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Appanah, T. M. & Hoffman, N. (2014). Using scaffolded self-editing to improve the writing of signing adolescent deaf students. American Annals of the Deaf, 159, 269-283.
Clark, M. D. & Daggett, D. (2015). Exploring the presence of a Deaf American cultural life script. Deafness and Education International, DOI: 10.1179/1557069x15Y.
Clark, M. D., Hauser, P. C., Miller, P., Kargin, T., Rathmann, C., *Guldenoglu, B., *Kubus, O., *Israel, E. (2014).The Importance of Early Sign Language Acquisition for Deaf Readers. Reading & Writing Quarterly, (ahead-of-print), 1-25.
Mitchiner, J.C. (2014). Deaf Parents of Cochlear Implanted Children: Beliefs on Bimodal Bilingualism. Journal of Deaf Studies & Deaf Education. doi: 10.1093/deafed/enu028.
O’Brien, C., Kuntze, M., & Appanah, T. (2014). Culturally relevant leadership: A deaf education cultural approach. American Annals of the Deaf, 159, 296-301.
Wilson, A., & Winiarczyk, R. (2014). Mixed methods research strategies with deaf people. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 8, 266-277.
Yuknis, C. (2015). Attitudes of pre-service teachers toward inclusion for students who are deaf. Deafness and Educational International. DOI:
Zimmerman, H.G. (2015). Resilience as a noun or a verb: A review of the literature. Gallaudet Chronicles of Psychology, 3 (1), 20-26. Retrieved here
Clark, M. D., Gollaza, A., Tibbitt, J. S., Keith, C. L., Wolsey, J. A., & Zimmerman, H.G. (In press). Eye gaze: Learning to look and looking to learn. ADVANCE for Speech and Hearing.
Gentzke, S., Kartheiser, G., Keith, C., Riddle, W., Sonnier, W., Stone, A., Tibbitt, J., Zimmerman, H., & Yuknis, C. (2014, October 27). Rewriting Teacher Credentials [Web log post].
Yuknis, C. (2014, September 1). Using Twitter in higher education [Web log post].
Gerner de Garcia, B. A. & Karnopp, L.B. (Eds.) Bilingual Deaf Education, Sign Language, and Deaf Culture in Latin America. Gallaudet Press.
Sass-Lehrer, M. (ed.) Early intervention for deaf and hard of hearing infants, toddlers and their families: Interdisciplinary perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.
Book Chapters
Gárate, M. (2014). Developing bilingual literacy in Deaf children. In Sasaki. M, (Ed.), Literacies of the Minorities: Constructing a truly inclusive society. (PP.58-75). Tokyo, Japan: Kuroshio Publishing Co. [Japanese and English versions available].
Gárate, M. & Lenihan, S. (In press). Collaboration for communication, language and cognitive development. In Sass-Lehrer, M. (Ed). Deaf and Hard of Hearing Infants, Toddlers, and their Families: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. (PP. 231-275). New York, NY: Oxford Press.
Gentzke, S. (2015). Mentors and role models. The SAGE Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Gentzke, S. (2015). Socioemotional development. The SAGE Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Gerner de Garcia, B.A. (in press). Multilingualism. In P. Beaudreault, Gertz, G., Golson, J.G.,The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Gerner de Garcia, B.A. & Karnopp, L. (in press). Deaf history: South America. In P. Beaudreault, Gertz, G., Golson, J.G.,The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Herzig, M., Clark, D., Baker, S., & Simms, L. (Expected September 2015.) Psycholinguistics: Milestones. In P. Boudreault and G. Gertz (Eds.), The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Karnopp, L. & Gerner de Garcia, B.A. (in press). Deaf community: South America. In P. Beaudreault, Gertz, G., Golson, J.G., The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Kite. B. (2015) Family Stress and Resiliency Framework, In Theoharis, R., and Fitzpatrick, M. (Eds.), Trains, Video Games, and Superheroes: Autism in Context. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Press.
Mitchiner, J. (2015) Making the classroom environment accessible to ALL. In Theoharis, R. & Fitzpatrick M. Trains, Video Games & Superheroes: Autism in Context. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Press.
Pittman, P., Sass-Lehrer, M. & Abrams, S. (in press). Sign language, sign systems and other visual modalities. In M.P. Moeller, D. Ertmer, C.Stoel-Gammon (eds.). Promoting language and literacy development in children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing, Co.
Sass-Lehrer, M. & Young, A. (in preparation). Evidence-based practice in early intervention: The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Deaf Education for the 21st Century. New York: Oxford University Press.
Sass-Lehrer, M., Benedict, B. & Crace, J. (in press). Deaf education: Early intervention. In P. Beaudreault, Gertz, G., Golson, J.G.,The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Wilson, A., Winiarczyk, R. & Boland, A. (in press). Deaf International Development Practitioners and Researchers Working Effectively in Deaf Communities. In M. Friedner & A. Kusters (Eds.), It’s a small world: Inquiries into international deaf spaces. Washington, DC. Gallaudet Press.
