Areas of Study



Erin J. Farley joined Gallaudet University as an Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Fall of 2019. Prior to Coming to Gallaudet University, Erin worked at the Justice Research and Statistics Association and the Center for Court Innovation conducting research and evaluation. During her tenure at the Justice Research and Statistics Association Erin also served as the Project Manager for the Training and Technical Assistance Program for the State Statistical Analysis Centers. Erin began her career as an Assistant Professor of Criminology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Erin’s research and intellectual interests include program evaluation and assessment, criminal justice reform, green criminology, environmental harm and justice, and law and society. 

Ph.D., Criminology, University of Delaware, 2007

M.A., Criminology, University of Delaware, 2002

B.S., Psychology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2000

Courses Taught

SOC101: Introduction to Sociology

SOC151: Introduction to the Criminal Justice System

SOC275: Statistics I

SOC295: Special Topics

SOC351: Juvenile Delinquency

SOC395: Special Topics

SOC405: Current Issues in Criminology [focus on policing]

SOC436: Social Inequality: Race, Class and Gender

SOC450 Internship Seminar with Field Experience

SOC491 Senior Capstone Seminar

SOC499: Independent Study

Special Topics Courses Include: Victimology, Corrections, Criminology, & Environmental Inequality & Justice


Select Research Publications


Reich, W. A., Picard-Fritsche, S., Rempel, M., and Farley, E.J. (2016). “Treatment Modality, Failure, and Re-Arrest: A Test of the Risk Principle with Substance-Abusing Criminal Defendants.” Journal of Drug Studies, 46(3): 234-246.


Gunter, W.D., Farley, E.J. and O’Connell, D.J. (2013). “Differentiating Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs among Youth by Self-Treatment and Recreational Motives.” International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 4(2): 245-258.


Lanier, C., and Farley, E.J. (2011). “What Matters Most? Assessing the Influence of

Demographic Characteristics, Individual Level-Risk Factors, and Poly-Drug Use on Nonmedical Prescription Drug Use.” The American Journal of College Health, vol. 59 (8):  721-727.


Hans, V.P, Dann, B.M, Kaye, D.H, Farley, E.J, Albertson, S. (2011) “Science in the Jury Box: Jurors’ Comprehension of Mitochondrial DNA Evidence.” Law and Human Behavior, vol. 35(1): 60-71.


Farley, E.J. and O’Connell, D.J. (Fall/Winter 2010) “Examination of Over-The-Counter Drug Misuse among Youth.” Sociation Today; 8(2).


Kaye, D.H., Hans, V.P., Dann, B.M., Farley, E.J., Albertson, S. (December 2007). “Statistics in the Jury Box: How Juror Respond to Mitochondrial DNA Probabilities.” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies; 4 (4): 797-834.


Hans, V.P., Dann, B.M., Kaye, D.H., Farley, E.J., and Albertson, S. (Fall, 2005). “Testing Jury Reforms.” Delaware Lawyer Vol. 23: 34-36.


Select Research Reports

Farley, E., Engel, L. & Jemison, E. (May 2021). “COVID-19 and the Changing Landscape of Substance Use Disorder Treatment.” Washington, D.C.: Council on Criminal Justice.  


Engel, L., Farley, E., & Tilly, J. (November 2020). “COVID-19 and Opioid Use Disorder.” Washington, D.C.: Council on Criminal Justice.


Penna, D., Whitebread, G., Farley, E.J., & Dolamore, S. (September 2020). “Funding for Accommodations Provided to People with Disabilities including Mandates under the Americans with Disabilities Act.” Washington, DC: Department of Government & Public Affairs, Gallaudet University.


Flower, S.M., Farley, E.J., & Maryfield, B. (September 2018). “Juvenile Offender Diversion Programs/Youth Delinquency and Violent Prevention Workshop: Full Report.” Greenbelt, MD: Choice Research Associates.


Flower, S.M., Farley, E.J. & Maryfield, B. (June 2018). “Juvenile Offender Diversion Programs/Youth Delinquency and Violent Prevention Workshop: Auto Theft Report.” Greenbelt, MD: Choice Research Associates.


Farley, E.J, and Flower, S.M. (September 2017). Years 1 to 5 Re-Referral Snapshot Report Stand Out (SUSO) “Truancy Prevention: Family Engagement and Youth Participation Programs.”  Greenbelt, MD: Choice Research Associates.


Flower, S.M., Farley, E.J., Olaghere, A., Gerhard, L., & Pierotte, L. (September 2016). “Crime Victims Housing Programs Evaluation.” Washington, DC: Justice Research and Statistics Association.


Farley, E.J., & S. Orchowsky. (November 2016). “Results from a State Statistical Analysis Center Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment Survey.” Washington, DC: Justice Research and Statistics Association. 


Flower, S.M., Pierotte, L., Farley, E.J. (September 2016). “Needs Assessment Report: A Survey of Legal Professionals Servicing Victims of Crime in the District of Columbia.” Washington, DC: Justice Research and Statistics Association. 


Tallon, J.A., Kralstein, D., Farley, E.J., & Rempel, M. (September 2016). “The Intelligence-Driven Prosecution Model: A Case Study in the New York County District Attorney’s Office.” New York, NY: Center for Court Innovation


Farley, E.J., & Orchowsky, S. (May 2016). “Measuring the Criminal Justice Impacts of Marijuana Legalization and Decriminalization Using State Data.” Washington, DC: Justice Research and Statistics Association.


Farley, E.J. & Orchowsky, S. (May 2016). “Measuring the Criminal Justice System Impacts of Marijuana Legalization and Decriminalization Using state Data.” Washington, D.C.: Justice Research and Statistics Association.


Picard-Fritsche, Rempel, M., Reich, W., Farley, E., & Kerodal, A. (March 2016). “Implementing Evidence Based Assessment and Treatment Matching: A Feasibility and Impact Study in Three New York City Drug Courts.” New York, NY: Center for Court Innovation.


Farley, E., Rempel, M. & Picard-Fritsche, S. (March 2016). “Assessment and Treatment Matching: A Case Study of Traditional Practices in Three New York City Drug Courts.” New York, NY: Center for Court Innovation.


Labriola, M., Farley, E.J., Rempel, M., Raine, V., & Martin, M. (April 2015). “Indigent Defense Reforms in Brooklyn, New York: An Analysis of Mandatory Case Caps and Attorney Workload.” New York, NY: Center for Court Innovation.


Farley, E.J. (January 2015). “A Process Evaluation of the Manhattan Mental Health Court.” New York, NY: Center for Court Innovation.


Farley, E.J. (December 2014). “A Retrospective Analysis of Medical Malpractice Litigation in Three New York Counties.” New York, NY: Center for Court Innovation.


Reich, W., Farley E.J., Rempel, M., & Lambson, S.H. (June 2014). “Prosecuting 16 and 17 Year-Old Defendants in New York: Outcomes under Conventional Prosecution and the Experimental Adolescent Diversion Program.” New York, NY: Center for Court Innovation.


Farley, E.J., Jensen, E., & Rempel, R. (January 2014). “Improving Courtroom Communication: A Procedural Justice Experiment in Milwaukee.” New York, NY: Center for Court Innovation.


Waller, M.S., Carey, S.M., Farley, E.J., & Rempel, M. (March 2013). “Testing the Cost Savings of Judicial Diversion: Final Report.” New York, NY: Center for Court Innovation.



Currently Teaching

SOC-151 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System Credits: 3
SOC-491 Senior Capstone Seminar I Credits: 3
CRJ-250 Law Enforcement in the United States Credits: 3

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Erin Farley

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