Areas of Study

For the last 12 years, the Athletics Department has participated in the annual NCAA Division III Week by spotlighting Gallaudet’s student-athletes. They also showcase the university’s athletic training staff every year during March, which is National Athletic Training Month. 

Abdullah Alghamdi (men’s swimming)

Olivia Anderson (women’s cross country)

Joshua Bourne (men’s track and field)

Vershon Carter (men’s soccer)

Amanda Chemutai (women’s swimming)

Kyle D’Amore (men’s cross country

Danyeal Davis (softball)

Darren Drolsbaugh (baseball)

Azarriyah McKinnon (cheerleading)

Citrine Lummer (women’s volleyball)

Reza Mosher (women’s soccer)

Lilian Nelson (women’s track and field)

Enow Otto Jr. (men’s basketball)

Hannah Puent (women’s basketball)

Kylar Sicoli (football)

These profiles, and those for student-athletes in past years, are also available by searching the Athletics Department website news archive

Articles about the athletic training staff during National Athletic Training Month (#NATM):
Mariko Kobanawa, Head Athletic Trainer
Tom McKnight, Associate Athletic Trainer
Ilana Bell, Athletic Trainer

Teri Wood, Athletic Trainer

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