
Name: Shuxu Tian

Country: China

Field of Study: Information Technology

My name is Shuxu Tian. I came to Gallaudet University from China, my home country, in the fall of 2013. My academic goal is to earn a degree in information technology with a high-grade point average. I am applying to the Honors Program, which will challenge me to improve academically through the courses I take, and I will get more in-depth practice and experience in the scientific fields.

After I graduate from Gallaudet, I am very hopeful that I will become a teacher, scientist, and leader in the field of scientific research and provide help and support for deaf communities when I go back to China, I plan to take the Teacher Certification Examination, then work as an information technology teacher at a deaf school. Having more deaf teachers will ensure that deaf students are getting the education they deserve and need. By doing this I hope to help improve deaf education in China and provide deaf students with the knowledge, skills, and other tools to succeed in the technology world. I also want to be a software developer, which will enable me to use my strong communication and technical skills to help bridge the gap between the deaf and hearing communities.

By awarding me the Sasakawa International Scholarship, the Nippon Foundation has lightened my financial burden, which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school–learning. Their generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals, just as the Nippon Foundation has helped me.

Contact Us

Sasakawa International Scholarship Fund

Building 103

(202) 250-2294

(202) 651-5150

(202) 803-7546

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