Areas of Study


“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance…”

—20 U.S.C. § 1681

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits discrimination based on gender in educational programs, which receive federal financial assistance. Athletics are one component of Title IX. Other programs and activities which may be included are: recruitment, admissions, financial aid, and scholarships; course offerings and access; hiring and retention; and, benefits and leave. Title IX also protects students and employees, both male and female, from unlawful sexual harassment in school programs and activities.

Gallaudet University does not discriminate in its employment or admissions practices or in its educational programs or activities on the basis of sex/gender*. Gallaudet University also prohibits retaliation against any person for opposing discrimination or for participating in or refusing to participate in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internally or externally. Reports of misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and concerns about non-compliance should be directed to a Title IX Coordinator. For a complete copy of the policy or for more information, please contact the Gallaudet University Title IX Coordinator or the Assistant Secretary of Education within the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

The Title IX Coordinator monitors compliance with the regulations of this law. Individuals with questions or concerns about Title IX, and/or those who wish to file a complaint of non-compliance, may contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator by making a report found here.

Dr. Jesus Remigio, Title IX Coordinator
Gallaudet University HMBS141J
800 Florida Avenue, NE Washington DC, 20002
V/VP: 202.759.1734
Fax: 202.651.5344
Email: Contact

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is the division of the federal government charged with enforcing compliance with Title IX. Information regarding OCR can be found at:

Student – Report Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct

Reporting form for Students

Non-Student – Report Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct

Reporting form for Non-Students

Policies & Procedures



Jesus Remigio

Director, Equal Opportunity Programs

Amy Rousseau

Director, SARP and Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students

Rosalyn Prickett

Manager, HR, and Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Clerc Center

Bo Acton

Student Support Advisor and Title IX Investigator for Clerc Center

Larissa Baer

Student Accountability Coordinator and Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention Coordinator


Other Commonly Asked Questions

We often receive reports through Third Parties such as mandatory reporters and the Department of Public Safety (DPS). We also have individuals come to see us to report their experiences of sexual misconduct.

Individuals are welcome to seek a Title IX Coordinator or confidential resources to make a report for themselves.

You are welcome to explore law enforcement and department of public safety options. However, DPS processes are only available if the perpetrator of the harm is a university community member. Law enforcement officials encourage individuals who have experienced harm to sit with an officer to discuss options. The law enforcement options vary depending on the jurisdiction.

Family and friends, confidential resources, people you know, or places you go for support off-campus like therapists and doctors don’t report sexual misconduct to Gallaudet University Title IX or the police. There may be exceptions if they have a role that mandates or creates a responsibility for reporting.

No. It is important for individuals who have experienced harm from an incident of sexual misconduct to know they can choose if and when they want to talk about it and with whom they would like to talk about it.

Campus conduct processes are only available if the person who perpetrated the harm is a university community member. However, resources like assistance with housing, academic assistance, and confidential resources are still available for survivors.

We know that sex-based discrimination can be challenging. However, you’ll be able to talk with us anytime, no matter where you conduct yourself. You don’t need to file a formal complaint to speak with us. It is okay if you are not ready. We will continue to be here for you.

Yes. Interim measures, including academic assistance, assistance with housing arrangements, and referrals to medical and counseling services, are available to respondents. When a formal complaint is filed through Title IX, we will ensure the respondent is assigned someone who can provide support and information about resources.

No. Mandatory reporters report instances of sexual misconduct involving all Gallaudet community members.

No, mandatory reporters fulfill their reporting obligation by reporting to the Office of Title IX. The office of Title IX will give the reporting options and resources to the Complainant to see what they want to do with the report.

As much as possible, we would like reports involving:

Students to go to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students and Title IX Investigator.

Employees to go to Title IX Coordinator.

If you are not sure, then contact Title IX Coordinator for guidance.

This is because they have particular insight and understanding of the needs of their constituents and the resources available. However, the most important thing is to report to access resources.

Title IX Coordinators who receive the report will refer the report to the designated Coordinator.

Employee as Mandatory Reporter

Gallaudet prohibits sexual misconduct against employees and students and the office of  Title IX, although focused on student-to-student conduct in its application, also prohibits alleged sexual misconduct against employees in certain circumstances. Although employees are also protected from discrimination on the basis of sex/gender under Title VII and related University policies, Gallaudet values the safety and well-being of its employees; please contact the Gallaudet Title IX Coordinator for assistance and support.

You should advise the complainant that Gallaudet has an amnesty policy for those who have used drugs and /or alcohol in an incident of sexual misconduct. Gallaudet’s amnesty policy for Sexual Misconduct cases states: The University considers the reporting and adjudication of Sexual Misconduct cases on campus to be paramount. Therefore, the university does not condone underage drinking or the use of illegal drugs. However, the university will extend amnesty to Complainants, Third-Party Reporters, and those assisting a victim or potential victim of non-consensual sexual contact or non-consensual sexual intercourse from sanctioning for illegal use of drugs or alcohol. Similarly, the university may, at its discretion, the university may provide amnesty for other minor conduct code violations discovered during a Sexual Misconduct report or investigation.

