videotapes and correspondence and notes discussing their content, as well as plans for lessons using the tapes.

    Series 7: The Deaf Way Culture Committee Records, 1986-1989

    Box 15

    Material related to planning for 1989’s The Deaf Way festival. Dr. Kannapell was part of the culture committee for the Deaf Way, and this series includes minutes and reports from that committee and a call for presentations. Several bibliographies of deaf-related videotapes from libraries around the country are also included; these were used to select videos to be shown at the event.

    Series 8: Communication Evaluation and Remediation Task Force Records, 1980-1982

    Boxes 15, 19

    The Communication Evaluation and Remediation Task Force was established by Dr. David Tweedie, then dean of Gallaudet’s School of Communication, with the goal of evaluating the communication skills of incoming Gallaudet students and determining the need for a Communication Center that would help improve those skills. Dr. Kannapell was brought on to the task force as a specialist in linguistics, program development, and evaluation.

    Included in this series are minutes from the task force’s meetings, reports and proposals produced by the task force, and records related to surveys conducted by the task force, including a large set of survey forms filled out by the faculty and printouts summarizing survey responses from faculty, staff, and students.

    Series 9: Deaf Studies School Survey Records, 1989

    Box 15

    Records of a survey conducted by Dr. Kannapell on behalf of the Council of American Instructors of the Deaf (CAID), with support from Gallaudet’s College of Continuing Education. Survey forms were sent to deaf education programs around the school to discover whether, and how, they were teaching deaf history and/or deaf studies. Includes completed response forms and Dr. Kannapell’s notes and breakdowns of the survey data.

    Series 10: Other Writings, 1972-1986

    Box 16

    A collection of Dr. Kannapell’s writings that do not fit into other series above. Includes some of her early notes and research on sign formation; transcripts for the ASL videotape Another Handful of Stories, on which she served as project coordinator; and the manuscript of a paper she wrote for a festschrift honoring Dr. William C. Stokoe, as well as related notes and correspondence.

    Series 11: Harry Bornstein Research Papers and Survey, 1964-1976

    Box 16

    A collection of papers by Dr. Harry Bornstein of Gallaudet’s Office of Institutional Research, covering subjects such as curricula for and teaching of the deaf. Dr. Bornstein is also known as the creator of Signed English. Dr. Kannapell is credited for her contributions to these papers, and on the last paper, New Signs for Instructional Purposes, she is listed as coauthor.

    The series also includes some memos from Dr. Bornstein on his Signed English Project and a survey of faculty attitudes toward hearing students at Gallaudet on which Dr. Bornstein, Dr. Kannapell, and Howard L. Roy collaborated.

    Series 12: Eugene Petersen Transcripts and Correspondence, 1986

    Box 17

    Eugene Petersen was a deaf counselor who, in 1986, was awarded Gallaudet’s Powrie V. Doctor Chair to work on a book of oral histories of deaf people. The book was not published, due to Mr. Petersen’s death. His papers are held by the National Technical Institute for the Deaf.

    Dr. Kannapell was a member of Mr. Petersen’s advisory committee during the time he held the Doctor Chair. This series consists of correspondence between Mr. Petersen and Dr. Kannapell and the other members of the committee, an outline of Mr. Petersen’s planned book, and copies of several transcripts from interviews conducted by Mr. Petersen.

    Series 13: Manuscript Collection, 1971-1988

    Boxes 17-18

    A collection of other people’s articles and writings accumulated by Dr. Kannapell over her career. Includes materials by E. Lynn Jacobowitz, Ronald E. Sutcliffe, Dennis W. Wampler, Louie Fant, and others. Also includes various newsletters, articles, and publications on deaf culture, deaf education, and other subjects related to Dr. Kannapell’s field

