Areas of Study

MSS 51 – Jackson, Margaret, 1911-1986
Papers of Margaret Jackson, 1925-1982
Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives
Call No.: MSS 51
Title: Papers of Margaret Jackson, 1925-1982
Quantity: 1.0Linear Feet (4 document boxes)
Note: This document last updated 2005 December 16.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: The collection was donated by Margaret Jackson’s niece, Mrs. James O. Burri, (Nancy Burri) in March of 1987.
Processed by: Ulf Hedberg and Michael Olson. 1990 September 13.
Processing Note: Originally processed by Kevin D. Corbitt, 1989 July 24
Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives:


  • Photograph album of International Exhibition of Fine and Applied Arts by Deaf Artists [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Photograph Album AL 92


  • Margaret Elizabeth Jackson, 1937-1964. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: SMSS
  • Thomas Y. Northern. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: SMSS

Vertical Files

  • Margaret E. Jackson. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Biographical

Biographical Sketch

1902 Margaret Jackson was born in Wilmington, Delaware.
ca. 1905 She lost hearing at age 3 1/2 from cerebro spinal meningitis
1907-1915 Shortly thereafter, Jackson attended the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf.
ca. 1915-1920 Jackson then transferred to the New Jersey School for the Deaf (now the Marie T. Katzenbach School).
ca. 1920 She was the first student from the New Jersey School for the Deaf to receive a Gallaudet College scholarship.
1925 Jackson earned her B.A. Degree from Gallaudet College.
1927 She then began work as a macrophotographer and microphotographer with the Hispanic Society of America in New York.
1934 Jackson worked as a secretary for the Committee of Fifteen, the organization that set up the International Exhibition of Fine and Applied Arts by Deaf Artists.
ca. 1939-1941 During these years she worked with the Committee of the New York Deaf for the British War Relief Society as a Secretary.
1943 The Metropolitan Museum recognized her excellent work in shadowgraphy (x-ray photography).
1945-1949 Jackson became Chairman of the National Committee to raise funds for the aid of deaf French children.
1947 Jackson began work as Secretary with the Gallaudet Home Movie and Entertainment Committee in New York.
1949 For her support of relief efforts Jackson received a citation from the Société Centrale d’Éducation et d’Assitance pour les sourds-muets de France.
ca. 1954 Around this time she became the Assistant Curator of Photography for the Hispanic Society.
1964-1966 Later Jackson would become President of the Gallaudet Home Society in New York.
ca. 1965 Jackson was promoted to Curator of Photography with the Hispanic Society.
1972 She became Chairman of the Committee for the Alice Jane McVan Memorial Fund.
1986 Margaret Jackson died September 11, in Danvers, Massachusetts.

Scope and Content

The Margaret E. Jackson Papers, donated by her niece, Mrs. James O. Burri, consist of letters, miscellaneous articles, manuscripts, photographic materials, and a number of publications by the Hispanic Society of America for which Margaret E. Jackson photographed the illustrations. The collection, which consists of approximately 300 items, dates from 1925 1982. The bulk of the collection consists of letters to Margaret E. Jackson, her personal photographs, and the publications of the Hispanic Society of America. Many of the letters reflect her concern for aiding the deaf population. Correspondents include: Marguerite Colas, Maurice Colas, Irving Fusfeld, Jean Hanau, Thomas Hinchey, Suzanne Lavaud, Edward C. Merrill, Jr. She also corresponded with deaf artists Robert Dessales-Quentin, Émile Dudoret, Vilém B. Hauner, Kelly Stevens, and Valentin de Zubiaurre. A number of the slides and a few of the photographs relate to her photographic work with the Hispanic Society of America. Most of the photographs are personal photographs of herself, family, or friends. Many of the publications are hardcover with several signed by their respective authors.

Series Descriptions

Series 1: Autobiographical and Biographical MaterialBox 1, Folder 1

Manuscript autobiographical material: articles noted for autobiographical use; Gallaudet College and Gallaudet College Alumni Association publications relating to events in which Margaret E. Jackson participated. Arranged in chronological order.

Series 2: Support of the Deaf CommunityBox 1, Folders 2-5

Folders 2-3 include letters, documents and articles relating to Margaret E. Jackson’s fund raising efforts for the French deaf community. Folder 4 includes letters and documents relating to Margaret E. Jackson’s involvement with the Gallaudet Home Fund. Folder 5 includes letters relating to the Alice Jane McVan Memorial Display Case, Gallaudet College. Arranged inchronological order.

Series 3: Deaf ArtistsBox 1, Folders 6-8

Folder 6 contains letters from several deaf artists and is arranged alphabetically by the artist’s name then chronologically.

Folders 7-8 include biographical material on deaf artists Anna Hyatt Huntington and Valentin de Zubiaurre, respectively.

Series 4: General Correspondence and General ArticlesBox 1, Folders 9-10

Folder 9 contains any letters not included elsewhere.

Folder 10 contains various articles on the subjects of deafness and on Gallaudet College. Both folders are arranged chronologically.

Folders Lists

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 Autobiographical and biographical material 1925‑1973
1 2 Letters from Colas, Marguerite letters and documents relating to post‑war relief efforts in France 1930‑1949
1 3 Letters and article from Lavaud, Suzanne 1948‑1949
1 4 Letters and documents relating to the Gallaudet Home Fund (New York) 1938‑1973
1 5 Letters relating to the Alice Jane McVan Memorial Display Case 1971‑1972
1 6 Letters from deaf artists 1930‑1953
1 7 Biographical‑‑Huntington, Anna Hyatt n.d.
1 8 Biographical‑‑de Zubiaurre, Valentin 1924‑1953
1 9 Letters not included elsewhere 1931‑1982
1 10 Clipped articles: deafness: Gallaudet College 1948‑1979
1 11 Photocopies of personal photographs; inventory of photographic materials 1925‑1981
2 1 Hispanic Society of America publications; publication inventory 1938‑1967
3 1 Oversized Hispanic Society of America publications; biographical publication‑‑Frothingham, Alice Wilson; a book of poetry by Archer Milton Huntington; biographical publications‑­ Huntington, Archer Milton; publication inventory 1953‑c.1977
4 1 Articles 1942‑1976
4 2 By‑Laws 1953
4 3 Certificates of birth & death 1930‑1986
4 4 Correspondence 1911‑1976
4 5 Festschrifts 1964
4 6 GCAA Reunion Packets 1982
4 7 Magazines 1929‑1981
4 8 Membership cards 1947‑1978
4 9 Pamphlets 1979
4 10 Phi Kappa Zeta 1982
4 11 Proceedings 1946
4 12 Programs 1965‑1978.

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