Areas of Study

Dear Friends of the Gallaudet Museum,

On the week of April 6th to 10th, we are celebrating the one-year anniversary since the Grand Opening of our permanent museum exhibition in Chapel Hall, which took place on April 8, 2014. Your gift today will help us continue to grow.

With the generous support of our donors in the past and in the future, we:

  • Opened the permanent exhibit, Gallaudet at 150 and Beyond
  • Will launch an exhibit on Deaf Women this spring
  • Can bring artifacts to Chapel Hall in new cases
  • Will continue to update and expand exhibitions

Your gift will help us prepare for the challenging work we will face preserving stories for generations to come.

Won’t you give us A DOLLAR OR MORE to help us continue to operate and expand the Museum? Stop by at the Chapel Hall to help us fill up our donation box in the Chapel Hall exhibit! First 100 people come during April 6 – 10, 2015, will receive a surprise gift.
Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter to participate in our celebration.

As always, thank you for your continued support and for being a Friend of the Museum.
Wishing you a Happy Charter Day,


The Gallaudet University Museum Team

Give $1 or here to donate today.
Image of cupcake with number 1 blue candle lit, with buff frosting and navy blue cupcake cup.

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