Areas of Study

Brian Greenwald


Arts and HumanitiesHistory

202-250-2431 (videophone)


Brian H. Greenwald, PhD is professor of History and Director of the Drs. John S. & Betty J. Schuchman Center at Gallaudet University. He is co-editor of two books In Our Own Hands: Essays in Deaf History, 1870-1970 and A Fair Chance in the Race of Life: The Role of Gallaudet University in Deaf History. Dr. Greenwald received a NEH grant to gain an understanding of New York City life through documenting the experiences of Deaf New Yorkers across race, generational, and borough boundaries. Currently, he is studying the intersections of eugenics, medicine, and education during the late 19th and early twentieth century. He has presented widely on topics in American Deaf history. He received the Distinguished Faculty Award in 2022. He resides in Annapolis, Maryland with his wife Rebecca and two boys. 


Check out the Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center (SDDC) at:

SDDC is also on Facebook, Instagram and X at @DeafDocCenter. 

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Brian Greenwald


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