Areas of Study

If you smell smoke, see flames, or otherwise suspect that there is a fire in the building, take the following actions:

  • Pull the building fire alarm. The Department of Public Safety (DPS) has the primary responsibility of responding to level one fire (small fire) alarm incidents requiring building evacuations.
  • If a phone is available, call DPS. The first officer on the scene will respond immediately to the annunciate panel to determine where the alarm originated and advise the base station (DPS) of the location. The base station will then notify the D.C. Fire Department.
  • Evacuate the building in a calm and orderly fashion, closing the door to your office as you exit.
  • Pre-assigned individuals (through OSWD) should assist people who have disabilities to exit the building.
  • Once outside, walk quickly to your designated Assembly Area. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
  • No entry into the building will be permitted until the D.C. Fire Department declares the area safe.
  • If there is a fire near you:
    • Stay low to the floor and crawl out of the building as quickly as possible.
    • Cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth
    • If you come to a door that is closed, use the palm of your hand and your forearm to feel the door. Touch the lower, middle, and upper parts of the door. If it not hot, lean against the door and open it slowly. If there is no fire, proceed. If a door is hot when you touch it, do not open it. Look for another way to get out.
    • Smoke and gas rise to the ceiling first. Stay below the smoke at all times.

Contact Us

Public Safety

Carlin Hall Basement

(202) 651-5445

(202) 651-5555

12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am
12:00 am-12:00 am

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