
Financial Workshops Descriptions

Students are encouraged to meet with the ELI Program Coordinator if they have any questions.

Billing Policy Workshop

The Billing Policy Workshop helps students to understand their financial responsibilities and covers the following topics.

  • Advance payment requirements
  • Bank transfers/money wires
  • Gallaudet University health insurance plan
  • Do not let personal or family health insurance expire if you waive Gallaudet’s health insurance plan
  • Bison at
  • Student Center inside of Bison where the balance due is found
  • Refund policy for fall and spring semesters

Business Registration

Business Registration is when a person officially becomes a student for the semester and includes the following topics.

  • Signing a promissory note
  • Selecting a meal plan
  • Completing an online waiver form in Bison in order to use the outside health insurance plan that the student or family already has. Filling out an off-campus address form if the student is not living in a dorm on campus
  • Completing a Family and Educational Rights Protection Act (FERPA) online form in Bison

Website: Student Financial Services

Contact Us

English Language Institute

HMB E253

(202) 250-2606

(202) 651-5721

9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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