Areas of Study

MSS 188 – Table 1

National Congress of Jewish Deaf, 1956-

National Congress of Jewish Deaf Collection, 1909-1998

Gallaudet University Archives

Box Folder Title Date(s)
1 1 Minutes 1956-1961
1 2 Minutes 1962-1964
1 3 Minutes 1966-1976
1 4 Minutes 1982-1990
1 5 Financial reports 1978-1988
1 6 Federal tax forms 1964-1986
1 7 State tax forms 1963-1985
1 8 Convention host financial reports 1960-1988
1 9 Correspondence on tax exemptions 1963-1967
1 10 Treasurer’s report 1990
2 1 Archives policy Undated
2 2 Award applications 1988
2 3 Blank forms and envelopes Undated
2 4 Brochure on Passover 1988
2 5 Certificates for membership and awards Undated
2 6 Clipping from The Endeavor 1989
2 7 Clipping on Statue of Liberty 1984
2 8 Convention sponsorship forms Undated
2 9 Constitution and by-laws 1960-1970
2 10 Correspondence on 14th biennial convention 1980-1982
2 11 Donation document Undated
2 12 Fliers on Hanukkah signs Undated
2 13 Fliers on religious signs Undated
2 14 Forms and letter for cookbook 1988
2 15 Gallaudet University Alumni Association resolution 1979
2 16 Grant proposal for rabbis’ gathering 1986
2 17 Introduction to the NCJD brochures Undated
2 18 Judaica Captioned Film Center organizational member certificates 1984, 1988
2 19 List of Award of Merit recipients 1986
2 20 List of NCJD Queens 1986
2 21 Passover Haggadah Undated
2 22 Philip Hanover essay on Judaism Undated
2 23 Photograph of NCJD exhibit 1985
2 24 Photographs of NCJD booth 1985
2 25 Prayer books for Sabbath 1976-1986
2 26 Program and guide from workshop on Orientation of Jewish Religious and Community Leaders to Deafness… 1970
2 27 Resolutions of appreciation 1986
2 28 Survey of rabbis on deaf programs 1985
3 1 Albert Berke clippings and certificate of appreciation 1960-1989
3 2 Albert Berke papers on first draft of NCJD constitution and by-laws 1956-1958
3 3 Albert Berke papers on first draft of NCJD constitution and by-laws 1956-1958
3 4 Albert Berke correspondence on NCJD convention planning 1961
3 5 Alexander Fleischman correspondence 1988-1990
3 6 Alexander Fleischman correspondence with NCJD affiliates 1986-1990
3 7 Alexander Fleischman minutes and correspondence from NCJD board 1986-1989
4 1 Ben Estrin correspondence 1966-1971
4 2 Ben Estrin correspondence and minutes 1958-1976
4 3 Ben Estrin correspondence 1966-1968
4 4 Ben Estrin correspondence and reports on convention plans 1970-1972
4 5 Ben Estrin correspondence with Cleveland Hebrew Association of the Deaf 1965-1966
4 6 Ben Estrin minutes and correspondence from Washington Society of Jewish Deaf 1978-1991
4 7 Ben Estrin minutes and periodicals from Washington Society of Jewish Deaf 1985-1987
4 8 Ben Estrin correspondence on speakers for Washington Society of Jewish Deaf 1983-1984
4 9 Ben Estrin correspondence and clippings 1991-1993
4 10 Sharon Dror clippings and awards 1977-1978
4 11 Sharon Dror correspondence for Alexander Fleischman roast 1988
4 12 Sharon Dror correspondence and applications for organizations 1986
5 1 Sharon Dror correspondence for Shabbaton 1985
5 2 Sharon Dror forms and correspondence for Young Adult Program at 16th biennial convention 1986
5 3 Sharon Dror photographs from United Jewish Appeal conference 1986
5 4 Sharon Dror correspondence and forms for Young Adult Activities at 16th Biennial Convention 1986
5 5 Sharon Dror correspondence and forms for Young Adult Activities at 16th Biennial Convention 1986
5 6 Sharon Dror clippings and correspondence 1990
5 7 Sharon Dror Deaf Trivia book 1988
5 8 Sharon Dror notes and clippings for Deaf Trivia book 1987-1992
5 9 Sharon Dror clippings and correspondence for Deaf Trivia book 1965-1987
6 1 Sharon Dror clippings for Deaf Trivia book 1966-1983
6 2 Sharon Dror clippings for Deaf Trivia book 1889-1987
6 3 Sharon Dror clippings for Deaf Trivia book 1948-1987
6 4 Sharon Dror notes and photographs on deaf Jewish twins and triplets 1989
6 5 Sharon Dror articles and correspondence 1983-1990
6 6 Sharon Dror articles and correspondence 1986
6 7 Convention program books 1956-1964
6 8 Convention program books 1966-1976
7 1 Convention program books 1978-1986
7 2 Convention program books 1988-1992
7 3 2nd Biennial Convention program book 1958
7 4 4th Biennial Convention photograph and tickets 1962
7 5 5th Biennial Convention program book and photographs 1964
7 6 7th Biennial Convention photographs and tickets 1968
7 7 8th Biennial Convention program book 1970
7 8 Correspondence for 9th Biennial Convention planning 1971-1972
7 9 9th Biennial Convention program book and flier 1972
7 10 10th Biennial Convention program book and dinner program 1974
7 11 11th Biennial Convention program book and prayer books 1976
7 12 12th Biennial Convention program book 1978
7 13 13th Biennial Convention program book and Sabbath services guide 1980
7 14 14th Biennial Convention Committee minutes and correspondence 1980-1982
8 1 14th Biennial Convention photographs and program book 1982
8 2 15th Biennial Convention minutes and photographs 1984
