Areas of Study

MSS 165

Commission on Education of the Deaf, 1986¬-1988

Collection of Commission of Education of the Deaf, 1987-1988

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives

Call No.: MSS 165


Title: Collection of Commission on Education of the Deaf, 1987-1988.

Quantity: 5 linear feet (10 boxes)

Abstract: This collection consists of numerous correspondences, manuscripts, and transcripts of proceedings for each committee of the Commission on Education of the Deaf.


Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: The Collection of Commission on Education of the Deaf was donated to the Gallaudet University Archives by Pat Johanson on May 4th, 1988.

Processed By: Jeffrey Peterson, 2008 May 9.

Processing Note:

Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives

Vertical Files

  • Commission on Education of the Deaf. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Subject
  • Commission on Education of the Deaf. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: FedGovt

Historical Sketch

The Commission on Education of the Deaf (COED) was established by the United States Congress and President in 1986 as part of the Education of the Deaf Act (Public Law 99-371) on August 4th, 1986. The purpose of the Commission was to create a study regarding the quality of infant and early childhood education programs and of elementary, secondary, postsecondary, adult, and continuing education furnished to deaf people and report back its findings as well as recommendations for improvement. Frank Bowe served as the Commission’s chairperson.

The Commission comprised of four committees: the Executive Committee, the Joint Committee, the Pre-College Programs Committee, and the Post-Secondary Committee.
To aid in their study the Commission made public a Notice of Inquiry (NOI) that contained 95 questions relating to education. The purpose of the NOI was to collect as much information as possible via correspondences regarding issues that concerned the deaf and education. Any and all interested parties were encouraged to respond. The Commission also held four public meetings where citizens could voice their concerns and offer advice to the Commission. Those meetings took place in Atlanta, Georgia; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Santa Fe, New Mexico; and Seattle, Washington.

The COED issued a public draft of its 164-page final report in January of 1988. The report was submitted to Congress and the President in February of 1988.

Scope and Content

The Collection consists of 10 boxes (5 linear feet) dating from 1987 to 1988. Documents contained within the Collection include correspondences from the Notice of Inquiry and draft recommendations, manuscripts from the four public meetings, transcript of proceedings from each committee, Notice of Draft Recommendations I and II, printed photographs, and reports.

The majority of content and strongest portion of the Collection is the manuscript series. The manuscripts consists of recommendations from concerned individuals, organizations, and schools regarding the future of education and the deaf.
Two more significant portions of the Collection include the transcripts of proceedings from meetings from the different committees that made up the Commission and correspondences that were sent in for the COED’s Notice of Inquiry and draft recommendation requests.

Series Description

Series 1: Correspondences

Boxes 1-3

This series consists of correspondences collected in regards to the COED’s Notice of Inquiry and draft recommendations I and II throughout 1987. Folders are categorized alphabetic-numerically.

Series 2: Manuscripts

Boxes 4-7

This series contains manuscripts from the four public meetings in 1987 the COED held to gather recommendations from their report regarding education and the deaf. Manuscripts range from reports given by organizations, schools, professionals, and officials to personal accounts of deaf individuals. Folders are arranged by date of the public meeting then by number assigned by the COED. With each public meeting sub-series (Atlanta, Minneapolis, Santa Fe, Seattle) is an index for the following manuscripts and meeting notes.

Series 3: Transcripts of Proceedings

Boxes 8-10

This series contains the transcripts of proceedings from meetings from each of the committees in the COED from 1987 to 1988. Folders are arranged committee alphabetic-date.

Click Here to View the Folders List

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