Wilson, A. (in press). Religion: Missionaries. In G. Gertz & P. Boudreault (Eds.), The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Reference.
Yuknis. C. (in press). Cued speech. In G. Gertz & P. Boudreault (Eds.). The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Yuknis. C. (in press). Deaf education journals. In G. Gertz & P. Boudreault (Eds.). The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Yuknis. C. (in press). The education of the deaf act. In G. Gertz & P. Boudreault (Eds.). The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Kite, B.J. & Burns, H. (2014) An overview of ASL/Spoken English bilingual development in Deaf and HH children, Workshop Presentation. National Association of the Deaf Conference, Atlanta, GA, July 2.
Kite, B.J. & Burns, H. (2014) An overview of ASL/Spoken English bilingual development in Deaf and HH children, Workshop Training. Maryland School for the Deaf, Columbia, MD, December 17 – 18.
Clark, M. D. Workshop. Scoring the VCSL. Presented at the Maryland School for the Deaf—Columbia, April 2015.
Gárate, M. “Fundamentos da Educação Bilíngue para Surdos” [Aspects of Bilingual Education for Deaf Students] Presentation at the XIII International Congress and XIX National Seminar of INES, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. September 2014.
Gárate, M. “Leitura e Escrita para Crianças Surdas” [Literacy instruction for Deaf children] Presentation at the XIII International Congress and XIX National Seminar of INES, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. September 2014.
Gárate, M. “Lectoescritura en el Contexto Bilingüe para Niños Sordos” [Literacy in a Bilingual Context for Deaf Students] Presentation at the Seminar Avances de la Educación Bilingüe para Niños Sordos sponsored by the United States Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela. April 2014.
Gárate, M. “Metodologías Bilingües para Niños Sordos. [Bilingual Methodologies for Deaf Children] Presentation at the Seminar Avances de la Educación Bilingüe para Niños Sordos sponsored by the United States Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela. April 2014.
Gárate, M. “El Código Ético de los intérpretes de Señas” [Code of Ethics for Sign Language Interpreters.] Presentation at the Seminar Avances de la Educación Bilingüe para Niños Sordos sponsored by the United States Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela. April 2014.
Gárate, M. “Defining Bilingual Education” Three-day professional development pre-planning multi-topic training for teachers at the West Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind. Romney, WV. August 2014.
Gárate, M. “Language-rich Bilingual Classroom Environments” Three-day professional development pre-planning multi-topic training for teachers at the West Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind. Romney, WV. August 2014.
Gárate, M. “Language Orientations” Three-day professional development pre-planning multi-topic training for teachers at the West Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind. Romney, WV. August 2014.
Gárate, M. “Myths & Facts about Bilingual Deaf Education” Three-day professional development pre-planning multi-topic training for teachers at the West Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind. Romney, WV. August 2014.
Gentzke, S. The Principals’ Perspective on Student Assessments. Presented at Gallaudet University–D.C., November 2014.
Gerner de Garcia, B. (2014, April). Diversity in American deaf education. Deaf Village Ireland. Dublin, Ireland.
Mangrubang, F., & Trullender, Mallory. (June, 2014). Comparison of Astronomy: teaching Strategies for Deaf and hard of hearing students in the elementary classrooms. Presented at Brigham Young University (Department of Astronomy and Computer Science), Provo, Utah.
Mangrubang, F. (June 2014). Successful science teaching: Problem-solving strategies of outstanding science teachers of the Deaf. Presented at Brigham Young University (Department of Astronomy and Computer Science), Provo, Utah.
Nowak, S. Critical Pedagogy in Deaf Sports. National Deaf Interscholastic Athletic Association Conference. Colorado Springs, CO. March 2014
Nowak, S. Critical Pedagogy: Deaf Sports and Deaf Women. Deaf Women United Conference. Berkeley, CA. July 2015
Sass-Lehrer, M. Delivering Family-Centered Early Intervention. Keynote presentation. Bright from the Start: Early Intervention Conference. Rhode Island School for the Deaf: Providence, RI, October 2014.
Sass-Lehrer, M. Evidence-based practice in early intervention: The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Keynote presentation. International Conference on the Education of the Deaf, Athens, Greece.
Wilson, A. Bringing Appropriate Development Assistance to Deaf People in Developing Countries. Mill Neck Foundation. Bonita Springs, FL.
