Areas of Study

To help you become more familiar with the Office of Student Conduct (OSC) screening process, here is some important information.

  • The first step in getting OSC screening services is to make the appointment with the CAPS secretary by informing her that you need an OSC screening appointment. The appointment is $50.00 and consists of a 50 minute interview between you and a counselor. In this screening appointment, you will complete some paperwork and discuss the violation to determine your risk level.
  • If you feel you are in a crisis condition (e.g. having thoughts of hurting yourself, feeling out of control, recently received some shocking news), a staff member can meet immediately with you to help you get the appropriate treatment. Please see the secretary for a crisis intervention appointment.
  • Any information shared between you and your counselor is kept confidential except for documentation of required screening appointments, recommendations, and treatment compliance, attendance, and incident reports. No one can get that information without your written permission. For clinical supervision purposes, cases are discussed only between the counselor and CAPS professional staff, when necessary. Confidentiality is lost when you threaten to do harm to yourself or to another person. Also, in cases where children or elderly people are in danger of abuse, information must be reported in the state where it happened because it is required by law.
  • At the end of the screening, you will receive a letter stating that you have completed the screening. You are expected to give the letter to OSC.

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Student Accountability & Restorative Practices (SARP)

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