    Series Description and Folder Lists

    Box Folder Title Date(s)
    1 1 Campus Communication Coordination Committee correspondence and notes 1972-1973
    1 2 Class of 1961 list and correspondence 1985-1986
    1 3 Committee Z memoranda 1981-1983
    1 4 Correspondence 1970-1978
    1 5 Correspondence 1977-1982
    1 6 Correspondence 1982-1983
    1 7 Correspondence 1983-1984
    1 8 Correspondence 1984-1985
    1 9 Correspondence 1985-1986
    2 1 Correspondence 1986
    2 2 Correspondence 1986-1987
    2 3 Correspondence 1986-1991
    2 4 Correspondence and articles on bilingual education 1980-1985
    2 5 Correspondence and itineraries for workshops in Sweden and Finland 1987
    2 6 Correspondence and report from conference on vocational-technical signs 1972
    2 7 Correspondence and surveys on total communication 1970-1972
    2 8 Correspondence on closedown of IDEC 1985-1986
    2 9 Correspondence on international meetings 1988-1991
    3 1 Correspondence on presentations and workshops 1988-1991
    3 2 Correspondence on 2nd International Symposium on Sign Language Research 1981
    3 3 Correspondence on strobe photographs of signs 1971
    3 4 Correspondence on taping at Festival of American Folklife 1976
    3 5 Deafness-Related Concerns Council (DRCC) memoranda 1979-1981
    3 6 Deafness-Related Concerns Council (DRCC) memoranda and reports 1979-1985
    3 7 Deafness-Related Concerns Council (DRCC) reports 1981-1983
    3 8 Deafpride, Inc., correspondence 1983-1984
    3 9 District of Columbia Association of Deaf Citizens correspondence and revised constitution 1983-1984
    3 10 Educational Testing Service correspondence 1990-1991
    3 11 Gallaudet Deaf Caucus correspondence 1977-1978
    3 12 Gallaudet memos to undergraduate faculty on simultaneous method 1978-1981
    3 13 Gordon Hewes letter on Chinese and Egyptian signs 1975
    3 14 International Sign Language Association correspondence 1988-1990
    4 1 Letter on Index of American Sign Language 1977
    4 2 Lloyd B. Anderson booklet and letter on writing for sign languages 1981
    4 3 Roy Holcomb letter and sign language lessons 1971
    4 4 Abstracts of papers on bilingual education 1980
    4 5 Alice Hagemeyer report on deaf people and library services Undated
    4 6 Anna Fay Vaughn-Cooke paper on evaluating language assessment procedures 1979
    4 7 Barbara M. Kannapell paper on the deaf person as a teacher of ASL 1977
    4 8 Collection of articles on sign language and culture 1972-1980
    4 9 Collection of articles on sign language and culture 1972-1983
    4 10 Collection of articles on sign language and culture 1975-1983
    4 11 Collection of articles on sign language and culture 1980
    4 12 Collection of articles on sign language and culture 1980-1981
    5 1 Collection of papers by James C. Woodward Undated
    5 2 Collection of papers by William C. Stokoe Undated
    5 3 Dennis R. Cokely outline on bilingual education programs Undated
    5 4 Dennis R. Cokely paper on bilingual education programs 1978
    5 5 Dennis R. Cokely seminar on assessment needs for pre-college students 1978
    5 6 Dissertation 1985
    5 7 Dissertation 1985
    5 8 Donald D. Johnson article on communication in young deaf adults 1976
    5 9 Excerpt from Gallaudet report on self-evaluation 1976
    5 10 Forms for self-evaluation of communication skills Undated
    5 11 Frank Caccamise paper on instruction and evaluation of sign language 1979
    5 12 Harry Markowicz paper on sociolinguistic considerations of ASL Undated
    5 13 Harry Markowicz reprint review 1972
    5 14 Initial outline of dissertation 1981
    5 15 James C. Woodward article on historical bases of ASL Undated
    6 1 James C. Woodward paper: “How You Gonna Get to Heaven…” Undated
    6 2 James C. Woodward report on language attitudes Undated
    6 3 Language category test Undated
    6 4 Larry J. Berke paper on attitudes of deaf high school students 1978
    6 5 Lou Fant article on “Ameslan” 1974-1975
    6 6 Maryellen García paper on linguistic proficiency 1980
    6 7 Notes and articles on bilingual education Undated
