Areas of Study

Guidelines and Timetable

Please refer to this document for the most updated information on the guidelines and the timetable.

Classroom Assignments

  • Priority for general purpose classroom space will be given to those courses which comply with standard meeting times outlined in this guideline.
  • In an effort to utilize classroom size with overloaded classes, all programs and departments need to indicate overload limits in order to remain in original classroom assignments.
  • If all sections cannot be scheduled according to enrollment limits and available classroom space, the room scheduler will contact those departments whose courses do not have a classroom and request that they reschedule the times of the applicable sections prior to publication of the schedule of classes or make other accommodations necessary to provide the course.
  • Process for Approving Course Offerings

    • Department chairs should check with other department chairs to avoid conflicts (re: meeting times and room preferences) among courses required for majors/programs.
    • Multiple special courses on same topics must be approved by the dean.
    • All department schedules must reviewed by the dean for conformity with the guidelines. The dean will consult with their department chairs to make adjustments and to resolve classroom scheduling conflicts.
    • Changes in times/days of classes will be accepted up to two weeks prior to start of the semester with department chair’s approval. Exceptions can be made for class cancellations or additions due to changes in enrollment.

    Process for Revising Course Offerings after the Publication of the Schedule of Classes

    • All programs and departments must check with the scheduler in the Registrar’s Office about changing class days and times to determine if there are available classrooms to accommodate the new time.
    • During the semester, if the instructor knows a particular class will be cancelled, please inform the room scheduler to free up that classroom for any special requests.

    Contact Us

    Office of the Registrar

    SLCC Student Service Center

    (202) 250-2446

    9:00 am-4:30 pm
    9:00 am-4:30 pm
    9:00 am-4:30 pm
    9:00 am-4:30 pm
    9:00 am-4:30 pm

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