Areas of Study

In instances where a student is charged with alleged Student Code of Conduct violations that will likely result in a sanction less than removal from University housing, University suspension, or expulsion, the student will be entitled to a disciplinary conference. Minor residence hall violations are usually handled in this manner (for more information on residence hall disciplinary conferences, refer to Residence Hall Policies). Students entitled to a disciplinary hearing may also choose to request a disciplinary conference, with the understanding that the full range of sanctions, including residence hall suspension, University suspension, or expulsion, will be applicable. A disciplinary conference will normally consist of an informal meeting between the respondent and the Coordinator of Student Accountability, who will serve as the hearing officer. The Coordinator of Student Accountability will gather all information necessary to make a just decision in the case. If the Coordinator of Student Accountability determines that the student is responsible for the violation, the Coordinator of Student Accountability will impose sanctions appropriate for the violation.

Disciplinary Conference Procedures

The following procedural guidelines are established for respondents charged with violations of the Student Code of Conduct and assigned to a disciplinary conference through Student Accountability and Restorative Practices:

  1. The student will be notified by the Coordinator of Student Accountability that a complaint has been made. The Coordinator of Student Accountability will provide the student with a written or signed statement with the name of the complainant (person(s) or the University), the procedures for resolving the complaint, and the range of sanctions that may be imposed.
  2. The student must make an appointment for a pre-disciplinary conference meeting with the Coordinator of Student Accountability no later than three business days after the letter is received.
  3. If the student fails to arrange a meeting with the Coordinator of Student Accountability within three business days after receipt of the letter or fails to show up at the scheduled disciplinary conference, information in support of the charge(s) will be presented and considered.
  4. The student will be informed by the Coordinator of Student Accountability of two possible ways to handle the case: 1) appear at a scheduled disciplinary conference and present their case before the Coordinator of Student Accountability, or 2) accept responsibility for the violation(s) as charged, waive his/her right to a disciplinary conference and presenting witnesses on their behalf, and accept sanctions imposed by the Coordinator of Student Accountability.
  5. The student will be notified at least 72 hours in advance of the time, date, and place of the disciplinary conference. All disciplinary conferences will be conducted in private.
  6. A single disciplinary conference may be held for more than one person charged in a case arising out of a single or multiple occurrence(s). The Coordinator of Student Accountability will make such determinations. However, each student retains the right to have his/her case heard individually.
  7. The student will have reasonable access to information pertaining to the case prior to and during the disciplinary conference.
  8. The student may appear in person and present relevant information to the Coordinator of Student Accountability and may call witnesses. The student will have the opportunity to hear and question all participants at the conference. Should the student elect not to appear at the conference, it will be held in the absence of the student. In such instances, the information in support of the charge(s) will be present and considered even if the student is not present.
  9. The student may be accompanied by an advisor of their choice. The student is responsible for presenting his or her own information, and therefore, advisors are not permitted to speak or to participate directly in the disciplinary conference. Advisors may confer with a student only when there is not a question on the table or a response pending from the student. A student should select an advisor or a person whose schedule allows attendance at the scheduled date and time of the disciplinary conference because delays will not be considered due to the scheduling conflicts of an advisor. Violations of any restrictions for advisors will result in the advisor being removed from the disciplinary conference at the discretion of the Coordinator of Student Accountability.
  10. Formal rules of processes, procedures, and/or technical rules of evidence will not be applicable to disciplinary conferences. Any information or testimony the Coordinator of Student Conduct believes to be relevant may be considered.
  11. After the disciplinary conference, the Coordinator of Student Accountability will determine whether the student is responsible for the violation with which he/she is charged. The Coordinator of Student Accountability ‘s determination will be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the student violated the Student Code of Conduct.
  12. The student will be informed in person and writing of the right to appeal a decision to the Associate Dean of Student Center Programs and Services (or the Dean of Student Affairs if the Associate Dean served as hearing officer in the case). A decision or judgment of the Coordinator of Student Accountability may be appealed by either or both of the parties involved on the following grounds:
    • Procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter. Deviations from designated procedures will not be a basis for sustaining an appeal unless significant unfairness results.
    • There is new or newly discovered information that could not have been produced at the conference that could affect the outcome of the matter. In order for the Associate Dean of Student Center Programs and Services (or the Dean of Student Affairs, if the Associate Dean served as hearing officer in the case) to consider new information sufficient to alter a decision, or other relevant facts not brought out in the original conference, such information and/or facts must not have been known at the time of the original conference by the appellant.
    • The sanction imposed was clearly inappropriate and/or disproportionate to the conduct for which the person was found responsible.

An appeal must be in writing, must indicate the basis of the appeal with an explanation, and must be made within five business days of the date the parties were notified of the decision. In an appeal case, sanctions assessed by the initial Coordinator of Student Accountability may be held in suspense until acted upon in appeal. The appeal will be reviewed by the Associate Dean of Student Center Programs and Services (or Dean of Student Affairs if the Associate Dean served as the hearing officer), and he or she may affirm or reverse the decision, or modify the sanction originally determined. The Associate Dean of Student Center Programs and Services (or Dean of Student Affairs if the Associate Dean served as the hearing officer) may decide to remand the matter back to the Coordinator of Student Accountability to reopen the hearing, if appropriate. The Coordinator of Student Accountability will convey pertinent information related to the case. The decision of the Associate Dean of Student Center Programs and Services (or Dean of Student Affairs if the Associate Dean served as the hearing officer) is final and is not appealable.

All disciplinary conferences will be closed to the public in order to protect the confidential nature of the proceedings.

Because of time concerns and the expenses it would incur, provisions for written transcripts of disciplinary conferences are not required.

The Coordinator of Student Accountability will determine the rules of procedures in addition to those stated herein, and all procedural questions are subject to his/her final decision.

Contact Us

Student Accountability & Restorative Practices (SARP)

9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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