    6 8 Notes and reprint for Bernard and Sally Greenberg article on college potential in deaf 1978-1980
    6 9 Notes for dissertation Undated
    6 10 Notes on article by James Cummins on bilingual development Undated
    6 11 Notes on book orders 1981
    6 12 Patricia Siple article on linguistic and psychological properties of ASL 1978
    6 13 Printouts and forms on new students’ attitudes toward English 1972
    6 14 R. C. Gardner / P. C. Smythe article on second language study Undated
    6 15 Robbin Battison / Cathy Cogen paper on teaching ASL as a second language 1978
    6 16 Robbin Battison closing remarks at Chicago symposium Undated
    6 17 SIGN program guidelines and evaluation forms 1980
    6 18 Subject bibliographies Undated
    6 19 Susan D. Fischer paper on sign language variation Undated
    6 20 Ted Supalla article on morphology of ASL verbs 1978
    6 21 Text of draft article on ASL proficiency interview Undated
    6 22 Texts of presentations on receptive and expressive evaluation 1977
    6 23 Veda R. Charrow paper on a linguist’s view of manual English Undated
    6 24 William C. Stokoe reprint article on sign language structure 1980
    7 1 Agenda and report for orientation planning committee 1982
    7 2 Agendas and feedback for orientation advisory committee 1983-1984
    7 3 Article on cued speech Undated
    7 4 Article on oralism 1976
    7 5 Article on reasonable accommodation 1983
    7 6 Article on simultaneous communication Undated
    7 7 Article on the Rochester method Undated
    7 8 Articles and brochures on ASL 1978
    7 9 Articles and draft for Unit II – The Deaf Community Undated
    7 10 Articles and papers on the education of the deaf 1976-1981
    7 11 Articles on deaf community Undated
    7 12 Articles on history of deaf communication Undated
    7 13 Articles on signed English Undated
    7 14 Articles on total communication 1977-1980
    7 15 Article: “Two Perspectives on Deaf Persons” Undated
    7 16 Bibliography of deaf culture 1983
    7 17 Brochures and articles on communicating with the deaf 1975-1984
    7 18 Brochures and notes on advanced degrees and employment for the deaf Undated
    7 19 Brochures and notes on national deaf organizations Undated
    7 20 Brochures on deafness and hearing loss 1984
    7 21 Brochures on technology for the deaf 1984
    7 22 Correspondence and evaluation forms for orientation handbooks 1984
    7 23 Correspondence on orientation project 1983
    7 24 Correspondence on printing of orientation handbook 1984-1986
    7 25 Correspondence with Don Torr on orientation project 1983-1984
    8 1 Course materials for EDU 84.719: Education and Psychology of the Hearing Impaired 1983
    8 2 Draft of chapter three of orientation handbook Undated
    8 3 Draft of orientation handbook 1985
    8 4 Draft of orientation handbook Undated
    8 5 Draft of orientation handbook Undated
    8 6 Draft of orientation handbook Undated
    8 7 Drafts and articles for Unit V – Types of Attitudes Undated
    8 8 DRCC correspondence and concerns for Dr. Merrill 1982
    8 9 DRCC orientation review and task force report for Dr. Merrill 1982
    8 10 DRCC reports on orientation to and employment of the deaf 1982
    8 11 Evaluation forms for orientation handbooks 1984
    9 1 Evaluation forms for orientation videotapes 1984
    9 2 Evaluation forms for orientation videotapes 1984
    9 3 Evaluation reports for orientation videotapes 1984
    9 4 Evaluation reports for orientation videotapes Undated
    9 5 Evaluation summaries and notes for orientation handbook 1985
    9 6 Evaluation summaries for orientation handbooks Undated
    9 7 Evaluation summaries for orientation handbooks Undated
    9 8 Fact sheet on interpreting for the deaf 1981
    9 9 Fact sheet on multiply handicapped deaf 1981
    9 10 Feedback on orientation handbook Undated
    9 11 Feedback on orientation project objectives 1983
    9 12 Glossary of sign language terms Undated
    9 13 IDEC copyright policy 1983
    9 14 Interview transcripts for orientation handbook Undated
    9 15 List of goals for orientation curriculum Undated
