Areas of Study

MSS 146

Gannon, Jack R., 1936-2022

Papers of Jack R. Gannon, 1972-1975

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary
Repository: Gallaudet University Archives
Call No.: MSS 146
Title: Papers of Jack R. Gannon, 1972-1975
Quantity: 0.5 Linear Feet (1 document box)
Note: This document last updated 2008 February 6.

Administrative Information
Acquisition Information: Not available.
Processed by: Octavian Robinson. 2005.
Processing Note:
Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.
Related Material in the Archives:

  • Photographs
    • Jack R. Gannon [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Portraits
  • Vertical Files
    • Jack R. Gannon. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Biographical

Biographical Sketch
Jack Gannon was born in Southern Missouri in 1936 and became deaf at age eight due to spinal meningitis. He graduated from the Missouri School for the Deaf in 1954. In 1959, Gannon graduated from Gallaudet and shortly after started his career at the Nebraska School for the Deaf as a football coach and graphic arts teacher. Eventually, in 1968, Gannon joined the staff at Gallaudet and retired as a Special Assistant to the President for Advocacy in 1996. During his years as an educator, he also gave numerous speeches at conferences for several organizations and schools, such as the Annual Iowa Conference on Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, University of Virginia, Maryland School Deaf. There is a house named after him on the campus of Missouri School for the Deaf. He is married to Rosalyn, who is also deaf, and they have two children together. Gannon is best known for his book, Deaf Heritage: A Narrative History of Deaf America, which was published in 1981. He also authored the book, The Week the World Heard Gallaudet based on the 1988 Gallaudet University protests demanding a Deaf president. One of his many projects consists of compiling information to form a comprehensive history about the World Federation of the Deaf. Jack Gannon, not only as a historian but also as an advocate, has contributed enormously to deaf history and deaf studies.

Scope and Content
The Jack R. Gannon collection consists of approximately 11,050 items. The information ranges from materials that Gannon wrote to newspaper clippings and press releases. The majority of the papers are dated from the 1970s. Also included in the Gannon Collection are papers documenting the progression of gaining national access to open captioning and interpreting services for television programs.

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists
No Series

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 Biographies: Vision On n.d.
1 2 Brochures 1973
1 3 Correspondence 1972-1973
1 4 Federal Communications Commission Hearing 1975
1 5 Interpreting on Television n.d.
1 6 Miscellaneous n.d.
1 7 NBS TVTime System 1972
1 8 News Clippings 1972-1973
1 9 PBS Petition 1975
1 10 Press Releases 1973
1 11 Reports 1972
1 12 SignOn Newsletter 1974-1975
1 13 Vision On Materials 1972

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