You should advise the complainant that you cannot maintain confidentiality and would need to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator. If the complainant continues to state that they want confidentiality, you should direct the student complainants to the confidential resources:

  • The counseling and psychology services (CAPS)
  • Student health of services (SHS)
  • Office of the Ombuds
  • Office of the campus ministries (OCM)

Students or employees can also obtain confidential support and information about their options, rights, and resources from off-campus resources.

  • Listen to them

  • Acknowledge that they are telling you

  • Don’t judge what they tell you

  • Do not try to investigate on your own

  • Thank them for sharing with you, and encourage them to reach out directly to the office of the Title IX Coordinator and report the incident

  • Remind them you will be reporting it as well

  • Do not tell the complainant to ignore the behavior

  • Do not make light of the situation

  • Do not attempt to investigate or resolve the situation on your own

  • Do not wait for someone to complain if you know or suspect sexual misconduct is or has occurred

  • Do not promise confidentiality

I am sorry that it happened to you; you are not the only one. Thanks for sharing this with me. I wanted to let you know that we have reporting options and resources available on campus. I need to explain that I am a mandatory reporter(if you are). I can connect you to the confidential resources if you want, or you can continue the conversations with me to talk about the reporting options or resources. I will need to make a report online to share the Complainant’s details about their experience.

If you can’t reach the Title IX Coordinator, you should report it to one of the Deputy Title IX Coordinators. If it is not during business hours, you should contact the Department of Public Safety to contact Student Life staff members on-call if it is not during business hours.

All known facts, including the names of all involved, the status of all involved (student, staff member, faculty member, not university-affiliated, etc.), the date of the incident, the alleged conduct, and the location of the incident.

Please report the incident as soon as possible after you know about the incident, whether by your observation or by a report from another person. Mandatory reporters are expected to inform the Title IX Coordinator by a reported Sexual Misconduct within 24 hours of receiving a report.

Mandatory reporters are required by our policy to report incidents of sexual misconduct, including all details to Gallaudet’s Title IX Coordinator.

*As a mandatory reporter, you are not responsible for investigating or asking questions- just reporting what you are told.


Once you complete the training, your completion will be marked in the training system and the university’s records. You are not required to notify the Title IX office of your completion. If you would like documentation of your course completion for your own records, you can print your completion certificate on the last page of the training.

For any other questions about the training, please get in touch with Contact.

Resources for Employees:

As mandatory, university reporters, faculty, and staff are expected to understand and adhere to reporting protocols and procedures. In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (“VAWA”), the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (“Campus SaVE Act”), all University employees (without regard to Mandated Reporter status) are expected to report any known or suspected incidents of sexual misconduct or relationship violence to the appropriate authorities.

Information, resources, and services are available to assist faculty and staff in effectively supporting students. Information is available on this webpage as well as at: Contact for assistance.

While the training is due for all employees, when you get the deadline in the email, and you will have 30 days to complete the training. You may be eligible for a one-time extension to complete the training. Please get in touch with Contact to request an extension.

Issues with logging in: 

Issues within the platform:

  • Make sure you are using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari (preferred), or Microsoft Explorer 11+

  • Still, need help? Contact EverFi’s 24/7 tech support via “Help” within the course or by visiting

Gallaudet understands that the content in this training may be triggering. If you are concerned that the training will be triggered based on a personal experience, please contact Contact to discuss alternative options for completing the training. You are not required to share any details about your personal experience.

Additional support to help you deal with your personal experience can be provided through our Employment Assistance Program (EAP) at no cost to you, they are open 24/7, and you can contact them for more information at 800-607-1522 or visit and the company code: GALLAUDET.

Additional resources

On-campus resources: 

The following campus resources have a confidentiality privilege and will keep communications confidential:

Off-campus resources:

  • DC Metropolitan Police (MPD), Deaf and Hard of Hearing Liaison Unit (DHHU) 801 Shepherd Street NW Washington, DC 20011 Hours: 24 hours, daily 202-698-0289 (V) E-mail: For immediate police service, always call 911
  • Washington Hospital Center, Emergency and Trauma SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner), 110 Irving Street NW Washington, DC 20010 202-877-7000 (V)
Yes, ALL  university employees must complete the training regardless of how often they work with students, even temporary employees.
Yes, this is an annual training. Students and employees are required to complete the training yearly, following university policy and federal law. In addition, we are working on a refresher course for current students and employees.
Gallaudet requires all students and employees to complete Title IX training on an annual basis to promote a healthy and safe campus environment. Additionally, the university is required under federal law; specifically Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act, also known as the “Campus SaVE Act,” to administer training on sexual misconduct and relationship violence to all students and employees on an annual basis.

Contact Us

Title IX

College Hall B18

(202) 759-1734

(202) 651-5344

8:30 am-4:00 pm
8:30 am-4:00 pm
8:30 am-4:00 pm
8:30 am-4:00 pm
8:30 am-4:00 pm

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