    9 16 List of materials for orientation Undated
    9 17 Lists and notes on videotapes for orientation project 1981-1983
    10 1 Lists of resources for orientation project Undated
    10 2 Longhand manuscript for Unit III – Deaf Culture Undated
    10 3 Manuscript and paste up of Orientation to Deafness handbook Undated
    10 4 Manuscript and paste up of Orientation to Deafness handbook Undated
    10 5 Materials from National Information Center on Deafness 1982
    10 6 Newsletters on legal rights of the deaf 1983
    10 7 Notes and draft for orientation handbook Undated
    10 8 Notes and drafts for Unit III – Deaf Culture 1984
    10 9 Notes on DRCC and development of orientation curriculum Undated
    10 10 Notes on organizations serving deaf persons Undated
    10 11 Objectives for orientation curriculum Undated
    10 12 Orientation to Deafness handbook, long form 1985
    10 13 Orientation to Deafness handbook, long form with edits 1985
    10 14 Orientation to Deafness handbook, short form 1985
    11 1 Outline of orientation project activities 1983
    11 2 Overview of orientation curriculum Undated
    11 3 Partial draft of orientation handbook Undated
    11 4 Production schedules for orientation videotapes 1984
    11 5 Program and correspondence for MSSD/KDES orientation 1982
    11 6 Program and schedule for faculty orientation 1983
    11 7 Program for new faculty orientation 1985
    11 8 Release forms for videotapes Undated
    11 9 Resources for development of the orientation curriculum 1977-1983
    11 10 Schedule for orientation project 1983
    11 11 Script and transcript of Deaf Culture videotape 1984
    11 12 Signed release forms for videotapes 1983
    11 13 Survey of current orientation Undated
    11 14 Survey of existing orientation materials 1983
    11 15 Table of deaf populations Undated
    11 16 Task list for orientation project 1983
    11 17 Text of online Gallaudet employee handbook 1982
    11 18 Transcripts of orientation videotapes Undated
    11 19 Treatment and waivers for Growing Up Deaf in America video 1984
    12 1 Treatments and guidelines for orientation videotapes 1983-1984
    12 2 Activity status reports 1975-1981
    12 3 Activity status reports 1983-1984
    12 4 Activity status reports 1984-1985
    12 5 Activity status reports 1984-1986
    12 6 Correspondence and notes on job opportunities 1986
    12 7 CVs and job descriptions 1972-1986
    12 8 IDEC project assignments 1982-1984
    12 9 Interview notes and job description for Sign Communication department chair 1987
    12 10 Notes and correspondence on IDEC summer plans 1982-1984
    12 11 Notes on job performance 1980-1981
    12 12 Work plans and goal lists 1981-1985
    12 13 Announcement and transparencies for mini-course on deaf women Undated
    12 14 Correspondence and course materials for COU 795: The Deaf Community 1990
    12 15 Correspondence on EDU 795.15: The Deaf Community from a Cultural Perspective 1989
    12 16 Course goal lists and descriptions 1985-1986
    12 17 Course materials and notes for evening sign language program 1972
    13 1 Course materials and resolutions on sign language 1977-1979
    13 2 Course materials for AMS 303: Deaf Culture in America 1986
    13 3 Course materials for EDU 795: Deaf Studies for Educators 1986-1987
    13 4 Course notes and lists for sign communication lab 1983-1984
    13 5 Course offering form for AMS 303: Deaf Culture in America 1986
    13 6 Evaluation forms for deaf studies symposium 1987
    13 7 Final grades for deaf studies symposium 1987
    13 8 Notes and action plans for inservice workshops Undated
    13 9 Notes and resources for deaf studies symposium 1987
    13 10 Quizzes and notes for summer deaf culture classes 1986
    13 11 Resources for deaf studies symposium 1987
    13 12 Student background information forms Undated
    13 13 Student evaluations and assignments for summer deaf culture classes 1986
    13 14 Student forms and evaluations for AMS 303: Deaf Culture in America Undated
    13 15 Student survey and background forms for summer deaf culture courses 1986
