

The Deaf Studies Digital Journal (DSDJ) is pleased to announce a call for submissions for its seventh issue. This issue has no specific theme and is open to all categories relevant to our journal.

Deaf Studies Digital Journal is the world’s first peer-reviewed multilingual and multimodal digital journal in sign language and written text that is dedicated to advancing evidence-based research and creative and critical output of work in and about sign languages and its communities. This is accomplished in the forms of scholarly video articles, original works of signed literature and arts, as well as interviews, reviews, commentary, and historical resources.

This issue accepts two types of submissions: original scholarship and communication.

Original scholarship and its sub-categories can be:

Humanities • Sign Language • Education • Community • Policy

Other sub-categories will be considered as long as they are relevant to the theme; please contact DSDJ’s managing editor, Brianna Keogh, at with the topic of interest.

Communication Section

We are also seeking contributions for the Communication Section. This section is to share thoughts, reflections, and ideas about the issue’s area of interest or relevant current events. Please contact us for more details; note that this section has more flexibility in terms of formatting and timeline compared with the original research section.

Commentary • Reviews of Scholarly publications

Submission Process and Deadlines for Original Research

Authors are encouraged to submit original research in ASL via video. If you prefer to submit your paper in English, the content must be translated into sign language for the peer-review process. Other sign languages are welcomed as long as the submission is accompanied by International Sign in a video and an English outline.

To submit an article, send a statement of interest and materials, following the required details listed below. This is part of a three-step process: 1) proposal, 2) draft video with English outlines and its accompanied materials (e.g. media, tables, appendixes), and 3) a final video production that must be accompanied by English text. Please visit URL for full details on the submission process.

DSDJ is a unique journal that requires additional effort compared to the traditional format, which is text-based. The multiple-step process is designed to reduce the likelihood of re-doing the professional video production during the process.

Proposal Process (Statement of Interest and Materials)

A written document consisting of:

  1. Author’s name and co-authors if applicable
  2. Title
  3. Field of study (i.e. policy or education)
  4. Provide English outline of the video abstract; this does not necessarily have to be a translated version of the signed abstract.
  5. A partial list of references in APA style (7th Edition)
  6. Submit in Microsoft Word document (.docx)

Video abstract in ASL or in International Signs [up to seven minutes] Include:

  1. Statement of interest
  2. Research design
  3. Conclusion
  4. Submit in .mp4 format as an attachment, or as an unlisted YouTube link

Submit all items at one time to Once a proposal is submitted, the DSDJ editor will review it. When and if approved (within 10 business days), the author(s) will receive detailed instructions about the next steps, which includes a full draft of the proposed paper, a peer review, and the final submission prior to publication.

Deadlines for Original Research

We aim to publish Issue No. 7 in November 2021 and will need a final draft by September 2021. We are now accepting rolling applications until that time frame with a longer than normal time period to submit your proposals. We are taking into consideration that the COVID-19 pandemic may impact this timeline. We encourage you to follow the timeline to the best of your ability.

  1. Ongoing: Statement of Interest and Materials
  2. Ongoing: First draft for peer reviewers
  3. September 2021: Final submissions to DSDJ
  4. November 2021: Publication of DSDJ Issue #7

Visit our submission guideline page here

Learn more about the general publication process and what to expect here

For any and all questions, contact Managing Editor Brianna Keogh at

Contact Us

Deaf Studies Digital Journal

Peet Hall 407


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