Areas of Study

MSS 71 – Russell, George Oscar, 1890-1962
Papers of George O. Russell, 1919-1971
Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary
Repository: Gallaudet University Archives
Call No.: MSS 71
Title: Papers of George O. Russell, 1919-1971.
Quantity: 4.5 Linear Feet (9 document boxes)
Note: This document last updated 2006 January 9.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information:
Processed by: Colleen M. Crisp. 1996 September 9.
Processing Note: Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives:

Deaf Rare

  • Normal speech pitch patterns for the deaf : a new approach / G. Oscar Russell. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Rare
  • Eliminating uncanny deaf speech : a paper delivered in Staunton, Virginia, June 28, 1928, before the summer meeting of the American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf / by G. Oscar Russell. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Rare


  • George Oscar Russell [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 21-12
  • Sound tracks [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 202-4


  • Photograph album of George O. Russell [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Photograph Album AL 21

Vertical Files<

  • George Oscar Russell. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Biographical

Biographical Sketch

1890 George O. Russell was born in Conejos, Colorado, on November 21.
1915 Russell earned his B.A. at Brigham Young University, Utah.
1916-1917 He was an instructor in phonetics at Columbia University, New York City.
1917 In this year he was married to Oertel Rich.
1917-1918 Russell served in Aviation Sect.
1918 Later he became an Assistant with military attache in Brazil.
1918 At the Columbia University in New York City he received his M.A.
1918-1919 He worked for the Military Intelligence Division, General Staff, with the U.S. Army.
1919-1923 During these years Russell was an associate professor at the University of Utah.
1923-1924 Soon after he was a visiting professor at the University of Chicago.
1924 Russell then became the Director for the National University of Mexico during summer school.
1925-1927 The following year he was an assistant professor in Spanish at Ohio State University.
1928 Again at Columbia University in New York City Russell obtained his Ph.D.
1928-1929 Russell returned to Ohio State University as an assistant professor in Spanish.
1930-1941 Shortly thereafter he became a professor and chairman with the Division of Phonetics, as well as Director of the Language Labs at Ohio State University.
1941-1942 Russell was also the Superintendent at the Utah School for the Deaf and Blind.
1941-1943 At the Utah State Research Laboratories he became Director.
1944-1946 Later he was the Executive Director at the National Research Foundation.
1946-1955 Russel then moved on to Chairman for the Modern Foreign Language Department at Western College, Ohio.
1946-? Russell continued as a visiting professor during the summers at various schools nad Institutions: University of Chicago, University of Michigan, Purdue University, University of Wisconsin, Washington University, Central Institute of St. Louis, Linguistic Institute at Yale and a Research Associate at the Carnegie Institute.
1955?-? He then became a Research Professor for speech, hearing, and voice of the Deaf, at Gallaudet College, Washington, DC.
1962 George O. Russell died on March 19 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Scope and Content

The collection of George Oscar Russell consists of correspondence, photographs, magazines, publications, books, theses, records and x-rays of speech, films on speeches and voices, printing plates blocks of voices, and artifacts. The collection started from 1919-1971, with the bulk being correspondence.

The letters were mainly written by family members, friends, and businesses.

In box four, there are magazines and publications that were written by George Oscar Russell. The magazines and publications were about speech and voices.

Most of George Oscar Russell’s collection were on speech and voices. He taught speech, not only to Deaf but to others, like Caruso, who was the Italian tenor.

There are 38 rolls of 16mm films in box seven. Most of these films are unidentified but they are related to speeches and voices.

Box 9 contains artifacts that once belonged to George Oscar Russell, including a wooden kitchen tool, an instrument, one pair of glasses with case, and an ivory cigar holder.

