Areas of Study


The Vestibular & Balance Laboratory at Gallaudet University is led by Dr. Chizuko Tamaki and focuses its work on improving quality of life, especially for aging Deaf individuals. 

The Lab has access to various clinical equipment, some shared with Gallaudet University’s Speech and Hearing Clinic – Dizziness and Balance Center, and some dedicated to research. Examples of the equipment are videonystagmography, video head-impulse test, rotary chair, portable postural assessment (Balance Master), and auditory evoked potentials for VEMPs and ABR).

Students in the Doctor of Audiology (AuD) program, PhD program, and other graduate and undergraduate programs at Gallaudet University participate in the work in the Lab.

More information about the V&B Lab is online.

Participate! – current projects

We are currently collecting data for the following studies. Click on each title to get more information on how to participate. 

Lab Members

Director: Chizuko Tamaki, AuD, PhD


Research Assistants

  • Current RAs
    • Chloe Scheff, AuD student
    • Alaina Milam, AuD student
  • Most recent RAs
    • Jacquelin Kutz, AuD student
    • David Lopez, STAMP student

Contact Us

Vestibular and Balance Lab

SLCC 2200/3122K

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