Areas of Study


My research encompasses a wide array of themes within the field of deaf studies, focusing particularly on the intersections of language, mobility, and disability. My work investigates the political and ideological implications of language use in deaf communities, contributing to the broader discourse on sign language ideologies. More recently, my work has highlighted deaf cosmopolitanism and the affective experiences of language learning and translanguaging within deaf translocal networks. Currently, my research is focused on the Deaf Ecosystem, an ethnography of deaf entreprenership in the United States. 

My ongoing projects, and publications in press, continue to challenge and expand current perspectives on international deaf (im)mobilities, sign language research, and the lived experiences of deaf individuals across the globe. My interdisciplinary approach bridges anthropology, linguistics, and cultural studies, offering comprehensive insights that are crucial for both academic scholarship and community engagement.

Please feel free to contact me for copies of my publications if you are not able to access them through your library.


Moriarty, Erin, and Annelies Kusters. 2021. Deaf cosmopolitanism: Calibrating as a moral process. International Journal of Multilingualism 18(2): 285-302.

Moriarty, Erin. 2020. Filmmaking in a Linguistic Ethnography of Deaf Tourist Encounters. Sign Language Studies 20(4): 561-701.

Moriarty, Erin. 2020. “Sign to Me, Not the Children”: Ideologies of Language Contamination at a Deaf Tourist Site in Bali. Language & Communication: 195-203.

De Meulder, Maartje, Annelies Kusters, Erin Moriarty, and Joseph J. Murray. 2019. “Describe, Don’t Prescribe. The Practice and Politics of Translanguaging in the Context of Deaf Signers.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 2(2): 1–15.

Moriarty Harrelson, Erin. 2019. Deaf People With “No Language”: Mobility and Flexible Accumulation in Languaging Practices of Deaf People in Cambodia, Applied Linguistics Review, 10(1), 55-72.


Moriarty, Erin and Jorn Rijckaert. 2021. #deaftravel:Deaf Tourism in Bali (90 min. International Sign & English)


Kusters, Annelies, Mara Green, Erin Moriarty, and Kristin Snoddon, eds. 2020. Sign Language Ideologies in Practice. Boston/Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton Press.


Moriarty, Erin and Lynn Hou. 2023. Deaf Communities. In Alessandro Duranti, Rachel George, and Robin Conley Riner, eds. New Wiley Blackwell Companion to Linguistic Anthropology, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Kusters, Annelies; Maartje De Meulder and Erin Moriarty. 2022. Researching language attitudes in signing communities. In Zipp, Lena and Kircher, Ruth, eds. Research Methods in Language Attitudes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Moriarty, Erin. 2020. Signed language standardization projects in Cambodia. In Annelies Kusters, Mara Green, Erin Moriarty, and Kristin Snoddon, eds. Sign Language Ideologies in Practice. Boston/Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton Press.

Kusters, Annelies; Mara E. Green; Erin Moriarty; and Kristin Snoddon. 2020. Introduction: Sign Language Ideologies: Practices and Politics. In Annelies Kusters, Mara E. Green; Erin Moriarty; and Kristin Snoddon, eds. Sign Language Ideologies in Practice. De Gruyter Mouton / Ishara Press.

Moriarty Harrelson, Erin. 2017. Authenticating Ownership: Claims to Local Deaf Ontologies in the Global South. In Annelies Kusters, Maartje De Meulder and Dai O’Brien, eds. Innovations in Deaf Studies: The Role of Deaf Scholars. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Moriarty Harrelson, Erin. 2015. SAME-SAME but Different: Tourism and the Deaf Global Circuit in Cambodia. In Michele Friedner and Annelies Kusters, eds. “It’s a Small World”: Inquiries into International Deaf Spaces. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.


Cuccio, V., Wilkinson, E., Garcia, B., Schembri, A., Moriarty, E., Fontana, S., eds. 2022. Sign Language Research Sixty Years Later: Current and Future Perspectives. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-83250-534-2

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Erin Moriarty

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