Areas of Study
Gallaudet Wins Losses
John Hersey High School (JHS) 6 2
Kansas School for the Deaf (KSD) 7 1
Maryland School for the Deaf (MSD) 8 0
Middle College School (MCHS) 2 6
New Bedford High School (NBHS) 4 4
Oregon School for the Deaf (ORSD) 1 7
Plano Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (PRDS) 3 5
St. Mary’s School for the Deaf (SMSD) 0 8
Utah Association of the Deaf (UAD) 5 3
Clerc Wins Losses
47 The American Sign Language and English School (47ASL) 2 7
Berkmar High School (BHS) 4 5
Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (COSD) 9 0
EDCO at Newton North High School (EDCO) 6 3
Hawai`i School for the Deaf and the Blind (HSD) 1 8
Lahser High School (LHS) 2 7
Oklahoma School for the Deaf (OKSD) 4 5
Rochester School for the Deaf (RSD) 6 3
Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (WPSD) 3 6
Wyoming Department of Education (WYO) 8 1
Kendall Wins Losses
Alabama School for the Deaf (ALSD) 7 2
Cleary School for the Deaf (CLSD) 4 5
Delaware School for the Deaf (DSD) 4 5
Jefferson Lewis BOCES (JLB) 2 7
Marlton High School (MARL) 1 8
Montana School for the Deaf and the Blind (MTSD) 7 2
New Mexico School for the Deaf (NMSD) 9 0
Southern Westchester BOCES (SWB) 2 7
Tennessee School for the Deaf (TSD) 7 2
White Station High School (WSHS) 2 7
Cogswell Wins Losses
Cumberland County Schools (CCS) 3 6
Edmonds Woodway High School (EWHS) 7 2
Illinois School for the Deaf (ILSD) 7 2
Mill Neck Manor School for the Deaf (MILL) 1 8
Model Secondary School for the Deaf (MSSD) 9 0
Ohio School for the Deaf (OSD) 6 3
Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (PSD) 4 5
Rockville High School (RHS) 3 6
South Hills High School (SHHS) 2 7
West Virginia School for the Deaf (WVSD) 3 6
Krug Wins Losses
Derby High School (DHS) 4 5
Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind (FSDB) 8 1
Governor Baxter School for the Deaf (GBSD) 3 6
Monroe #1 BOCES (MON #1) 8 1
Mountain Lakes High School (MLHS) 8 1
New York School for the Deaf (NYSD) 3 6
Phoenix Day School for the Deaf (PDSD) 0 9
Taft High School (THS) 2 7
Texas School for the Deaf (TXSD) 6 3
Upper Arlington High School (UAHS) 3 6
Carlin Wins Losses
Arizona School for the Deaf (AZSD) 7 1
Arkansas School for the Deaf (ARSD) 2 6
Georgia School for the Deaf (GSD) 0 8
Indiana School for the Deaf (ISD) 8 0
Louisiana School for the Deaf (LSD) 4 4
Michigan School for the Deaf (MISD) 3 5
Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf (MSAD) 5 3
New York State School for the Deaf (NYSSD) 1 7
The Learning Center for the Deaf (TLC) 6 2
Fowler Wins Losses
California School for the Deaf, Riverside (CSDR) 7 2
Metro Deaf School (MDS) 8 1
Mississippi School for the Deaf (MISSD) 4 5
Pinellas Park County School (PPCS) 2 7
Santa Rosa High School (SRHS) 4 5
South Carolina School for the Deaf (SCSD) 3 6
Southern New Hampshire School (SNH) 6 3
Tucson Area Public Schools (TAPS) 9 0
Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind (VSDB) 0 9
Wisconsin School for the Deaf (WSD) 2 7
Benson Wins Losses
American School for the Deaf (ASD) 4 5
Atlanta Area School for the Deaf (AASD) 1 8
Hinsdale High School (HHS) 8 1
Lexington School for the Deaf (LEX) 6 3
Missouri School for the Deaf (MOSD) 3 6
New Jersey School for the Deaf (NJSD) 6 3
Pearl City High School (PCHS) 2 7
Southern Oregon EDS (OEDS) 3 6
St. Rita School for the Deaf (SRSD) 3 6
University High School (UHS) 9 0

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Academic Bowl

Edward Miner Gallaudet Memorial Building #112 & #111

(202) 651-5000

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