
Name: Khalid Nayeem

Country: India

Field of Study: Mathematics, Information Technology

My name is Khalid Nayeem. I am from Bihar, India. I started at Gallaudet University in Fall 2011 in their English Language Institute. After one year I enrolled into Gallaudet University as an undergraduate. I am now a junior majoring in Mathematics while my Minor is Information Technology and I plan to graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in December 2017.

My academic goal is to master two of my favorite subjects, Mathematics and Information Technology, as much as possible. I enjoy academic subjects that involve interesting and challenging calculations. I like Mathematics and Information Technology because they make me curious as well as satisfy that curiosity. I like getting results and reaching new conclusions, and Mathematics and Information Technology both help me do that. I also like to teach and help my friends realize how interesting Mathematics is. I am interested in gaining knowledge, helping other students like myself enjoy the pursuit of knowledge and developing my overall personality. My mission is to open up a well-equipped school for hearing impaired children that can provide quality education. I feel blessed that I will be able to serve the deaf community!

Receiving the SASAKAWA scholarship has been an absolute honor and a great help financially for me. I thank from the bottom of my heart the Sasakawa International Scholarship and also the Nippon Foundation. This is a great motivation for me. I will try my level best and work very hard to maintain a high GPA.

Contact Us

Sasakawa International Scholarship Fund

Building 103

(202) 250-2294

(202) 651-5150

(202) 803-7546

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