Areas of Study

Bernstein, C., Brewer, D., & Muscato,N. (2022) Maximizing Cochlear Implant Outcomes with Short-Term Aural Rehabilitation. Invited Speaker for Featured Rehabilitation Forum. American Cochlear Implant Alliance Conference (CI2022), May 20.

Bernstein, C.*, Brewer, D.*, Bakke, M., Olson, A., Machmer, E., Spitzer, J., Schauer,P., Sydlowski,S.,& Levitt,H. (2021). Maximizing Cochlear Implant Outcomes with Short-Term Aural Rehabilitation. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology https://doi,org/10.1055/s-0041-1722987 * Co-First Authors

Vasil, K., Lewis, J., Ray, C., Baxter, J., Bernstein, C., Brewer, D., Presley, R., Sydlowski, S., Bosworth, C., Bakke, M., Hume-Johnson, K., Hehl, E., & Moberly, A. (2021).Assessment of reliability and validity of the Cochlear Implant Skills Review (CISR): A new measure to evaluate cochlear implant users’ device skills and knowledge. American Journal of Audiology

Brewer, D., Bernstein,C., Calandrillo, D, Nakhon, R., Muscato, N., Introcaso, K, Olson, A, Bosworth, C., Gina Stillitano,G., Vovos, R., & Sydlowski, S. (2021). Tele delivery of Aural Rehabilitation Therapy for Adult Cochlear Implant Users. Poster presentation at the virtual American Cochlear Implant Alliance Conference, April 28-May 1.

Calandrillo, D., Nakhon, R., Bernstein, C., Brewer, D., Thornton, D., Medwetsky, L. (2021). Auditory Brain Training by Telehealth Delivery with Older Adult Cochlear Implant Users: A Pilot Study. Poster presentation at the virtual American Cochlear Implant Alliance Conference. April 28-May 1.

Bernstein, C., & Brewer, D. (2020). Tele delivery of Aural Rehabilitation Treatment for Adult Cochlear Implant Patients. Presentation to Georgetown Medical Cochlear Implant Center, Washington, DC, February 14.

Bally, S. & Bernstein, C. (2019). Use of Humor to Facilitate Adaptation to Hearing Loss: Part 1. Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Vol LII, 1-10.

Bally, S. & Bernstein, C. (2019) Use of Humor to Facilitate Adaptation to Hearing Loss: Part II. Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Vol LII, 1-13.

Plant, G., Bernstein, C., & Levitt, H. (2015). Optimizing Performance in Adult Cochlear Implant Users through Clinician Directed Auditory Training. Seminars in Hearing, 36, 296-309.

Bernstein, C., Bakke, M., Mazevski, A., Blake-Rahter, P., Presley, R., Hume, K., Plant, G., & Levitt, H. (2012). Benefits of Speech Tracking Training on Sentence Recognition, Tracking Rate, and Self-Assessed Communication Function in Adult Cochlear Implant Users. Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, 45, 11-39.

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