Areas of Study

Campus Life Workshop Descriptions

Students are encouraged to meet with the ELI Program Coordinator if they have any questions.

Below are descriptions of campus-life workshops and activities.

Academic Technology / Computer Accounts Workshop

The Academic Technology / Computer Accounts Workshop helps students to set up their computer accounts and covers the following topics:

Dorm Policy / Residence Hall Policy Workshop

The Dorm Policy Workshop explains the following topics for new students living in the dorms.

  • The Residence Advisor (RA) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for help
  • How to respect your roommate or change to another dorm room
  • How to complete a complaint procedure or report something illegal
  • Flashing fire alarms and emergency evacuation routes. For more information, please go to the Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Routes.

Department of Public Safety (DPS) Workshop

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) Workshop helps new students learn how to protect themselves and their property. The following topics are covered:

  • Do not walk alone in the dark.
  • How to contact DPS if you see something wrong
  • A DPS tracking number can be engraved on valuables.
  • DPS has a lost and found box and if a student has lost something on campus, it might be found there.
  • If a student encounters a violent situation, DPS can be called. DPS will report violent situations caused by students to Gallaudet University and the local police if necessary.
  • Student drug and alcohol violations will be reported to Gallaudet University as well. For more information, please go to the Alcohol and Other Drugs Point System Policy.

English Language Institute Student Organization (ELISO) Workshop

The English Language Institute Student Organization (ELISO) Workshop explains the unique and common characteristics of this student organization for ELI students.

The ELISO has equal status with other student organizations on campus, but there are ELI requirements to follow due to ELI’s accreditation status with the Commission of English Language Program Accreditation (CEA).

ESO Survey

New students are asked to complete the ESO survey to provide their feedback on specific items.

Gallaudet University Tour

New students take a tour of the Gallaudet University campus and various departments within certain buildings that are particularly relevant to ELI students.

Meal Plan Workshop

The Meal Plan Workshop helps on-campus students learn about the meal plans available for the semester or learn how to get a medical waiver. It also covers the difference between regular meal plan options and the dining dollars option.

Student Accountability & Restorative Practices (SARP)

The Office of Student Conduct Workshop helps new students learn how to act respectfully and treat others with respect. The following topics are covered:

  • Federal and local drug and alcohol laws
  • Gallaudet University drug and alcohol policies
  • How to say no and resist peer pressure
  • Religious tolerance is encouraged.
  • Sexual harassment is forbidden.

The Sexual Misconduct Workshop goes into explicit detail about what types of sexual behavior are unacceptable. Topics covered are listed below:

  • Creating pornographic videos is forbidden.
  • Sexual abuse is prohibited.
  • Rape is against the law.

Ombuds Workshop

The Ombuds Workshop helps new students get acquainted with the Office of the Ombuds, its services, and the four principles it follows. These four principles are confidentiality, informality, independence, and impartiality.

Post Office / Mailbox Assignments

Accompanied by ELI staff, new students will go to the on-campus post office in the Student Academic Center (SAC) near the Marketplace food court and get their mailbox number. Students will learn how to open the combination lock on their mailbox.

ELI Sponsored Social Activities

The ELI encourages new students to interact with each other and with the ELI staff in organized ice-breakers and other informal events.

Washington DC Tour

New ELI students learn how to get around in the greater DC area with the help of an ELI guide and tour a museum together. They learn how to ride the Gallaudet University shuttle, use a map of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) subway, and purchase a Smart-trip card or a paper ticket for a trip on the subway or bus.

Contact Us

English Language Institute

HMB E253

(202) 250-2606

(202) 651-5721

9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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