Areas of Study

The Department of Business Internship Program provides students with a rigorous, high-quality educational and supervised internship experience, which will prepare them as competent and effective business professionals. This program provides our students with a means to integrate academic theories and principles with experience through internships, thereby reinforcing and expanding classroom learning while preparing them for postgraduate employment.

Internship Guidelines

All business majors are required to complete at least one internship in their field prior to graduation. These guidelines cover supervision of internships, length of internship, relevance of internship to the major, internship evaluations, and responsibilities for internship related activities.

  • Supervision: The student’s faculty advisor and the department internship coordinator are advisors for an internship. Students should consult with the internship coordinator at every stage of the internship including the selection of the internship site.
  • Eligibility for Internship: To be eligible for an approved internship, a student must be an accepted business major and must have completed at least three courses in the major area.
  • Length of Internship: The minimum length of an internship is 100 hours of actual time on the internship and does not include transportation time. The minimum length of an internship will be eight (8) weeks.
  • Relevance to the Major: There must be a written job description. The job description will be the basis for determining the relevance of the internship to the student’s major. The internship experience must provide substantial opportunities to accomplish the following general internship objectives:
    • Acquire new knowledge and career-readiness skills in the field
    • Apply knowledge and career-readiness skills acquired through coursework
    • A mix of new knowledge acquisition and applied knowledge and career-readiness skills
  • Reports: Weekly internship reports, mid and final evaluation forms from the supervisor are required.
  • Internship Credit: Students are not required to earn University credits for their internship.
  • Site Visits: The Internship Coordinator (s) and Career Educator will visit the student’s internship site (remotely or in person) at least once during the internship to observe the working environment and to meet the student’s supervisor(s).
  • Student and Supervisor Evaluation: Both the student and internship site supervisor complete an internship evaluation (student self-evaluation due at end of internship and two sets of supervisor evaluation: mid-way and final).
  • Presentation: The student will develop and complete an internship presentation and deliver the presentation within the community as scheduled.
  • Internship agreement: Students are required to read and sign the internship agreement before starting their first day of the internship.
Student Internship Sites

AHT Insurance Capital One Consgli Crushman and Wakefield D.C. Department of Insurance Securities and Banking Defense Intelligence Agency Department of the Treasury/Department Office of DC Pension DOW Freddie Mac Funglode Gallaudet Accounting & Finance Georgia United Credit Union Kellogg Conference Hotel (GUKCC) Hartford Insurance Howard...


Resource Type: Program Information

Business Internship Objectives

Assist the student's development of employer-valued skills such as teamwork, communications and attention to detail. Expose the student to the environment and expectations of performance on the part of accountants in professional accounting practice, private/public companies or government entities. Enhance and/or expand the student's knowledge...


Resource Type: Program Information

Benefits of an Internship

Participating in an internship allows you to gain a better perspective of post graduation employment by applying the principles and theories you've developed in the classroom. This practical application creates an easier transition for you from the classroom to the working world PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. You...


Resource Type: Benefits

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