Areas of Study
Dr. Ilaria Berteletti, Casey Spelman, and Sarah Kimbley.

VL2 had high visibility at the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society’s 2022 conference in Antwerp, Belgium from June 1-3. Two doctoral students and a faculty member in the Ph.D in Educational Neuroscience (PEN) program represented Gallaudet as they presented findings from VL2’s Numeracy and Educational Neuroscience (NENS) Lab.

PEN students Sarah Kimbley and Casey Spelman presented posters on their lab and dissertation research along with their advisor Dr. Ilaria Berteletti, assistant professor in the PEN program. Sarah and Casey are graduate research assistants in Dr. Berteletti’s NENS Lab.

Dr. Berteletti serves as the secretary of MCLS and also presented a talk that showcased data from NENS on the neural underpinnings of arithmetic in Deaf early signers. Dr. Berteletti’s NSF grant helped to ensure the conference was accessible by providing interpreters during symposia, poster sessions, and networking events.

Dr. Rachel Pizzie, another PEN faculty member, also attended the conference. The Gallaudet students and faculty were elated to connect in person with colleagues from around the world after two years of remote conferences.

PEN student Sarah Kimbley presents her poster.

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