8 3 16th Biennial Convention program book and fliers 1986
8 4 17th Biennial Convention proceedings 1988
8 5 17th Biennial Convention fliers and brochures 1988
8 6 17th Biennial Convention fliers and brochures 1988
8 7 17th Biennial Convention motions by members 1988
8 8 18th Biennial Convention badge and fliers 1990
8 9 18th Biennial Convention fliers and registration forms 1990
8 10 18th Biennial Convention minutes and proposals 1990
8 11 19th Biennial Convention prayer book 1992
9 1 NCJD Quarterly 1959-1963
9 2 NCJD Quarterly 1964-1969
9 3 NCJD Quarterly 1970-1973
9 4 NCJD Quarterly 1974-1977
9 5 NCJD Quarterly 1978-1980
9 6 NCJD Quarterly 1981-1984
9 7 NCJD Quarterly 1984-1985
9 8 NCJD Quarterly 1986-1988
9 9 NCJD Quarterly 1989-1991
10 1 NCJD Quarterly 1992-1994
10 2 Ben Zukor Community Program Quarterly (Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf) 1984-1985
10 3 Beth Torah of the Deaf Newsletter 1985
10 4 Brooklyn Hebrew Society of the Deaf Newsletter 1987-1990
10 5 Chronicle (New York Society for the Deaf) 1962-1994
10 6 Congregation News (Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf) 1979-1984
10 7 Congregation News (Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf) 1985-1986
10 8 Congregation News (Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf) 1987-1988
11 1 Congregation News (Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf) 1989-1990
11 2 Congregation News (Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf) 1991-1992
11 3 Congregation News (Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf) 1993
11 4 Congregation News (Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf) 1994-1995
11 5 Demama (English) 1958-1959
11 6 Demama (English) 1960-1973
11 7 Demama (English) 1974-1977
12 1 Demama (Hebrew) 1958-1966
12 2 Demama (Hebrew) 1967-1975
12 3 Demama (Hebrew) 1977-1982
12 4 Hand to Hand (New York Society for the Deaf) 1985-1986
12 5 Hebrew Association of the Deaf (New York) Newsletter 1986-1995
12 6 Hebrew Association of the Deaf (Philadelphia) News 1977-1982
12 7 Hebrew Association of the Deaf (Philadelphia) News 1983-1988
13 1 Hebrew Association of the Deaf (Philadelphia) News 1989-1991
13 2 Hebrew Association of the Deaf (Philadelphia) News 1992-1994
13 3 Hebrew Association of the Deaf (Philadelphia) News 1995-1997
13 4 The Jewish Deaf 1915-1916
13 5 The Jewish Deaf 1917-1918
13 6 The Jewish Deaf 1919
13 7 The Jewish Deaf 1920
14 1 The Jewish Deaf 1921-1922
14 2 The Jewish Deaf 1923
14 3 The Jewish Deaf 1924-1925
14 4 The Jewish Deaf 1930-1932
14 5 Jewish Deaf Community News 1986-1990
14 6 Jewish Deaf Community News 1991-1995
14 7 Jewish Deaf and Hearing Impaired Council Newsletter 1984-1986
14 8 Jewish Deaf Association Newsletter 1985-1987
15 1 Judaica Captioned Film Center Inc. Newsletter 1984-1990
15 2 Mishelanu “From Us” newsletter 1984-1985
15 3 Our Review 1987-1988
15 4 Our Way 1974-1982
15 5 Our Way 1983-1985
15 6 Our Way 1987-1995
15 7 An Outstretched Arm 1984-1985
15 8 Reform Judaism magazine clippings on deaf subjects 1981-1988
15 9 Sh’ma (Association for Jewish Parents of the Deaf 1985
15 10 Temple Beth Or of the Deaf Newsletter 1982-1984
15 11 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf Newsletter 1976-1984
15 12 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf Newsletter 1985-1986
16 1 Joseph Abarbanell obituary 1988
16 2 Rev. Dr. Adler sermon: “The Morning and the Evening Sacrifice” 1864
16 3 Gary Alpert clipping on bar mitzvah 1989
16 4 Sylvia Auerbach diploma and letter 1934-1991
16 5 Nancy Becker article on multiple sclerosis 1987
16 6 Ruth Bender excerpt from The Conquest of Deafness 1970
16 7 Eugene Bergman magazine and clipping 1974-1988
16 8 Miriam Berman clipping 1989
16 9 William Bernstein press releases 1986
16 10 Bruce Black article on Jews with disabilities 1992
16 11 Jody Blank clipping 1985
16 12 David Bloch letter and clippings 1987-1990
16 13 Sheldon Blumenthal clippings 1962
16 14 B’nai B’rith flier and program 1987
16 15 Uzi Bozaglo program 1987
16 16 Bernard Bragg clippings 1981-1989
16 17 Philip Bravin clippings 1990
16 18 Lee Brody clippings and brochure 1979-1988
16 19 Gerald “Bummy” Burstein booklet and newsletter 1989-1991
16 20 Simon Carmel article and clippings 1986-1987
16 21 Jeffrey Cohen article 1986
16 22 Louise Cohen-Silver and Barbara Gottschalk paper 1989
16 23 Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston clippings 1986
16 24 Commission on Jews with Disabilities newsletters and clippings 1982-1989
16 25 Committee on Welfare of Deaf prayer book 1919
16 26 Harvey Corson clippings 1990
16 27 Susan Davidoff clippings 1984-1985
16 28 Rebecca Dubowe clippings Undated
16 29 Jack M. Ebin article 1967
16 30 Erick and Bernice Fleischer clipping 1984
16 31 Alexander Fleischman clippings 1969-1988
16 32 Shelly Franks clipping 1987
16 33 Phyllis Frelich clipping Undated
16 34 Rabbi Fred Friedman correspondence 1985-1990

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