
Large group photo of Class of 1958 with Dr. Jane Norman with their Class of 1958 Banner - all are standing together outside during Homecoming.
During Homecoming 2008, the Class of 1958 made a pledge of support to the National Deaf Life Museum (then Gallaudet Museum). Photo courtesy of The Main Event.
Dr. Jane Norman speaks to the Class of 1958 thanking them for their support.
Dr. Jane Norman, Director and Curator of the National Deaf Life Museum (then Gallaudet Museum), giving remarks of gratitude to the Class of 1958. Photo courtesy of The Main Event, 2008. You can help by making a gift, either individually or through an alumni class. Gerald “Bummy” Burstein, Class of 1950, an ardent supporter of his alma mater, is leading the way on this ambitious yet vital project through his generous gift. The Classes of 1958, 1959, 1962, and 1965 have made substantial pledges of support, and other classes are following their example. Your Class, Fraternity, Sorority, Organization, or Business can do the same by making a financial contribution to the Gallaudet University Museum Donations Fund (#3350.)
To learn how to make a contribution, please contact Contact.

If you wish to have any representative of the Museum to meet with or come to your Class Reunion, Organization, and your GUAA Chapter to give a presentation about the goals and vision of the National Deaf Life Museum, please contact the Executive Director of Gallaudet University Alumni Association (GUAA), Samuel Sonnenstrahl at Contact.<

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