Areas of Study

MSS 97
Jordan, Jerald M. (CISS/WGD), 1927-
Papers of Jerald M. Jordan, 1955-1987
Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives
Call No.: MSS 97
Title: Papers of Jerald M. Jordan, 1955-1987
Quantity: 5.0 Linear Feet (10 document boxes)
Note: This document last updated 2005 December 16.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: Jerald M. Jordan gave the CISS/WGD Papers to the
Gallaudet University Deaf Archives in 1987.
Processed by: Thomas Strunk. 2001 February 15.
Processing Note:
Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives:

  • Jerald M. Jordan [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Portraits
  • Photograph album of Frances Margaret Parsons [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Photograph Album AL 85
  • Photograph album of Reuben I. Altizer [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Photograph Album AL 50

Vertical Files

  • Jerald M. Jordan. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Biographical

Biographical Sketch

Jerald M. Jordan, the 5th president of CISS, was born in Roseville, Michigan, on July 7, 1927. He became deaf at seven years old due to spinal meningitis. After attending various schools in Michigan, he attended Gallaudet College and graduated in 1948. He worked at both Washington, D.C. newspapers for 11 years after graduating before quitting. He got a job at Gallaudet College’s Preparatory Department, teaching Science in 1959. Then he moved to the main campus in 1961, teaching Mathematics, and became director of the Computing Center until 1973. He changed his position as he was appointed the College’s Project Talent Search director in 1973. He got a new job at Admission Office in 1976. Jordan became the 5th president of CISS in 1971, and he was the first American to hold the position. He was elected a member of the CISS Executive committee in 1967. He continued to hold the position until 1995, retiring as president of CISS. He served as president for 24 years and executive committee for 28 years. In 1986, Jordan received the CISS Gold Medal in recognition of his years of service on the CISS Executive committee. In 1995, Jordan was given the title as an Honorary Life Member of CISS and served as a CISS Legal Commission member.

Agency History

Comite International des Sports des Sourds (CISS), International Committee on Silent Sports in English, was founded on August 16, 1924, in Paris, France, after the First International Games for the Deaf. Two men, E. Ruben Alcais of France and Antoine Dresse of Belgium, formed this organization to promote athletic competition among deaf people globally, incorporating the ideals of the Olympics. There were only six presidents of this organization in its entire history. To play in the WGD, a nation must be a member of CISS. In the first World Games of the Deaf (WGD), formerly known as International Games for the Deaf, in 1924 in Paris, there were only six member countries, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Great Britain, Holland and Poland, and the membership grew to 72 countries with 2068 athletes competing in the 18th Games in Denmark in 1997. In 1951, International Olympics Committee (IOC) officially recognized CISS as the only organization responsible for running the deaf world games.

Scope and Content

This collection is composed primarily of correspondence between CISS president Jerald M. Jordan and his secretary Knut Sondergaard with letters from others in CISS. All contracts and correspondence contained in this box are relevant to the CISS/WGD.
Series Descriptions and Folder Lists
No Series.