Wilson, A. Distinguished Visitor. Ten days of lectures and workshops. University of Central Lancashire in Preston, England. June 2015
Wilson, A. Writing a Project Proposal to Funders of International Assistance Programs. XVII World Conference of the World Federation of the Deaf. Istanbul, Turkey. July, 2015
Appanah, T. & Theoharris, R. (Fall, 2014). Attrition and retention of educators of the Deaf. Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children: Teacher Education Division Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Baker, S., & Clark, M. D. (July 2015). The Visual Communication Sign Language Checklist. To be presented at the International Conference of Sign Language Acquisition, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Batamula, C., Keith, C., Kite, B.J. & Mitchiner, J. (2015) Family language policy & planning: How does it all fit in your family? Presentation, 14th Annual Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Meeting, Louisville, KY, March 8-10
Benedict, B.S. & Sass-Lehrer, M. (2015, February). Role models: A student Panel. Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Clark, M. D., & Simms, L. (April 2015). Visual Communication and Sign Language Checklist: Updates. Presented at the Early Childhood Education Summit VI, Washington, DC.
Gerner de García, B.A.(Nov. 2014). It’s not about shamrocks: Teaching the diversity of 20th century Irish culture. 24th Annual International National Association of Multicultural Education Conference. Tucson, AZ.
Gerner de García, B.A., Moyer, A. & Scott, W. (2014, April). Heaney in Translation: The written word transformed by sign language.
Presentation. Seamus Heaney: Conference and commemoration. Queens University. Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Guardino, C., Cannon, J.E., & Gerner de García, B. (2014, April). Reading research with students who are deaf and English Language Learners. Council for Exceptional Children. Philadelphia, PA.
Hile A.E., Mitchiner, J., Neese Bailes, C., Kite, B.J., & Santini, J. (2014) Language acquisition and literate thinking in young Deaf children with Deaf caregivers. Presentation. Association of College Educators- Deaf and Hard of Hearing Conference, Washington, DC, February 22.
Mangrubang, F., Jones, M., Lawler, J., Hintz, E., Bench, N. (June 2014). Head mounted display and deaf children: Facilitating Sign Language in Challenging Learning Environments. Paper presented at the IDC ’14 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children.
Musyoka, M., Andrews, J., Clark, M. D., & Gentry, M. A. (April 2015). Emergent Reading and Deaf Children: An ASL and English Bilingual Balanced Approach. Presented at the Early Childhood Education Summit VI, Washington, DC.
Musyoka, M. M., Andrews, J., Clark, M. D., Baker, S., & Ausbrooks, M. (April 2015). Early Reading and Signing Deaf Children: A Balanced Approach. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of College Educators – Deaf and Hard of Hearing, St. Louis, MO.
Szarkowski, A., Sass-Lehrer, M. et., al. (2015, February). Fostering positive identity: the role of families and professionals. Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Spencer, P.E. & Sass-Lehrer, M. (2015, February). It’s only natural: Nurturing the development of deaf and hard of hearing babies in their first 6 months. Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Wilson, A., Winiarczyk, R., & Boland, A. (2014, February). Deaf Researchers working with deaf communities: Eliciting quality data without compromising ethics. Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society. Baltimore, MD.
Yuknis, C. (2015, March). Breaking tradition in 21st century teacher education. Presented at the ASCD Annual Conference in Houston, TX.
Appanah, T. & Gerner de Garcia, B.A. (Feb. 2014). Metacognition and writing in Deaf ASL dominant adolescents. Poster. American College Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Washington, DC.
Clark, M. D., Joharchi, H., & Corbett, C. (2015, May). Deaf immigrants and their access to resources. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY.
Gentzke, S. & Zimmerman H. G. (2015, February). Linking school belonging and language. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of American College Education Deaf and Hard of Hearing Conference. St. Louis, MO.
Hwang, Y. (February 2015). Nature of peer dialogue in drama-based instruction. . Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of College Educators – Deaf and Hard of Hearing, St. Louis, MO.
Taylor, S. & Yuknis, C. (2015, May). Tech-supported access to language learning: Making language accessible for deaf and ELL students in mainstream classrooms. Poster presentation at the Common Ground 2015 conference in Ocean City, MD.
Wolsey, J. A., & Clark, M. D. (2015, February). The impact of “communication” on the life scripts of deaf individuals who used spoken language. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for College Educators-Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH), St. Louis, MO.
Yuknis, C. & Wright, S. J. (2015, April). Transition experiences of college students who are deaf and hard of hearing. Poster presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Conference in San Diego, CA.
Zimmerman, H. G. (2015, February). Resilience and the Guamanian Sign Language Community. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of American College Education Deaf and Hard of Hearing conference. St. Louis, MO.
Batamula, C. & Mitchiner, J. (2014). U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services “Personnel Preparation to Educate Diverse Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children and their Families Project” (Personnel Preparation in Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services: CFDA 84.325K: Focus Area A & B). Requesting $1,172, 27.
Mitchiner, J., Batamula, C., Kite, B.J., & Keith, C. (2015). Gallaudet Priority Research Grant: Integrating Reggio Emilia Philosophy in Early Childhood Settings for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children. Requesting $34,722.
Yuknis, C., Clark, M. D., & Mitchiner, J. (2015). AERA Research Conference Grant requesting $35,000.
Yuknis, C: 2015 Council for Exceptional Children Division of Research Early Career Publication Award.
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