    14 1 Student survey form for AMS 303: Deaf Culture in America 1985
    14 2 Student survey forms from AMS 303: Deaf Culture in America 1985-1987
    14 3 Syllabi and reading lists for summer deaf culture classes 1986
    14 4 Syllabus and reading lists for AMS 303: Deaf Culture in America 1985
    14 5 Correspondence and notes for Bilingual Materials Project 1979-1980
    14 6 Correspondence and objectives for Building Vocabulary Through ASL 1976-1979
    14 7 Interviews and script for Building Vocabulary Through ASL Undated
    14 8 Notes and cartoons for Building Idioms Through ASL 1982-1983
    14 9 Notes and lessons for Building Idioms Through ASL 1976
    14 10 Notes and lessons for Building Vocabulary Through ASL 1976
    14 11 Notes and scripts for Building Idioms Through ASL 1982
    14 12 Notes and transcripts for Building Vocabulary Through ASL 1975-1977
    15 1 Bibliographies of deaf-related videotapes 1986-1988
    15 2 Bibliographies of deaf-related videotapes 1986-1988
    15 3 Notes and culture committee minutes for The Deaf Way 1987-1989
    15 4 Communication evaluation and remediation task force faculty survey forms 1981
    15 5 Communication evaluation and remediation task force minutes and notes 1980-1982
    15 6 Communication evaluation and remediation task force proposal 1982
    15 7 Communication evaluation and remediation task force report 1981
    15 8 Communication evaluation and remediation task force survey responses 1981
    15 9 Communication evaluation and remediation task force survey responses Undated
    15 10 Deaf studies school survey forms 1989
    15 11 Deaf studies school survey forms and results 1989
    16 1 Call for papers and notes on social change conference 1986
    16 2 Notes and code sheets for sign language coding Undated
    16 3 Notes and transcripts for Another Handful of Stories 1981-1983
    16 4 Notes from independent study of new signs 1972
    16 5 Notes on continuums of social variables in the deaf community 1982
    16 6 Notes on cross-cultural communication 1978
    16 7 Notes on Dedre Gentner’s “On Relationship Meaning” 1978
    16 8 Papers and correspondence for Stokoe festschrift 1979-1980
    16 9 Bornstein/Kannapell report on new signs for instructional purposes 1969
    16 10 Harry Bornstein research papers 1964-1967
    16 11 Memo and narrative for Signed English Project 1976
    16 12 Notes and report for survey of faculty attitudes toward hearing students Undated
    17 1 Eugene Petersen correspondence and outline for book project 1986
    17 2 Eugene Petersen interview transcripts 1986
    17 3 Eugene Petersen interview transcripts 1986
    17 4 Article on holidays Undated
    17 5 Clipping on deaf community in Fremont Undated
    17 6 Clippings on Deaf President Now 1988
    17 7 CSUN proposals for establishing a deaf studies major 1983-1985
    17 8 DC Council for the Deaf minutes 1979-1980
    17 9 The Deaf Spectrum newsletter 1971-1972
    17 10 Deaf Women United Facilitators’ Training Conference attendee kit 1987
    17 11 E. Lynn Jacobowitz master’s degree report Undated
    17 12 Family Life Lectures flier Undated
    17 13 KDES documents on communication policy Undated
    17 14 Lesson notes and forms for “What’s That Sign” videotapes 1976
    17 15 Linguistics of Visual English booklet and notes 1971
    17 16 Louie Fant essays and notes on “Ameslan” 1971-1972
    17 17 MSSD statement of philosophy 1974
    17 18 Newsletters and catalogs on Afro-American Studies 1984
    18 1 Newsletters and surveys on English Natural Form Instruction (ENFI) 1985-1986
    18 2 Publications from British Deaf Association 1985
    18 3 Resource materials for Family Learning Vacation 1984
    18 4 Ronald E. Sutcliffe articles and notes 1979
    18 5 Show + Tell newsletter 1972
    18 6 Sign descriptions and rules for Seeing Essential English 1971
    18 7 Signs for Our Times newsletter 1972-1973
    19 DRCC printouts of orientation survey data 1981
    19 Communication evaluation and remediation task force printouts of survey data 1981

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