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 CISS – Executive Committee (Part 1) 1955-1973
1 2 CISS – Executive Committee (Part 2) 1974-1982
1 3 CISS – Technical Committee 1970-1977
1 4 CISS – 1971 1971
1 5 CISS – 1972 1972
1 6 CISS – President’s Message 1978
1 7 CISS – Protests 1972-1977
1 8 CISS – Jordan to Executive Committee 1972-1981
1 9 CISS – Rules & Regulations 1971-1981
1 10 CISS – International Olympics Committee 1974-1983
2 1 Miscellaneous n.d.
2 2 European Championship in Shooting 1975-1977
2 3 Letters – Malmo Games 1972-1973
2 4 CISS – 50th Anniversary – Paris, 1974 1973-1974
2 5 1975 Pan-American Games (Venezuela) 1973-1977
2 6 1975 Winter Games – Lake Placid 1973-1979
2 7 CISS – 1980 1979-1982
2 8 1981 Games (Cologne, West Germany) 1979-1981
2 9 1983 Winter Games (Italy) 1981-1982
2 10 WGD – Norway Program Book 1987
3 1 CISS – Dahlgren 1969-1973
3 2 CISS – Grut 1971-1973
3 3 CISS – Kruger 1972-1981
3 4 CISS – Lonnoy 1973-1976
3 5 CISS – Lovett 1983
3 6 CISS – Rubino 1973-1979
4 1 Miscellaneous from Søndergaard 1965-1972
4 2 Correspondence – Søndergaard (CISS) 1973-1974
4 3 Correspondence – Søndergaard (CISS) 1975-1977
4 4 Correspondence – Søndergaard (CISS) 1977-1978
4 5 Correspondence – Søndergaard (CISS) 1979-1980
4 6 Correspondence – Søndergaard (CISS) 1981
4 7 Correspondence – Søndergaard (CISS) 1982
4 8 Correspondence – Søndergaard (CISS) 1983
4 9 Correspondence – Søndergaard (CISS) 1984-1985
5 1 Correspondence – Søndergaard (CISS) Bucharest Games (Romania) 1973-1977
5 2 General Letters – Bucharest Games 1974-1977
5 3 Correspondence – Host Country: Bucharest, Romania 1973-1984
5 4 AAAD 1973-1981
5 5 AAAD 1982
5 6 AAAD 1983-1985
5 7 AAAD – National Basketball Tournament Program Book 1986
5 8 AAAD – Records Commission 1986
6 1 Algeria 1978-1981
6 2 Argentina 1956-1985
6 3 Australia 1977-1984
6 4 Austria 1978
6 5 Bangladesh 1975-1980
6 6 Belgium 1973-1985
6 7 Brazil 1977-1983
6 8 Bulgaria 1976-1984
6 9 Canada (1973-1978) 1973-1978
6 10 Canada (1978-1985) 1978-1985
6 11 Chile 1974-1982
6 12 China 1973-1974
6 13 Colombia 1974-1981
6 14 Costa Rica 1974-1982
6 15 Denmark 1974-1981
6 16 Dominican Republic 1974-1977
6 17 England 1974-1984
6 18 Finland 1974-1980
6 19 France 1968-1983
6 20 Germany (East) 1973-1985
7 1 Germany (West) 1973-1985
7 2 Hong Kong 1982-1984
7 3 Hungary 1973-1983
7 4 India 1973
7 5 Iran 1974-1984
7 6 Ireland 1983-1984
7 7 Israel 1974
7 8 Italy 1973-1984
7 9 Jamaica 1982-1984
7 10 Japan 1973-1983
7 11 Korea 1977-1984
7 12 Mexico 1975-1984
7 13 Morocco 1981
7 14 Netherlands (Holland) 1983-1985
8 1 New Zealand 1974-1985
8 2 Nicaragua 1979
8 3 Norway 1975-1981
8 4 Pakistan 1973-1984
8 5 Paraguay 1977-1981
8 6 Peru 1979-1981
8 7 Poland 1968-1985
8 8 Portugal 1974-1979
8 9 Romania 1980-1984
8 10 Russia (USSR) 1973-1983
8 11 Singapore 1980
8 12 South Africa 1975-1982
8 13 Spain 1973-1983
8 14 Sweden 1973-1983
8 15 Switzerland 1977
8 16 Turkey 1973-1974
8 17 USA 1968-1983
8 18 Uruguay 1974-1984
8 19 Venezuela 1977-1985
8 20 Yugoslavia 1973-1983
9 1 World Games of the Deaf (Part 1) 1967-1968
9 2 World Games of the Deaf (Part 2) 1969
9 3 World Games of the Deaf (Part 3) 1970-1971
9 4 U.S.A. International Games for the Deaf: Office of Finance Officer (Part 1) 1962-1963
9 5 U.S.A. International Games for the Deaf: Office of Finance Officer (Part 2) 1963
9 6 CISS – Medallion & Photos n.d.
10 1 USA 1983-1984 CISS (Part 1) 1983
10 2 USA 1983-1984 CISS (Part 2) 1983-1985
10 3 U.S.A. 1983-1984 (Pinchas) 1983-1985
10 4 1985 Organizing Committee – LA Organizing Team Minutes 1983-1985
10 5 1985 Organizing Committee – Letters 1983-1985
10 6 1985 Organizing Committee – Herb Schreiber 1983-1984
10 7 1985 Organizing Committee – Austin Travel Co. 1983-1985
10 8 1985 Organizing Committee – Medical File 1985
10 9 1985 Games (Los Angeles) Part 1 1981-1983
10 10 1985 Games (Los Angeles) Part 2 1984
10 11 Society for American Baseball Research: Membership Directory 1976-1982

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