Areas of Study

MSS 137 Goodstein, Astrid, 1944-

Papers of Astrid Goodstein, 1998-1999

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary
Repository: Gallaudet University Archives
Call No.: MSS 137
Title: Collection of Astrid Goodstein, 1998-1999
Quantity: 0.5 Linear Feet (1 document box)
Note: This document last updated 2005 December 7.

Administrative Information
Acquisition Information: The Astrid Goodstein Papers were given to the Gallaudet University Archives. The gift was made in 1998-99.
Processed by: Octavian Robinson. 2004 November 8
Processing Note:
Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.
Related Material in the Archives:

  • Photographs
    • Astrid Goodstein [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Portraits
  • Vertical Files
    • Astrid Amann Goodstein. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Biographical

Biographical Sketch
Astrid Amann Goodstein was born deaf to deaf parents on February 6, 1944. Her parents are Frank and Alice Amann. She is the second deaf child out of three children. Her siblings are Franklyn Amann and Paula Chance. She first attended the Hosford Day School in Portland, Oregon. After being educated in the restrictive oral method, she was transferred to the Oregon School for the Deaf where they used sign language as the main mode of communication. She transferred to the California School for the Deaf, attending for five years, and graduating in 1960 at age 16. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Library Science in 1965 and completed her education with a M.A. in Teaching English at the Secondary Level in 1967. During her college years, she was involved with The Buff and Blue, Tower Clock, Student Body Government, played varsity hockey, basketball, and volleyball. She was also an active member of the Phi Kappa Zeta sorority and reigned as Kappa Gamma queen. After completing graduate school, she taught English at Kendall School, then at Gallaudet. She later became Executive Director of Enrollment Services at Gallaudet and retired from this position in 2003. She is married to Harvey Goodstein and has three sons, Jon, Matt, and Ryan.

Scope and Content
The papers of Astrid Goodstein are all related to her work with Gallaudet. The papers include information about establishing and developing an academic advising program at Gallaudet, the associate degree program, university policies, memos, minutes, proposals, studies, correspondence, surveys, evaluations, and papers from various university committee meetings. The dates range from 1979-1988, with the bulk dating from 1983-1986. Those papers give a good insight into the workings of university faculty and academic affairs.

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists
No Series

Box Number Title of Folder Date
1 1 Academic Advising 1979-1988
1 2 Associate Degree Program 1981-1986
1 3 Canadian Post-Secondary Programs 1985-1986
1 4 Canadian Student Policies 1982-1986
1 5 Consortium 1985
1 6 Cued Speech Project 1982
1 7 Faculty Compensation Committee 1985-1987
1 8 General Memos 1983-1987
1 9 Graduate Council 1983-1985
1 10 Jerry C. Lee Memos 1984-1986
1 17 Memos to Collegiate Faculty 1983-1986
1 11 Memos: College of Arts and Sciences 1983-1987
1 12 Memos: Collegiate Faculty from Catherine Ingold 1983-1985
1 13 Memos: Committee A 1984-1987
1 14 Memos: Committee B 1985-1986
1 15 Memos: Committee D 1984-1987
1 16 Memos: Faculty Senate 1986-1987
1 18 Minutes of Collegiate Faculty 1983-1986
1 19 Minutes of Faculty Senate 1986-1987
1 20 Miscellaneous 1983-1985
1 21 Undergraduate Student Orientation Evaluations 1983

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