Areas of Study

Manuscripts – MSS 25 – Peet, Isaac Lewis, 1824-1898

MSS 25 - Peet, Isaac Lewis, 1824-1898 Papers of Isaac L. Peet, 1830s-1899 Gallaudet University Archives Descriptive Summary Repository: Gallaudet University Archives Call No.: MSS 25 Creator: Title: Papers of Isaac L. Peet, 1830s-1899. Quantity: 0.5 Linear Feet (1 document box) Abstract: Note: This document...


Manuscripts – MSS 14 – Hanson, Agatha Tiegel, 1873-1959

Gallaudet University Archives Repository: Gallaudet University Archives Call No.: MSS 14 Creator: Title: Papers of Agatha Tiegel Hanson, 1893-1972 Quantity: 2.0 Linear Feet (4 document boxes) Abstract: Note: This document last updated 2005 December 8. Acquisition Information: The papers of Agatha Tiegel Hanson (1973-1959), the...


Manuscripts – MSS 1 – Atwood, Albert W., 1879-1975

Descriptive Summary Repository: Gallaudet University Archives Call No.: MSS 1 Creator: Atwood, Albert Title: Albert William Atwood Papers, 1948-1975 Quantity: 2.0 Linear Feet (4 document boxes) Abstract: The collection focuses on Atwood's role on the Gallaudet University Board of Directors. Note: This document last updated...


Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society

Students meeting the high standards of the National Communication Association are inducted into Gallaudet's chapter (Iota Nu) of the Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society on an annual basis. Once a student is inducted into Lambda Pi Eta he or she is a member for life....


Registrar Certifications and Verifications

Discover Gallaudet University's registrar services for certifications and verifications. Ensure smooth processing of academic records and credentials with our expert support.


Presidential Papers – Lloyd W. Johns, 1983

Papers of Lloyd W. Johns, 1983 BoxFolderTitle of FolderDate 01 01 Academic Affairs 1983 01 02 Accounting and Payroll 1983 01 03 Administrative Services 1983 01 04 Annual Report - US News and World Report 1983 01 05 Barrett Associates, Inc. 1983 01 06 Board...


University Council

The University Council is a centralized, deliberative body of governing bodies and administration. It is intended to be a channel for leadership development and communication among and between constituent groups and university administration. Its charge shall be to: Bring the interests of various represented governing...


Enrollment Revenue Management Committee (ERM)

The charge of the committee is to set parameters and recommend policy decisions as a part of a comprehensive approach to the enrollment and delivery of student aid at Gallaudet University. This committee ensures that enrollment is included in the mission and goals of the...


Edward Miner Gallaudet Correspondence W

Last name/Organization First name Year Month Day Box Folder Letter # Wade W. 1901 06 17 36 17 316 Wade W. 1901 10 22 37a 04 690 Wade W. 1901 10 30 37a 04 692 Wade William 1904 06 30 42 17 370 Wades B....


The Carbon Commitment

In January 2013, Gallaudet University joined nearly 700 colleges and universities around the nation in signing onto the Carbon Commitment (previously known as the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment). The full text of the agreement is below. We, the undersigned presidents and chancellors...

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