Areas of Study

Nicole Sutliffe

Chief Administrative Officer

202-250-2302 (videophone)

202-651-5349 (alt)


Nicole Sutliffe

Chief Administrative Officer

Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center

Nicole Sutliffe joined the Clerc Center in 2003, and served as its executive director from 2008 to 2016. In that time, she co-chaired the University Planning and Budget Committee and served as a member of the Crisis Leadership Team, among many other shared governance roles. Upon assuming the role of Chief Administrative Officer in 2016, Ms. Sutliffe has focused on transformational leadership both in the operational functions of the demonstration schools and in the leadership of the Clerc Center’s national outreach and programs. Under the co-leadership of Ms. Sutliffe and the Chief Academic Officer, the Clerc Center has launched a new national online learning platform, developed and provided leadership training programs for school leadership teams, and led transformative efforts through the Regional Early Acquisition of Language (REAL) initiative focused on training and systems change to ensure access to language for all deaf children. Ms. Sutliffe’s background is in finance and business administration. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Rochester and her master’s degree in special education administration from Gallaudet University.

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Nicole Sutliffe



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