Areas of Study

March 9, 1988

Board of Trustees

Gallaudet University

Washington, D.C.

Dear Trustees:

I urge you to reconsider the selection of a new president for Gallaudet University.

While I hesitate to urge the Board to vote for one candidate over another, it is important to emphasize the need for a president who can communicate with the students. If the students of a university spoke only Arabic, for example, it is hard to imagine that a president would be appointed who did not speak Arabic.

A president cannot effectively lead the university if he or she is cut off from the students by either visible or invisible barriers. Gallaudet University has served the hearing impaired community well by providing an excellent education. In spite of the current charged environment, the Board can continue that tradition of excellence by selecting a president who will be able to best meet the students’ needs.


Patricia Schroeder


Letters of support come in for Gallaudet students before and during DPN

Below are links to the text of letters of support received before and during the DPN protest. Although these letters have been re-typed for this website, every effort has been made to retain the exact wording and spelling of the originals. Vice-President George W Bush...

National Deaf Life Museum

Resource Type: History

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