Areas of Study

Working in college can make a significant contribution toward meeting your college costs. Having a job while in school or during the summer may help prepare you for life after college too. 

Federal Work Study (FWS) are federal funds intended to promote part-time employment, on or off-campus, for students who demonstrate financial need. However, student can participate in student employment without FWS. FWS funds awarded to students are paid as they are earned for employment. Placement for students awarded FWS funds is done through Gallaudet’s Career Center. Community service positions and reading tutor positions off-campus are available to FWS recipients. These positions offer a variety of service sites and activities. For more information, contact the Gallaudet University Career Success Office

Benefits of Student Employment

Because of Gallaudet University’s academic reputation, many families assume that it is unwise for students to work during the academic year. However, studies show that students who work a modest number of hours per week will, on average:

  • Have higher grade point averages
  • Graduate at a faster rate
  • Be less likely to withdraw
  • Have more job skills to include on their resumes

In many cases, working students become better organized and manage their time better. Employment also exposes students to mentor-type relationships and increases interactions with professionals in a variety of fields.

Federal Work-Study Employment

Federal Work-Study is a federal financial aid program for students who have financial need. The program funds part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students, allowing students to earn money to help pay educational expenses. Under the FWS program, a percentage of students’ earnings is paid through federal funds, with the remainder paid by the student’s employer. Because of this, many qualified employers are eager to hire Federal Work-Study students.

Here is how it works:

  • To be considered for FWS, a student must apply for financial aid.
  • Students interested in FWS must be hired and have a job prior to applying for FWS.
  • Students receiving an FWS award may apply for Work-Study jobs listed on Handshake.
  • To be eligible to apply for a Work-Study job, students must enroll at least half-time (wait-listed courses do not count).
  • Students may earn wages up to the amount listed in the FWS contract by their employers. Work-Study wages do not appear on the student’s university bill.
  • The student earns a paycheck to help pay college expenses.
  • The Financial Aid Office administers the Work-Study program. Award amounts vary, based on available funding.

Employment for Non-Work-Study Students

Students who do not have Work-Study can still find jobs at Gallaudet University. On-campus, there may be job listings available by reviewing Handshake.

Getting Hired Through Federal Work-Study

Discover how to get hired through Federal Work-Study at Gallaudet University. Explore tips, eligibility, and opportunities to support your education.

Financial Aid

Guideline Type: Procedures

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