Areas of Study

Undergraduate Students Withdrawal from the University

Students finding it necessary to withdraw from the University are required to submit a completed withdrawal form. No student will be allowed to withdraw from the University after the eighth week, except for compelling and verifiable circumstances, in which case the student must obtain the permission of an appropriate dean. After the 8th week – investigation and documentation required for Registrar to accept dean’s permission. A WD will appear on the student’s official transcript for all courses the student was enrolled in. Unauthorized withdrawal from the University can result in the assignment of failing (F) grades in all courses. A withdrawal becomes official when the Registrar has accepted it. Students may get the proper forms from the Registrar’s Office – Chapel Hall 101. The Withdrawals Forms will include instructions regarding other University offices to contact, such as Financial Aid, the Business Office and Campus Life. Contact with the Office of the Financial Aid is especially important if financial support has been granted that semester.

Withdrawing from Gallaudet University Checklist

Academic Advisor (AA) Director of Academic Advising

Meet with your AA – and the Director of Academic Advising. Discuss/explain your withdrawal reasons, concerns and then obtain their signatures on the University Withdrawal form. Be aware that there is an investigation if your withdrawal request is requested after the beginning of the 8th week of the semester.

Financial Aid Scholarships (FA)

Discuss your financial aid status and situation and determine options, necessary actions, what aid may be lost and how this will impact your with FA loan repayment. If you are receiving FA – obtain the required signature.

Student Financial Services (SFS)

You must clear all Gallaudet debt, no outstanding fees, charges or SFS holds on your student account. Contact the SFS regarding your withdraw and if applicable, receive reimbursement for the term. This is not applicable after the 4th week by policy.

Office of International Services (OIS)

International students should meet with an International Services Official to go through the required international student record updates, VISA and I-20 information and any required signatures etc.

ELI Students – ELI Program Coordinator

ELI students will need to meet with the ELI Director for program check out and required signature on university withdrawal form.

Residence Life

If you have a campus dorm room, you are required to notify Residence Life and go through a dorm check out exit/vacate process. You will be granted time to vacate your dorm properly and return all residence access key cards. Resident dorm students must attain this required signature for withdrawal processing. Check Residence Hall Policies for information.


You will need to return all borrowed books and materials to the Gallaudet Library and check on all outstanding library fees.

Vocational Rehabilitation

You are responsible for notifying your Vocational Rehabilitation office regarding your withdrawal. If your VR contacts Gallaudet and learns of your non-enrolled status – you may have problems with your VR in the future.

Veterans Education Benefits

If you are receiving VA veteran’s education benefits, contact your veteran office counselor to inform them of your university withdrawal and update your status. This is a requirement and your duty. You signed a form as a student at the Registrar’s Office with your student agreement.

GU Post Office

Submit a forwarding address to the Gallaudet University PO to forward your mail to you.


After you complete the WD form on Adobe eSign, signatures will be collected from various offices. The final copy will be sent to you after all signatures have been collected.

Contact Us

Office of the Registrar

SLCC Student Service Center

(202) 250-2446

9:00 am-4:30 pm
9:00 am-4:30 pm
9:00 am-4:30 pm
9:00 am-4:30 pm
9:00 am-4:30 pm

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