Areas of Study

Photocopies/scans (digital or paper)

$0.25 per page for Archives staff to create new scans; first 5 pages are free.

There is no charge for retrieving material that has already been scanned, or for scanning material without the help of Archives staff.

For offsite researchers, no more than 50 pages of scans will be sent due to limitations on staff time.

Donors may request unlimited scans of their donated materials at no charge. However, large jobs of more than 50 pages at a time must be approved by the Archives Director.


Files may be downloaded from the Archives digital management systems and used free of charge. See also Credits below.


Allow one week turnaround time for scanning or retrieval of items, more for large jobs. Archives staff will advise you if a job is likely to require more than one week.

Be aware that starting in late 2021, most of the Archives collection will be stored off-site, requiring extra time to search and retrieve. Please be patient with Archives staff.


Paper copies will be delivered by USPS. Digital files will be e-mailed or made available through cloud storage such as Google Drive, Sharepoint, or Dropbox. Digital files can also be saved to a flash drive if provided by the patron. Please let Archives staff know if you have a preferred means of delivery.

File format

Text documents, unless requested otherwise, will be scanned as 300 dpi PDF files. Images will be scanned as 300 dpi JPEG files.

Complex jobs

There will be a $15.00 service fee for any reproduction requests beyond the basic scans listed in File Format. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Preparing photos from negatives
  • Cropping, color-correcting, or otherwise editing images
  • Scanning items larger than 14” x 17”
  • High-quality scans (e.g., more than 300 dpi, or TIFF files)
  • Scanning items other than books, documents, or flat images (such as artwork or artifacts)
  • Making copies from microfilm
  • Isolating still images from video
  • Rush jobs (less than a week turnaround)


Please accompany text, video, or images from the Archives with a credit line such as Courtesy of the Gallaudet University Archives. Do not edit or remove metadata from files downloaded from Archives digital media collections.

See (here) for a guide to citing Archives material in academic works.


For material created by a person or organization other than Gallaudet University, and not covered by fair use, managing copyright is the responsibility of the patron, not Archives staff. This includes determining whether material is copyrighted and, if so, contacting the rights-holder for duplication permissions. Patron is also responsible for obtaining permissions to use the likenesses of people depicted in photographs or video.

Publication fees

The Archives does not charge publication fees for nonprofit use of Gallaudet University material, such as classwork, academic publications, and work by nonprofit organizations.

For-profit use of Archives material will be assessed a publication fee of $20.00 per item. Payment of this cost entitles the patron to non-exclusive use of the image, video, or other duplicated work in perpetuity.


While in the Archives reading room, patrons may take photographs of Archives material with smartphones, tablets, or other digital devices as long as no flash is used. Before taking photographs, please obtain permission from Archives staff.

Right of Refusal

The Archives reserves the right to decline reproduction requests in cases where an item may be too fragile to handle or may otherwise be harmed by the reproduction process. The Archives may also decline reproduction requests that would require too much staff time to fulfill.

Contact Us


King Jordan Student Academic Center 1255

(202) 250-2604

** By Appointment Only **

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