Areas of Study


Melissa Draganac-Hawk, ’98 & G-’01 is the Head of School at the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (PSD). She moved up the ranks within PSD, starting as an ASL specialist in Early Childhood Education. Ms. Draganac-Hawk is an alumna of Gallaudet University and Lexington School for the Deaf. A first generation American, born to deaf Peruvian parents, she grew up communicating in Peruvian Sign Language. She has taken on leadership roles in several deaf organizations, including Deaf Women United and the National Council of Hispano Deaf and Hard of Hearing (now Council de Manos), and served for two terms each as Vice President and President of the National Association of the Deaf. Additionally, she has served as a consultant to K-12 institutions and organizations on diversity, equity, and inclusion.