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists

No Series

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 Correspondence The American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf 1940
1 2 Correspondence Bank of Insurance 1955‑1960
1 3 Correspondence Barker, James L. to Russell, G.O. 1955‑1956
1 4 Correspondence Brewer, Myrene 1954‑1959
1 5 Correspondence Brossard, Edgar B. and Laura 1958
1 6 Correspondence Camerish, Mary 1948‑1959
1 7 Correspondence Cannon, Edwin (Ted) Q. (son-in-law to Russell) 1957‑1960
1 8 Correspondence Cannon, Janath Russell (daughter to Russell) Part 1 1942‑1957
1 9 Correspondence Cannon, Janath Russell Part 2 1958‑1959
1 10 Correspondence Cannon, Janath Russell Part 3 1960
1 11 Correspondence Carnegie Institution of Washington 1937‑1959
1 12 Correspondence “Cause of Good and Bad Voices” 1959‑1960
1 13 Correspondence Christmas Cards 1953‑1959
1 14 Correspondence The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 1932‑1959
1 15 Correspondence Cotton, Jack C. 1954‑1959
1 16 Correspondence Crookston, Carol Russell (daughter to Russell) 1944‑1950
1 17 Correspondence Foreign Letters 1919
1 18 Correspondence Gallaudet College 1945‑1959
1 19 Correspondence Grandchildren ‑ greeting cards (to Russell) 1957‑1960
1 20 Correspondence Hansen, Mrs. J. Miller 1942
1 21 Correspondence Inquiries about G. O. Russell 1964‑1971
1 22 Correspondence Miscellaneous 1919‑1959
2 1 Correspondence Miscellaneous (Rich and Russell Families) 1946‑1959
2 2 Correspondence Nieces and Nephews (to George) 1947‑1951
2 3 Correspondence Padersen, Ruth 1959‑1960
2 4 Correspondence Pendell, Lucille H. 1958
2 5 Correspondence Postcards 1927‑1960
2 6 Correspondence Russell, Dolly E. McEntire (mother to George) 1928‑1948
2 7 Correspondence Russell, G.O. to Cannon, Edwin (Ted) Q 1951
2 8 Correspondence Russell, G.O. to Cannon, Janath Russell 1951‑1959
2 9 Correspondence Russell, G.O. to Crookston, Carol Russell n.d.
2 10 Correspondence Russell, G.O to Russell, Dolly E. McEntire 1951‑1952
2 11 Correspondence Russell, G.O. to Russell, Robert R. 1953‑1959
2 12 Correspondence Russell, Harry and Agnes 1959
2 13 Correspondence Russell, Oertel Rich (wife to George) 1944‑1945
2 14 Correspondence Russell Research Laboratories 1930‑1932
2 15 Correspondence Russell, Robert R. Part 1 1952‑1958
2 16 Correspondence Russell, Robert R. Part 2 1959‑1960
2 17 Correspondence Siders, Lillian 1951‑1959
2 18 Correspondence Speech Research 1941‑1959
2 19 Correspondence Stoops, Mary D. 1957‑1960
2 20 Correspondence Telegrams 1929‑1940
2 21 Correspondence Victor, Edna 1952‑1959
2 22 Correspondence Walsh, John and Isabel 1951
2 23 Correspondence Western College for Women 1948‑1955
2 24 Correspondence Who’s who in America 1955
3 1 Articles 1942
3 2 Bills and Receipts 1930
3 3 Divorce of Oertel Rich Russell and G.O. Russell; A statement and petition 1956-1958
3 4 Gallaudet College entering group, Oct.1957 by Speech Research Laboratory 1957
3 5 Linguistic Atlas of the U.S. and Canada, Committee on a 1930
3 6 List of cataloged materials by George O. Russell in EMG Library 1971
3 7 List of references as to qualifications n.d.
3 8 Magazine articles The Improvement Era 1938
3 9 Miscellaneous 1917‑1958
3 10 National Association for Advancement of Blind Artists 1940?
3 11 National Research Foundation 1956‑1960
3 12 Obituaries of the Rich and Russell Families 1952‑1954
3 13 Passport 1919
3 14 Passport 1935
3 15 Qualification and duties of superintendent of School for the Deaf and Blind 1933
3 16 Research notes n.d.
3 17 Rich Family Association 1947‑1952
3 18 Russell, Harry Hale, Memorial of 1936
3 19 Russell Hearing Graph 1928
3 20 Will and Death Certificate 1957‑1962
4 1 Magazine The Utah Eagle 15615
4 2 Publication Causes of Good and Bad Voices n.d.
4 3 Publication Etiology of Follicular Pharyngitis 1936
4 4 Publication Exercises de Prononciation Francaise a 1’usage des Etudiants Anglo Saxons 1934
4 5 Publication First Preliminary xray consonant study 1934
4 6 Publication International Research Symbols in speech as in Chemistry 1930‑1931
4 7 Publication Language ability of the Deaf monograph 1942
4 8 Publication The life of Robert Rich, second Earl of Warwick, to 1642 by Wesley F. Craven 1928
4 9 Publication The McEntire Family in America 1960
4 10 Publication Our Voices: Some new scientific facts pointing to improvement n.d.
4 11 Publication Physiological Cause of Cultural and Piering Deaf voices 1929
4 12 Publication Physiological Cause of Voice Quality in Singing 1930
4 13 Publication Research in the physiological cause of voice quality differences 1943
4 14 Publication The Role of Resonance in Vowel Production 1922
4 15 Publication Silent reading 1925
4 16 Publication Sinus and Head Cavities­ Modifiers, not Resonators 1934
4 17 Publication Some terms of Physics Linguists 1928
4 18 Publication A Symposium on Stuttering (Stammering) 1931
4 19 Publication Systematic and Analytical Thought Terms of a Science or Slang and Popular Words 1941
4 20 Publication Exhibition: Voice Quality Differences in Tone Production and Speech 1937
5 1 Proof of Causes of Good and Bad Voices n.d.
5 2 Thesis: The Life of Robert Rich, second Earl of Warwick by Wesley Frank Craven, Jr. Part 1 1928
5 3 Thesis: The Life of Robert Rich, second Earl of Warwick by Wesley Frank Craven, Jr. Part 2 1928
5 4 Thesis: The Life of Robert Rich, second Earl of Warwick by Wesley Frank Craven, Jr. Part 3 1928
6 Envelopes #1‑39 Records of Voices Envelopes #40‑48 X‑rays of Speech

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